Baked tomatoes with minced meat - juicy, tasty, original. A selection of the best recipes for baked tomatoes with minced meat


Baked tomatoes with minced meat can be served as a snack or main course.

Baked minced tomatoes - basic principles of preparation

Bake tomatoes with minced meat in several ways. If they are served as snacks, then the vegetable is cut into slices of medium thickness, spread on a deco, lightly seasoned with aromatic herbs and covered with a layer of minced meat. The baking sheet is sent to the oven and baked for about ten minutes. Then sprinkle with cheese and cook another five minutes. Serve chilled.

Stuffed tomatoes are served as an independent dish. To do this, cut off the top of tomatoes, or cut the fruit in half. The spoon selects the pulp, leaving a fairly thick wall. The tomato pulp is then used to make the filling or sauce.

Stuffing is used any: pork, chicken, beef or mixed. It is desirable to cook it yourself from fresh meat, but if this is not possible, you can use the purchased product.

Vegetables, mushrooms, rice or other toppings are added to the stuffing from minced meat. All mix, season with herbs and salt. Prepared tomatoes are stuffed with minced meat and spread in a deep form. Baking time depends on the composition of the filling.

Recipe 1. Baked minced tomatoes


seven fresh meaty tomatoes;

table salt;

mixed minced meat - 700 g;

shallot head;

freshly ground pepper;

one egg;

fresh parsley - 30 g;

five cloves of garlic;

drain. oil - 30 g;

quarter stack. milk;

quarter stack. breadcrumbs.

Cooking method

Peel three cloves of garlic and chop on a grater. Peel and chop the onion head. Put the onions in the warmed vegetable oil and fry, stirring, until soft. Then add the garlic and sauté for another two minutes. Cool.

Put onion frying in minced meat. Send breadcrumbs here, pour in milk and beat in an egg. Rinse the parsley, dry and chop. Add half the greens to the minced meat. Pepper and salt. Knead the minced meat thoroughly.

Wash the tomatoes, wipe with a napkin and cut off the tops. Spoon out the pulp. Salt tomatoes from the inside and leave for a couple of minutes. Drain the released liquid.

Finely chop the pulp of tomatoes. Add to it two chopped cloves of garlic, the remaining parsley, pepper and salt. Stir.

Stuff the tomatoes tightly with minced meat. Top with cut tops. Pour the tomato sauce made from the pulp into a deep form. Place stuffed tomatoes on it. Put a piece of butter on each. Bake for an hour at 160 C. Serve, garnishing with sprigs of greenery.

Recipe 2. Baked tomatoes with minced meat and eggplant


six fleshy tomatoes;

minced meat - 300 g;

vegetable oil;

medium-sized eggplant;

onion head.


pulp of tomatoes;

grated cheese - 100 g;

tomato paste - 30 g;

table salt;

garlic - two slices;

freshly ground pepper;

sour cream - 60 g.

Cooking method

Wash the tomatoes, wipe with a napkin and cut off the tops. With a spoon, carefully remove the pulp from the tomatoes, leaving not too thin walls. Finely chop the pulp of tomatoes and put in a bowl.

Peel the onion and chop. Passer the vegetable in hot oil, stirring regularly, until transparent. Wash eggplant, wipe and cut into small pieces. Put them in a colander, sprinkle with salt and leave for a while. Then rinse, squeeze and add to the pan. Cover and cook over moderate heat for a quarter of an hour, stirring occasionally, until the eggplants are soft. Now add the minced meat and cook, carefully smashing with a spatula, until cooked. Pepper and salt topping.

Heat a little oil in a separate pan. Put the pulp of tomatoes and bring to a boil. Stew for about ten minutes. Salt, pepper, add tomato paste, sour cream, chopped garlic. Stir well and simmer for a couple of minutes.

Combine minced meat with tomato sauce. Shuffle. Place the tomatoes in deep form. Stuff the tomatoes with the filling. Sprinkle with grated cheese on top and place for 20 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.

Recipe 3. Baked Tomatoes with Minced Meat and Rice


eight fleshy tomatoes;

a glass of drinking water;

rice - 100 g;

table salt;

minced meat - 300 g;


onion head;

large egg;

sour cream - 60 g.

Cooking method

Sort the rice, put it in a deep cup and rinse until the water is clear. Transfer the groats to the stewpan, pour boiling water so that it completely covers the rice. Cook on low heat for 20 minutes. Then throw it in a colander and leave to get rid of excess moisture.

Rinse the peeled onion head and grate it on a fine grater. Combine minced meat with chopped onions and boiled rice. Beat the egg, salt, season with spices. Add sour cream. Knead the minced meat thoroughly until smooth.

Wash tomatoes, wipe. Cut off the top from each and take out the pulp with a teaspoon. Fill the tomatoes with minced meat and place in a deep form, cover with the tops. Pour some drinking water into the bottom. Send the form to the oven, preheating it to 190 C. Bake for half an hour. Serve with fresh herbs and sour cream.

Recipe 4. Baked tomatoes with minced meat and mushrooms.


ten ripe tomatoes;

fresh parsley;

mixed minced meat - 300 g;

freshly ground pepper;

two onions;

table salt;

three cloves of garlic;

vegetable oil;

champignons - 350 g;

30 g sour cream;

200 g of grated cheese.

Cooking method

Wash the washed tomatoes with a napkin. Gently cut off the tops. With a spoon, carefully remove the pulp.

Place the pulp of tomatoes in a blender bowl and beat in a homogeneous mixture. Salt minced meat, season with pepper. Peel the garlic and onion, rinse. Grind the vegetables on a fine grater and add to the minced meat. Season with spices to your taste and mix well.

Free the second onion from the husk and crumble finely. Peel the champignons from thin skin, cut the legs. Rinse the mushrooms, dry and cut into thin plates. Heat the frypot with oil well. Pass the onion in it until soft. Add mushrooms and continue to fry, stirring regularly, until the liquid evaporates. Put the minced meat and cook, breaking it with a spatula, until the color changes. Add chopped greens and tomato mixture. Stir and simmer for two minutes. Cool. Add the grated cheese and sour cream. Stir again and remove from heat.

Stuff the tomatoes with the filling. Put them in a deep form, sprinkle with grated cheese and cover with the tops. Put for forty minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.

Recipe 5. Baked tomatoes with minced meat and bell pepper


two kg of tomatoes;


750 g of minced meat;

table salt;

three pods of green bell pepper;

freshly ground black pepper;

two pods of red bell pepper;

onion head;

stack tomato juice.

Cooking method

Take large, ripe, fleshy tomatoes. Wash them, wipe with a napkin and cut into slices one and a half centimeters thick, without cutting to the end.

Peel the onion head. Crumble it finely and add to minced meat. Pods of bell pepper free from the stalk and clean from seeds. Cut a few ringlets for decoration. Finely chop the remaining pulp and add it to the minced meat. Pepper, salt and mix thoroughly.

Put minced meat in the cuts so that you get a kind of "accordion". Oil the pan. Put tomatoes stuffed with minced meat on it. Sprinkle oil on top. Pour tomato juice over everything. Place the tomatoes in the oven for forty minutes. Bake until browned. Garnish with pepper rings and serve.

Recipe 6. Baked Tomatoes with Minced Meat and Spicy Herbs


half a kilogram of beef pulp;

table salt;

eight fresh tomatoes;

freshly ground black pepper;

70 g of sun-dried tomatoes;

20 g chopped parsley;

onion head;

10 g dried oregano;

50 g of tomato puree;

10 ml of barbecue sauce.

Cooking method

Wash, strip the beef pulp from the films and veins. Slice the meat and twist in a meat grinder.

Rinse the peeled onion and chop finely. Fry the minced meat in a hot pan, carefully breaking it with a spatula. Add onions and continue to fry until the liquid evaporates. Cut dried tomatoes into strips and add to the pan. Send the sauce and tomato puree here. Season with salt, oregano and pepper. Shuffle.

Wash fresh tomatoes, wipe and cut off the tops. Take out the pulp with a spoon, leaving not too thin walls. Fill the tomatoes with minced meat, cover with the tops and put into the mold. Place in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 25 minutes. Serve decorated with greens.

Baked minced tomatoes - tips and tricks

Tomatoes must be fleshy.

To get rid of excess fluid, salt the tomatoes from the inside and leave for a while.

Stuffing for the filling can be used raw, or pre-fried.

Tomatoes are covered with a delicious crust if they are crushed with grated cheese.


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