What do we know about the benefits of soy protein? Amazing information about soy protein, its content in products, benefits and harms


One of the most important elements in the body is protein, thanks to which the muscles, cells and tissues of the human body are supported. Soy protein is no exception. Opinions about the benefits of soy protein are divided, and debates about the need for its use are flaring up more often. So is soy protein harmful and what are its benefits?

What is soy protein and what is it for?

Among all plant proteins, it is soya that stands out. Soy protein is actively used in various areas of life around the world. It belongs to the legume family and is made from soybeans. Soy has been known to man for more than a century, and China is considered its homeland.

The popularity and prevalence of soy is due to its taste similarity to meat. Soy protein is not inferior to natural meat in the content of protein and minerals.

Soya is used universally as food additives, soy protein, meat substitute and the main component of some products: soy sauce, milk, tofu cheese.

Benefits of Soy Protein

Despite endless discussions about the properties of soy, scientists nevertheless noted that soy is not inferior to other vegetable proteins and highlighted its most important and useful properties:

· Similarity to meat

Soy is half protein. A large amount of protein and minerals in soy can completely replace natural meat. Moreover, soy protein does not lag behind meat in terms of taste, perfectly copying the well-known taste.

Hypoallergenic protein

Unlike animal proteins, which quite often provoke allergies, soy is hypoallergenic. Also, soy protein is perfect for people who are vegetarian and vegan, making up for the lack of protein.

Vitamin content

Soy is rich in vitamins and minerals such as tocopherol and B vitamins.

· Beneficial effect on the hormonal background of women

Studies have shown that soy protein has a positive effect on a woman's body during the onset of the first signs of menopause, preventing complications.

· Lecithin content

Lecithin is a substance that activates the burning of fats in the human body and speeds up the metabolism, which makes soya an excellent product for weight loss.

· Lack of cholesterol

Soy protein does not contain cholesterol at all, but all the benefits of real meat are preserved, which is why soy is more useful than a meat product.

· Stabilization of the nervous system

Soya has a positive effect on concentration, improves memory, and activates thought processes.

Soy Protein

Soy protein has a positive effect on muscle mass growth, and also saturates them with protein and other beneficial components.

Also, soy protein prevents cancer in women by lengthening the cycle.

Soya nourishes the body with starch and fiber, which stabilize the gastrointestinal tract, removing all toxins and toxins.

Given all of the above, we can conclude that soy has a lot of useful qualities and properties.

The harm of soy protein to the human body

Despite the huge list of advantages of soy protein, it still has some contraindications and can even harm human health.

· Contraindicated in children

Soy protein should not be consumed categorically by children under 12 years of age, since soy can provoke diseases of the endocrine system.

· Negative effects on puberty in children

Soy consumption by children can lead to puberty problems. Boys suffer from delayed puberty, girls on the contrary - they mature faster than normal.

Diseases of the endocrine system

Strongly should not eat soy products to people with thyroid disease and urogenital diseases.

· Contraindicated in pregnancy

Soy contains a large number of hormones that can negatively affect the development of the fetus during pregnancy.

· Contraindicated during lactation

Soy protein should not be used during breastfeeding, as the substances contained in soy can adversely affect the development of the child.

Excessive intake of soy protein

Uncontrolled consumption of soy products and protein, activates the early aging of the body.

What foods contain soy protein?

Soy protein is widely used in a wide variety of food products.

Soy in dairy products:

Soy Yogurt

Tofu Soy Cheese

Soy milk, kefir, mayonnaise

In terms of taste, dairy soy products almost do not differ from identical products on animal protein and, at times, are much more useful.

Soy protein in other foods:


Soybean flour is made from soybean seeds and is superior in its benefits to other types of flour, and also does not contain starch.

· Meat

· Soya beans

· Soy sauce

Soy sauce is an excellent dressing for salads, rice and fish dishes, but it cannot boast of invaluable benefits. Soy sauce contains a harmful amount of soy.

· Butter

Soybean oil is often used for frying and as a salad dressing. Such a product is obtained by squeezing soybean seeds. Soy Protein Oil is Rich in Vitamin E.


Soy chocolate production differs only in the replacement of cocoa beans with soybeans. This chocolate is low in calories and is suitable for overweight people and vegetarians.

· Baking and pastry

The lecithin component is added to mass-produced baked goods to give the desired consistency to confectionery creams.

Special attention should be paid to soy meat, because, according to many people, replacing natural meat with soy protein is not a plus. This is a mistake, since soy is no less useful than meat and is not inferior to animal protein in the content of useful trace elements and nutrition. Soy meat does not contain cholesterol and low-calorie, which makes it available even for losing weight people. In the modern world, replacing soy meat is very common; sausages, sausages, dumplings, khinkali, manti and much more are made from it.

The benefits of soy protein in sports nutrition

Soy protein is not the most common diet for athletes, but its effect on muscle mass cannot be ignored. It is preferred by bodybuilders or people who are actively engaged in fitness and want to achieve an emphasized muscle relief.

Athletes do not eat soy products, but soy isolate. Soy protein perfectly saturates the body's cells with energy and beneficial amino acids.

Soy protein-based sports nutrition has long gone over to mass production. Soy protein can be diluted with plain water or fruit juices. Before use, you must read the instructions for use. It is optimal to take the protein half an hour or an hour before training or immediately after it. Do not eat soy protein at night. If signs of constipation appear, stop eating soy based sports nutrition.

In conclusion, soy protein is a very controversial product. Disputes about its benefits and harms are unlikely to subside in the near future. When thinking about the use of soybeans, individual factors of the body must be considered.


Watch the video: Is Soy Bad for You? (July 2024).