"Tears of an angel" - a cake or tart? Secrets and variants of the "Tears of an Angel" cake with cottage cheese, semolina, bananas, chocolate


A delicious cake (also called "tart") "Tears of an Angel" got its name because of the droplets of moisture that really appear on the finished product. It turns out touching and very unusual. At the same time, there is nothing complicated in preparing the dessert: you can literally master the baking of shortbread cake with two layers right the first time.

In addition to the classic recipe, creative housewives use different variations of the "Tears of an Angel" cake. Therefore, you can choose the appropriate option that will appeal to all households, and include it in the family culinary piggy bank. A fabulous taste - this is how you can briefly describe the impression of a popular homemade cake.

Cake "Tears of an angel" - general principles of preparation

Simplicity and speed of cooking are the undoubted advantages of the Tear of an Angel cake. Do not have to bother with a biscuit, layering cakes, cook breathtaking creams. Everything is simple, but elegantly and wonderfully tasty.

The shortbread dough is made from flour, eggs, baking powder, butter and sugar. If you are not afraid of margarine in baking, you can replace it with butter. It will be cheaper, but practically will not affect the taste.

The main part of the "Tears of an Angel" cake is two layers. The first in the classic recipe is made from cottage cheese, in variable recipes - from cream. You can add semolina to the cottage cheese. The second layer is whipped proteins dried in the oven. Fruit versions of the cake allow the use of peaches, bananas, apples as a layer.

The cake is baked in the oven at a temperature of about 180 °. The iron form is coated with oil or covered with parchment paper. If the house has a slow cooker, you can experiment with a baking program.

Cake "Tears of an angel"

The classic recipe for the delicious Tears of an Angel cake is cooked quickly, although there are many ingredients. It’s worth starting with this dessert option: simple, tasty and spectacular when serving.


• a glass of white flour;

• half a pack of butter;

• egg in the dough;

• a tablespoon of sugar in the dough (you can don’t put sugar at all or make the cake more sweet);

• a teaspoon of baking powder;

• a pound of cottage cheese;

• three yolks in curd cream;

• one hundred grams of sour cream (you can take village cream);

• a bag of vanillin.

In the souffle:

• three proteins;

• three tablespoons of powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

Soften the oil.

Beat with a mixer eggs, butter, sugar.

Sift flour with baking powder.

Add the flour mixture to the egg-oil base and knead the dough.

Wrap it in film or put in a bag and put in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Put the cold dough in a detachable (preferably) form, fashion rather high, not too thin sides.

Prick the future cake with a fork and again remove for twenty minutes in the cold.

Preheat the oven and bake the cake.

Prepare the cream by mixing cottage cheese, sour cream, yolks, sugar and vanilla. Better beat with a mixer.

Ready cake without cooling, pour the curd filling and return to the oven.

Lower the temperature to 160 °, bake for half an hour.

Beat the whites by adding salt on the tip of the knife. After the appearance of the foam, gradually pour the entire norm of powdered sugar.

Beat the yolks for a long time, until the consistency of steep peaks is achieved (when turning the bowl with whipped proteins, the mass should remain motionless).

To get pastries, to fill in a protein layer, to level with a silicone spatula.

Return the mold to the oven again for 15 minutes without raising the temperature.

Cover the finished product with a high wide plate or lid and leave it in this condition for two hours. When you remove the lid, moisture droplets will be visible on the surface of the cake. These are the "tears".

Cake "Tears of an angel" with semolina

This baking variant is prepared with the addition of semolina. Due to the cereal, the curd layer is higher, denser and does not fall after cooling.


• a glass of white flour (250-260 grams);

• egg;

• one hundred grams of butter;

• a teaspoon of baking powder;

• three glasses of fat cottage cheese;

• half a glass of granulated sugar;

• a glass of cream or sour cream;

• three yolks (in curd cream);

• a tablespoon of pure semolina;

• three proteins in the meringue;

• half a glass of powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

Grate frosted butter quickly on a coarse grater.

Add all dry ingredients to the butter and knead the dough with your hands.

Allow to cool in the refrigerator.

Bake the cake.

Cook the curd filling by combining the curd, cream, yolks, sugar and semolina.

Beat the cream with a blender.

Next, prepare the "Tears of an Angel" cake as described above.

To get the droplets, you just can’t remove the cake from the oven for an hour and a half.

Cake "Tears of an angel" with peaches

A successful fruit version of the "Tears of an Angel" cake does not have to be cooked with peaches. You can take any canned fruit. Baking is interesting because it has a lot of curd filling - it turns out a lush, satisfying layer of cottage cheese with peaches.


In the dough:

• four tablespoons of sugar;

• one hundred and fifty grams of flour;

• egg;

• two yolks;

• seventy-five grams of oil;

• a spoon of baking powder.

In curd cream:

• eight hundred grams of cottage cheese;

• one hundred and fifty grams of fat cream;

• four yolks;

• a spoonful of corn starch;

• a glass of sugar;

• lemon;

• vanillin;

• a can of canned peaches;

• four proteins;

• two thirds of a glass of powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

Make shortcrust pastry from these ingredients and bake cakes as described in the first recipe.

Removed from the zest of lemon.

Prepare the curd cream by adding the zest to it and pour on the baked cake.

Dip the halves of the peaches with the round side up in the curd mass and send to the oven.

Bake a cake with a curd-peach layer for at least an hour.

Beat the mass for meringues, spread over the cottage cheese.

Bake the cake with the top layer at a temperature of 110 ° for an hour.

Leave the dessert to cool in the oven.

Cake "Angel Tears" with chocolate and raspberries

Fans of sweet aromas and chocolate will like the berry-chocolate version of the "Tears of an Angel" cake. Raspberries add spice to the dessert.


• a glass of sifted flour (180 grams);

• half a pack of oil;

• a teaspoon of baking powder;

• six hundred grams of cottage cheese;

• four hundred grams of sugar;

• four proteins;

• five yolks;

• one egg;

• a strip of dark chocolate (twenty grams);

• two dessert spoons of cocoa powder;

• a glass of fresh or frozen raspberries.

Cooking method:

Make shortcrust pastry from butter, flour, baking powder, one egg, two yolks and one hundred grams of granulated sugar.

Send the sand base to the oven for twenty minutes.

From cottage cheese, three yolks, 150 grams of sugar, cocoa and four tablespoons of sour cream, beat the cream in a blender.

Put raspberries on the finished cake, bake for about fifteen minutes.

Pour cottage cheese with cake and bake for about forty minutes.

Beat the remaining sugar with proteins.

Fill the curd layer with proteins.

Grate chocolate and sprinkle crumbs on the protein layer.

Bake the cake until cooked for about an hour and a half, reducing the temperature to 110 °.

Cake "Tears of an angel" in a slow cooker

If desired, you can cook the cake "Tears of an Angel" in a slow cooker. It turns out, rather, a curd cake, but still very tasty.


In the dough:

• one hundred grams of butter;

• a tablespoon of sour cream;

• yolk;

• two tablespoons of sugar;

• a glass of flour;

• baking powder.

In curd cream:

• a pound of fresh cottage cheese;

• a tablespoon of sour cream;

• two yolks;

• one hundred grams of sugar.

In the souffle:

• three proteins;

• three tablespoons of powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

Prepare shortcrust pastry, set in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Cover the bottom of the bowl with parchment paper, leaving rather high ends (you can remove the cake for them).

Put and flatten the dough, chop with a fork.

Bake on the appropriate program for forty minutes.

Beat curd cream.

On the baked cake, put the curd cream first, then the protein souffle.

Bake another hour.

Remove the finished cake from the bowl and allow to cool.

Banana cake "Tears of an angel" without cottage cheese

The original version of the cake, which is baked without any cottage cheese, can be tasted for the sake of a light banana flavor.


• one hundred gram piece of butter;

• three eggs;

• three hundred grams of flour;

• a glass of sugar (250 g);

• three bananas;

• 350 grams of thick sour cream.

Cooking method:

Prepare the dough by combining flour, butter, half the norm of sugar and three yolks.

Put in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Cut the peeled bananas into thin slices.

Distribute the dough in shape, chop.

Arrange bananas.

Put sour cream on top.

Bake twenty minutes.

Beat the whites with the second half of sugar.

Pour whipped squirrels onto the surface of the cake.

Place in the oven until the meringues are ready.

Cool the cake, and then put on the shelf of the refrigerator for half an hour.

During the time spent in the cold, the cake will be decorated with droplets, tears.

Cake "Tears of an angel" - tricks and useful tips

  • Shortcrust dough must be kept in the refrigerator before baking. This will make it more elastic, tastier.
  • Instead of shortbread, you can take ready-made store cookies. It needs to be crumbled, mixed with oil and form the base, trying to make a traditional side. Hold the prepared form before baking in the refrigerator for about twenty minutes.
  • Very tasty cake with apples. Only not with raw, but with pre-stewed ones. The apples are peeled and seeds cut into small cubes, covered with a small amount of sugar, sprinkled with lemon juice and put on a medium burner. Apple cubes will give juice, after which they need to be poured with three tablespoons of water with the addition of a small amount of starch and simmer until completely mashed. At the end, you can add a spoonful of butter and mix everything.
  • If the proteins for the top layer do not thicken in any way, you need to pour half a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice into the bottom of them.
  • To make the curd layer tender, the curd must be rubbed through a sieve.


Watch the video: Real Life Trick Shots. Dude Perfect (July 2024).