White and black is the Oreo cake. In search of an exquisite harmony of taste: recipes for sponge cake and sand cake "Oreo" (with fruit, chocolate, cottage cheese)


A completely new invention of confectioners - cake "Oreo". Confectioners-innovators were inspired by white-filled chocolate chip cookies that appeared on the market. There is nothing special about cookies. It is clear that advertising is the engine of trade, but in the case of the Oreo cake, it also turned out to be an incentive for the confectioners' new creative plan.

Oreo cake is at the initial stage of its creation. Its appearance is very reminiscent of the story of the creation of “Bird's milk” cake, when there was a certain idea of ​​the dessert, the name had already been invented, but until the final, approved version, which has already become a classic these days, there were still dozens of test recipes to be made.

The same thing, right before our eyes, happens with the Oreo cake: there is a name, a general plan, but the final recipe, which will be close to ideal, remains to be discovered. Professional confectioners, amateurs, and even housewives, who are not at all sophisticated in the confectionery craft, are actively participating in these searches.

Let's see what came of it.

Oreo cake - basic technological principles

The main points that must be observed in drawing up the technological map of the cake are only two: appearance and taste.

Cake "Oreo" should be similar to the popular cookies of the same name: black and white, contrasting and, at the same time, perfect harmony. Chocolate, denser base of the cake, as in cookies, is combined with a delicate white cream. Nothing extra.

For dough and cream, cocoa, chocolate, cream and other dairy products, eggs, vegetable and cream fats, flour, sugar and flavorings are used in different variations. You can use nuts and dried fruits.

If you really want bright colors, add berries or fruits as decorative elements of the surface. In the end, this cake does not yet have a strict recipe, and small fruity notes on its taste will not significantly affect.

The taste of the cake should be sustained in the chocolate and cream range. But with the consistency of the base and cream, you can experiment. Feel free to use well-known technologies for the preparation of cream: custard, protein, cream. These are the main three types of creams, which can also be divided into several subgroups. Using a combination of different types of cream is also allowed. The main requirement for the cream is lightness, delicate, melting texture and, necessarily, white color. For uniqueness of the recipe, you can add crumbs of cookies, nuts, dried fruits or chocolate to the cream.

For the base, biscuit and other types of bulk dough are ideal: on sour cream, on kefir or yogurt, on milk. It can even be an ordinary pancake dough, a thicker consistency. The basis for the cake is easy to prepare from the products that are currently at hand. But the composition of the test must necessarily include cocoa, and the dough must have a significant density in the finished form, a rather greasy consistency. Is the shortcrust pastry good? Wonderful. Make a base from shortcrust pastry: in fact, it has the greatest resemblance to cookies, which have become the main idea of ​​the cake.

If you don’t have time, just buy a cookie, chop it, add sugar, butter and milk, a little vanilla - and in five minutes you will get a wonderful shortbread dough that you won’t even have to bake. Bold improvisation is our everything!

You can cook "Oreo" in American, English or French style: cheesecake, tiramisu, "broken glass" in black and white tones also look attractive and appetizing.

The recipes below are not dogma, but an incentive for creative inspiration.

1. Oreo cake with a delicate chocolate biscuit

Ingredients for cakes:

Cocoa 90 g

Flour 270 g

Egg (d-1) 3 pcs.

Sugar 450 g

Milk 240 ml

Vegetable oil 120 ml

Water 250 ml

Baking powder for dough 25 g

Salt and vanilla extract to taste

For decor:

Oreo cookies 7 pcs.

Melted Chocolate 50 g

For cream:

Cream cheese 1.2 kg

Oil 82.5% 390 g

360 g powder

Vanilla Essence 15 mg


In a deep bowl, combine the dry ingredients of the dough by first sifting the flour and cocoa. Stir the dry mixture. Pour butter, milk into the recess, beat the eggs (one at a time). Having thoroughly mixed the dough, pour in hot boiled water (95-100? C). Mix again: the dough should be sufficiently liquid, similar to kefir.

Prepare a round detachable shape (24 cm), lining its bottom with baking paper.

Pour the dough and put in the preheated to 180? C oven, for about 40-50 minutes. Be sure to check the readiness of the cake: its surface should be springy. Inside the cake is checked with a wooden stick.

After baking, put the finished product on the wire rack for ten minutes. Then remove from the mold, turn over onto a wire rack, cool. Wrap the biscuit in a cling film and put in the refrigerator for 8-10 hours for aging. After cut into three pieces, horizontally.

Cakes can be baked separately, dividing the ingredients for the dough into three parts, kneading and baking them, one after another.

Beat the butter with powder until a delicate cream shade. Cool cream cheese and mix with butter cream with a spatula until smooth. Add while flavoring (optional).

Combine the cakes with a cream, dividing it into 4 parts. Cover the side of the cake with the same cream. Transfer the fourth part into a pastry bag. In the center of the cake, mark the circle. Melted chocolate, thin stream, apply the grid according to the marking. Around the chocolate net from the pastry bag, drop the hemispherical cream. Place Oreo cookies in each cream ball. Soak the cake in the cold for at least three hours before serving.

2. Oreo cake with chocolate cream biscuit and icing


Eggs (D-1) 4 pcs.

Oil (72.5%) 120 g

Sugar 180 g


Vanilla essence 4 mg

Flour 180 g

Cocoa 60 g

Chocolate liqueur 100 ml (for impregnation)

Cream Souffle:

Eggs 3 pcs.

Oil 90 g

Powder 120 g

Confectionery cream 300 g

Instant gelatin 30 g

Water 150 ml

Rum and vanilla essence - to taste

For decor:

Whipped Cream - 200 g

Dark chocolate, without fillers 150 g

Coconut Flakes 30 g

Operating procedure:

Preheat the oven to 180? C. Cut a circle from the baking paper along the diameter of the cake - 24-26 cm. Lay the paper on the bottom of the mold.

Divide the eggs into squirrels and yolks. Cool whites before whipping, and leave the yolks at room temperature. First thoroughly mash the yolks with the cooked sugar. Add gradually softened oil while continuing to whisk. Into the same mass enter the essence, add a pinch of salt. Beat the proteins until they increase in volume by 7-8 times: the foam must be stable. Introduce the yolk mass into the proteins in batches, stirring until smooth with a spatula.

Combine the total mass of cocoa with flour, mix and sift in parts into the butter and egg portion of the dough. Work with a spatula quickly and carefully, preventing beaten eggs from settling. Transfer the dough into a mold, bake immediately.

Take the biscuit out of the oven and place it on the wire rack. When cool, remove from the mold. Turn over, paper up, remove the parchment. Wrap the biscuit in a film, put in the refrigerator for eight hours. Then divide along the horizontal line into three identical cakes. Soak each one with chocolate liquor.

Cream souffle.

Separate the squirrels from the yolks again. Break the yolks into a lush cream with oil and powder, add the essence. Dissolve gelatin in warm water (30? C), strain it to remove lumps.

Into the whipped whites to a strong foam, introduce a thin stream of dissolved gelatin, continuing to whisk at high speeds of the mixer. Add the second part of the cream, one spoonful, stirring with a spatula.

Put one cake in a detachable form and put 1/3 of the cooked cream on it. Refrigerate for 30 minutes. Keep the rest of the cream at 25-30 ° C so that it does not have time to freeze. When the cream on the surface of the cake is compacted, put the second cake, and cover it with the second part of the cream. Again - in the cold for half an hour. Put the third cake on top of the cream, cover it with the rest, and cool. After that, you can remove the cake from the mold and put it on a rotating stand for decoration. Cover the surface of the cake with whipped cream, smooth with a spatula. Put the rest of the cream from a pastry bag with a curly nozzle on the side of the cake. Put the cake in the refrigerator to cool the creamy surface.

Grate 50 g of chocolate on a medium grater, and melt the rest with steam. For shine and plasticity of chocolate glaze, enter 20-30 g of oil and 25 mg of rum (you can use vodka or cognac).

Pour the melted chocolate onto the center of the cake, and let it flow freely. Put the cake in the cold again for a few minutes. After that, sprinkle the white cream with chocolate chips, and sprinkle with coconut on top of the "spilled" chocolate.

3. Oreo cake on a sand basis

Products for shortcrust pastry, chocolate:

Cocoa (powder), 100% 100 g

Wheat flour (first grade) 240 g

Vanillin, crystalline 8 g

Baking powder 15 g

Refined sugar 100 g

Oil (or spread) 160 g

Yolks 4 pcs.

For cream:

Gelatin 25 g

Squirrels 4 pcs.

Oreo cookies 10 pcs.

Essence 5 mg

Powder 120 g

Citric acid 1 g

Gelatin 15 g

For decor:

Oreo cookies 10-12 pcs.

Whipped cream, confectionery 100 g

Chocolate decor (medallions, mesh)

Cooking Technology:

In the mixer, combine the yolks with sugar and butter, add the vanilla powder. Beat for 7-8 minutes. Sift and combine cocoa and flour, add baking powder, pour the dry mixture into the liquid part of the dough. Stir until smooth. Divide the finished dough into 2 parts, wrap them in a film and place in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Sprinkle the baking dish with flour. Preheat the oven to 200-210? C. Roll out round cakes from the dough (? 26cm). Use a rolling pin to transfer them to the mold. With a fork or knife, pierce each cake in several places. Bake until cooked.

Dissolve gelatin in water. Beat chilled proteins until stable foam. At the end of whipping, add a solution of citric acid (1 g / 30 ml of water), and then pour in the gelatin. Combine the finished cream with a small crumb of Oreo cookies. If desired, crushed nuts, chocolate chips can be added to the protein cream.

Put the sand cake in a detachable form. Put the whole cream on it, smooth it and put the cake pan in the refrigerator. Put the second cake on the frozen cream. Remove the hoop, put the cake on a stand.

Cover the surface with whipped cream. On the side with cream, fix the cookie, having previously disconnected its halves, turning the cream layer inward. Around the circumference of the cream with a syringe or pastry bag draw a border. In the center, draw a chocolate net by squeezing melted chocolate from the cornet, and on top of the grid, put round medallions in a checkerboard pattern (you can use colored chocolate).

4. Oreo cake: add light fruity notes

For the cake:

Chocolate cream biscuit (according to the recipe No. 2)

Mascarpone 300 g

Oil 82.5% 150 g

Condensed milk (8.5%) 400 g

Gelatin 25 g

Water 150 ml

Chocolate, milk 100 g

Vanilla Extract 10 mg

For decor:

Whipped cream

Oreo cookies;

Strawberries, fresh (large berries of the same size) - by the number of servings

Operating procedure:

Cook the biscuit as described in the second recipe, but divide it into two cakes. Put the oil in the mixer bowl. Beat it until white, then gradually add vanilla extract, condensed milk and cheese (you can use any other cream cheese or curd mass with a high percentage of fat content). Dissolve the gelatin in advance, and add it to the cream. Mix thoroughly with a spatula. Keep the cream in the refrigerator until it begins to solidify, and then pour the melted chocolate into it and mix in a circular motion, so that a chocolate pattern forms.

In the form with a removable side, put the first cake. Pour cream on it, smooth the surface. Let it harden, and then put the second cake on top.

Soak the finished cake in the refrigerator for six hours, remove from the mold, transfer to a stand and decorate with whipped pastry cream, whole strawberries and Oreo cookies:

Sprinkle the side of the cake with a tiny cookie;

Top with whipped cream, smooth the surface, and lay the cookies in a circle. Drop the turrets from the cream onto it from the syringe. The inner circle is strawberries covered in cream. In the center is a cookie set vertically in a circle.

5. Oreo cake - a gentle curd dessert without baking


Oreo cookies 500 g

Milk pasteurized 200 ml

Sugar 100 g

Vanilla 5 g

Cognac 40 ml

Oil 250 g

Curd (36%) 400 g

Cream (33%) 350 g (including 100 g for decoration)

Powder 100 g

Chocolate chips 100 g

Gelatin 25 g

Warm milk 150 ml

For decor:

Chocolate balls and rings ("Nestle" breakfast cereals) 50 g

Cooking Technology:

Grind cookies in any way possible. Dissolve sugar, vanilla powder in hot milk, add cognac. Pour the milk into the crumbs from the cookies, mix, cover the container with a film, and let stand so that the cookies absorb the milk mixture well. Add soft oil, rub the mass well.

Grease a mold with a detachable board, put parchment paper on the bottom. Put the cooked dough from cookies onto the bottom of the mold and smooth, forming a cake, 1.0-1.5 cm thick. Put it in the refrigerator to freeze the butter.

Beat the curd mass to splendor, adding powder and essence. Pour in the milk with the gelatin dissolved in it. Shuffle. Whip the cold cream, add the curd cream to them, stir the cream again with a spoon. Pour the chocolate chips into the cream.

Transfer, starting to harden the creamy mass, on cake, in the form. Put in a refrigerator. Transfer the frozen cake to the stand. Garnish the sides with whipped cream (100 ml + 50 g powder). Decorate the surface with corn balls and ringlets.

6. Oreo cake without baking on sour cream with dried fruits

Product Composition:

Prunes, pitted 220 g

Dried apricots 100 g

Raisins 80 g

Oreo cookies 0.5 kg

Sour cream, homemade (36%) 600 g

Gelatin 30 g

Milk 280 ml

Sugar 250 g

Cocoa 100 g

Vanilla essence 5 mg

Order of preparation:

Combine part of sugar (100 g) with cocoa powder, mix and cook cocoa with milk. Add gelatin, a vanilla flavor, to the cooling drink. Beat sour cream with the rest of the sugar, until a lush consistency, and pour warm cocoa into it when whipping.

Take a large hemispherical bowl. Cover it with a film inside. Lay the cookies on the bottom and walls of the dishes in layers, covering each layer of cookies with sour cream and pouring with prepared dried fruits. Place the cake in a bowl for twelve hours in the refrigerator.

When it hardens well, turn the bowl over onto the cake dish and carefully remove the film.

Cake "Oreo" - useful tips and tricks

If you liked the cake recipe, but the Oreo cookies weren’t available, it’s not a problem. Take any shortbread cookies, and it’s not necessary that it be chocolate. Add cocoa to the crumb for the dough, and cookies for decor can easily be “painted” with chocolate icing - it will turn out even more interesting.

Do not forget that for confectionery products you need to use only the products themselves, only the highest grade, especially if they are not subjected to heat treatment.


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