The saffron cake recipes with custard - they are so different, they are so cool! The most honey cake recipes "Ginger" with custard


Ginger is an affectionate name for a gentle honey cake. It can be prepared in many ways. One of the popular options is a custard layer. Still would! He is so delicious! Only here is a selection of the most successful cake recipes "Ginger" with custard.

Cake "Ginger" with custard - general principles of preparation

The dough for saffron milk is usually prepared with heating and honey is definitely added to it. It is this ingredient that makes the cake special, incredibly fragrant, delicate. Usually the mass is kneaded with a rolling pin, which is steep for rolling, but sometimes the dough is prepared semi-liquid as a biscuit, it all depends on the recipe chosen.

What else is present in the test:

• eggs;

• fats;

• flour;

• sugar;

• soda.

All this is mixed strictly according to technology. If the dough is steep, then the cakes roll out as thin as possible, usually done directly on the baking sheet. Then you need to give the formation the correct shape. To do this, a lid or dish is applied, all excess is cut off. These pieces are laid out nearby and also baked, they are useful for the crumbs to which the cake is sprinkled.

Honey cakes are baked at 200 degrees. Usually they cook very quickly, literally 2-3 minutes. While one is baking, you need to have time to roll out its replacement so that the oven is not empty. As for pricking with a fork, they are optional. Even if the cake is inflated somewhere, it still remains relatively flat. The accuracy of the formation rolling affects the curvature more.

The cream is prepared with custard. Below there are many variations that are perfect for honey cakes. Cakes are lubricated after complete cooling. The camelina does not need decoration, it is enough to sprinkle it with chopped scraps. But there are more interesting options, some of them can be found just below.

Classic saffron cake recipe with custard

A variant of the usual recipe for the cake "Ginger" with custard and aromatic honey dough. It is not necessary to knead it in oil; if necessary, margarine can be used.


• two large eggs (1 category);

• honey 2 full Art. l .;

• 1 tsp soda;

• 0.25 kg of refined sugar;

• oil 0.5 packs (100 g);

• A pound of flour, perhaps a little more.

For milk custard:

• whole milk 3.2% 400 ml;

• pack of oil;

• 130 g of sugar;

• two tablespoons of flour.


1. We put a water bath. In a bowl we throw butter with sand (half) and honey, melt with a weak boil of water for about ten minutes.

2. In the second bowl, beat the eggs, the remaining sugar and baking soda. The egg will be coffee-colored from soda, this is normal.

3. Combine the hot honey mixture with beaten eggs, and do not stop whipping, so as not to cook the proteins with the yolks. Leave for a couple of minutes. Soda will react, begin to hiss a little.

4. Now we fill the flour and prepare the dough. If you need more, then add. The dough should be thick. We divide it into 6-7 parts, transfer it to the refrigerator.

5. We heat the oven. Roll out one thin cake, put the lid on the pan or plate, cut off all the excess. Send a flat cake to bake. We leave the scraps on a baking sheet and also bake.

6. Combine the sugar and flour for the milk cream, add the yolks from two eggs to them, beat and dilute the mass with whole milk, mix. We put on the stove. Cook a thick cream, then cool. We soften the butter, beat and spread in the brewed milk mass. Add vanilla.

7. Grease the honey cakes of the cake "Ginger" cooked cream. We grind the scraps of cakes that we baked, we use them to sprinkle the top and sides.

Chocolate cake recipe with custard and condensed milk

A variant of the chocolate cake "Ginger" for which semi-liquid dough is being prepared, cocoa is also added to it. Custard cream, it can be made chocolate, but it is better to leave it white for contrast.


• oil cl. 60 grams;

• 10 grams of soda;

• 0.27 kg of flour;

• three eggs;

• 20 g of cocoa;

• 2 tablespoons of honey;

• 0.18 kg of sugar.


• half a liter of milk;

• a glass of sugar;

• two yolks;

• 2 tablespoons of starch;

• 100 g of oil.

For the top glaze, 110 g of chocolate, 40 g of butter, one small spoonful of honey, any.


1. Warm up a mixture of sugar with honey and butter for at least ten minutes, add soda. We do all this in a water bath. Remove from the stove.

2. Immediately begin to beat and add one egg at a time. Then we fall asleep cocoa with flour and make the dough.

3. Divide the mass into three parts. Pour one into the mold, distribute the layer and bake the first cake. Similarly, prepare the remaining layers of camelina.

4. While the cakes are baked and cooled, you need to cook the cream and also cool it. Combine the yolks with sugar, starch and milk, beat and brew. Remove from heat, let cool slightly, add softened oil, stir and cool completely.

5. Lubricate the cakes with cooked custard. Apply a thin layer on top so that the cake is just a little softened.

6. Melt the chocolate bar with honey and butter, mix well. Coat the cake with fragrant glaze.

Recipe for cake "Ginger" with custard (bulk)

Another option from bulk dough and with delicious custard. This technology allows you to get cakes with the classic taste of honey, very fragrant and soft. Cream for this cake is prepared with custard on condensed milk.


• 0.5 standard packs of oil;

• 0.35 kg of wheat flour;

• 8 g of soda;

• eggs 3 things;

• 0.1 kg of sugar;

• honey 130 grams.


• 300 g of condensed milk (slightly incomplete can);

•? glasses of water;

• butter 180 g;

• wheat flour 30 g


1. Warm up honey with oil and soda in a water bath. While the mass is heating, beat the eggs from the sand to foam. Pour hot honey without stopping wielding with a mixer. Pour the sifted flour.

2. We cover the baking sheet with parchment, put the ring from the detachable form, pour a little dough and level the circle, remove the ring. We send to bake.

3. Similarly, pour the dough for other cakes, bake until the whole mass is over.

4. Mix the flour with condensed milk, dilute the mass with water and put on the stove, brew.

5. Beat the butter until splendid, gradually add the cooled, brewed condensed milk. We put the cream in the refrigerator until it comes in handy.

6. Lubricate the cakes, leave the cake to soak.

Ginger Cake Recipe with Custard and Nuts

For this version of the cake "Ginger" the dough is prepared steep under rolling. A little milk goes into it. Custard with nuts.


• 4 tbsp. flour;

• 110 grams of cream. oils;

• whole milk 6 tablespoons;

• sugar 115 grams;

• honey 3 tbsp. l .;

• 7 g of soda;

• two eggs.

For cream:

• a glass of nuts;

• milk 0.4 l;

• yolks from three eggs;

• white flour 20 g;

• sugar 180 g;

• oil drain. 115 g


1. As usual, melt honey in a water bath, throw oil and soda to it, heat it for about ten minutes.

2. Beat eggs and sugar until foam, combine with hot honey mixture, add milk, beat together, add flour and knead.

3. The dough is divided into 7-8 parts. From each cook a thin cake, bake.

4. Combine the yolks for the cream with the rest of the ingredients, but do not add oil. Leave it on the table, let it soften. Brew the main mass on the stove until thick. Cool. Add oil and beat together for about five minutes.

5. Fry the nuts. You can take any. Finely chop or grate, mix half with custard.

6. Anoint the cake layers, garnish the saffron mushroom with chopped scraps and the second part of the nuts. Leave to soak.

"Ginger" cake recipe with custard (chocolate)

Cakes for this cake can be prepared according to the first or previous option. A feature of this recipe for the cake "Ginger" is a custard with the taste of chocolate.


• 500 ml of milk;

• 2 tablespoons of cocoa;

• 120 g of oil;

• 200 g of sugar;

• 20 g flour;

• 2 yolks.


1. Combine the yolks with sugar, flour (you can use starch) and add cocoa, grind until smooth.

2. Enter the milk, mix. We put the cream on the stove to cook. As soon as it thickens, remove and cool. Then we introduce the softened oil, beat together until smooth.

3. We coat the cakes with the cooled cream, sprinkle the cake with honey from the scraps. We leave the saffron milk cap soaked overnight in the refrigerator.

Ginger Cake Recipe with Custard and Fruit

Lightweight cake recipe "Ginger" with custard without oil, but with fruit filling. Kiwi and banana are used here. But you can also use strawberries, take berries additionally or instead of one ingredient. Cook cakes according to the first recipe.


• 500 g of milk;

• 3 yolks;

•? Art. Sahara;

• 1.5 tablespoons of starch;

• 5 kiwi;

• 4 bananas.


1. Cooking cream without oil. It is important to beat the yolks well. First, mix the sugar with starch, add the yolks and start whipping. Gradually introduce milk. Once the mass becomes homogeneous, you can put it on the stove. Cook constantly stirring.

2. Remove the thickening cream, cool.

3. Peel the kiwi and bananas, cut into thin plates, as there are a lot of cakes and the filling should be enough for everything. Fruits should almost shine through.

4. Grease one crust of saffron mushroom with a cooled custard. We spread banana circles on it.

5. We cover with the second cake, we also grease it and lay out the kiwi.

6. We collect the cake, following the order. At the end, you can use the fruits that remain.

7. For decoration we use only kiwi, as bananas will darken. But it’s better to just sprinkle the cake with honey crumbs, and lay out the fruits after soaking before serving.

Cake "Ginger" with custard - useful tips and tricks

• If you can’t roll out the dough on a baking sheet, you can do it on the countertop, and cut it in the same place. It is convenient to use a rolling pin to transfer thin cake. The layer is carefully wound and moved.

• You do not need to add a lot of vanilla to cream for the cake "Ginger" or to the dough. Still, the flavor of honey should lead in this dessert.


Watch the video: Cotton Soft Pistachio Sponge Cake (June 2024).