Kiss. What does it mean to be able to kiss? All about the first kiss, a French kiss, a kiss in a dream ...


I asked me today,
Lighter than wind, quieter than Van jets,
How to call me for the beautiful Lala
The word affectionate "kiss"?

Sergey Yesenin

In our life there are not so many moments that are remembered for a long time, or even forever. One of them is the first kiss. We all, to a greater or lesser extent, remember when, where and with whom it happened. We remember the feelings and emotions that overwhelmed us then. These may not always be pleasant memories, but they will remain with us forever.

When I was 15 years old, I was very worried that I still did not know how to kiss. (And suddenly I will meet the handsome prince, and then such a misfortune!) A more experienced friend suggested that I personally teach how to kiss correctly. Nothing, just friendly help! But I politely refused, explaining that I’d better practice the tomatoes. True, no matter how I tried, I could not understand what, after all, to do with this meaty vegetable. After prolonged abuse of a poor tomato, I put an end to myself and ate the simulator with grief ...

Now everything is much simpler. The all-knowing Internet comes to the aid of modern teenagers in matters of enlightenment on a variety of issues, including the technique of kisses. Having typed in a search engine a certain combination of words, you can drown under an avalanche of information on a topic of interest. Detailed articles will gradually tell young people how to stand, how to turn their heads, how to open their mouths ... And for those who do not like to read, there are even video tutorials. Young girls and guys really want at the crucial moment to be at their best and impress their partner with their skill. Their desire is understandable and understandable. But is it really important to be able to kiss? And what does that mean? Let us ask women about this, in whose lives the first kiss had already happened.

Ksenia 32 years, administrator:

First kiss I don’t remember anymore, I had to ask about this at the institute ... And who said that it is important to be able to kiss well? What does it mean - good? A kiss is an expression of feelings, and if they are, then the kiss will seem cool, and if there are no feelings, there is at least passion, then no matter how the partner goes out, there will be no good kiss.

Veronica 30 years old, housewife:

First kiss was just on the day of my seventeenth birthday. My girlfriend and I liked the same guy. He began to us, silly geese, because he began to call us ugly and fat. We looked at him after that and realized that we like him. The day before my birthday, our company was walking (without me), and that guy kissed my girlfriend. I only found out about this the next day. Of course, I was offended! At the birthday party, we played a “bottle” and I had to kiss this guy. At that moment, it was very important for me to show that I can kiss and not to face in the dirt. And I began to recall all the romantic films. I didn't particularly remember the kiss itself - I was very worried, I only remember that I tried very hard. Then, through a mutual friend, I found out that I liked my kiss ... What does it mean to be able to kiss? Probably, being able to open her lips herself, and not under pressure from a partner, somehow ... And it is important to be able to kiss, so as not to hit the face with dirt. That the guy would not think that you are such a "sucker" that no one kissed.

Julia 31 years old, sales manager:

First kiss was, well, so to speak ... I was very embarrassed, firstly, secondly, it was funny in my soul, and, thirdly, I kept thinking: how it looks from the outside. In my opinion, the main thing is not technology, but sensations. If a person likes, then he kisses super, even his legs give way. Probably, all the same, it is not important to be able to kiss. For example, I still do not know how, but some like it. The main thing is the feelings you experience with this person!

Alina 32 years old, housewife:

My first kiss was school, inept, touching ... For both, it was the first kiss.
It seems to me that the technique here is not very important. The main thing is feelings, without them, even the most technical kiss will not give pleasure. There is a “good” for everyone. And it’s important to be able to kiss well, probably so that the partner would be pleased to do this with you!

Love 32 years old, a beauty salon worker:

To be able to kiss, in my opinion, it should be by nature. That would be after a kiss the man had a question - hmm, and then what? In general, so that not only you, but also your partner will like it. This is, in fact, the first step to understanding how well you can be together. From the way a man kisses, for example, I can understand how well he can and everything else ... A kiss is the first step to more intimate communication ... Not just hi-so-how are you, but already to something more between the two people. This is a definite step - the recognition that this person is dear to you and that you trust him ... My first kiss happened at the age of 15, absolutely not with the guy I liked ... It's just that the son of friends of our family was charged with the responsibility of taking me home after the disco. He reluctantly took up this. I, in order to defuse the situation all the time, chatted about something. He had a girlfriend at that time, and I pester with a simple question, but have you already kissed? We have known each other since childhood - therefore, my question didn’t seem tactless to me, although of course it was. He was older than me and, apparently, my question led him to some thoughts ... He squinted and asked: did she kiss at least once? I honestly said no. Well, he leaned over and ... I really liked everything. I still love to kiss. I think that the first kiss should be with the person you like. In my case, it was not so, but I was saved by the fact that I was firstly very curious and at that moment my curiosity was outweighed by the fact that this was not the boy I was in love with. Well, the fact that we have been familiar for 100 years. I understood that he could not hurt me, badly, unpleasantly ... I trusted him. Now I kiss only with those who are deeply sympathetic to me and with whom I am ready to move on to the next stage, which goes for kisses ...

Lana 32 years old, housewife:
I don’t know what it means to be able to kiss, but I know that they say it’s good for health. To be honest, I don’t remember my first kiss. True, I do not know why you need to be able to kiss correctly. Now few people know how to do it right. Personally, I have someone to compare.

Anna 27 years old, leader:
I don’t know what to answer, because my husband kisses the dog more often than me ...

Arina 30 years old, designer:
My first kiss was unexpected, under the moon, as they say, and with a loved one. There was such a teenager, we were then 18 years old. And now this man is my husband. To be able to kiss, I think, means not to throw wild eyes, not to make any sudden movements, but to feel a partner very subtly and in time. And it’s important to be able to kiss well because nothing but a real kiss can prove your partner’s attitude towards you at the level of intuition. Only in this way - subtly, sensually, carefully, tenderly, mysteriously, so that all thoughts leave at that moment, and only two remain - you and he.

Manana 33 years old, housewife:
To be able to kiss is important, of course, so that the partner will be pleased with you. Well, and you need to do this only with your loved one or those who you really like. Otherwise, no pleasure. My first kiss was late enough, at 18. And then it happened because all the friends had not only kissed, but allowed more, and I went stupidly. In my youth I was full, and the guys did not pay attention to me. One began to look after, so I decided to kiss him, because it was necessary. But I didn’t like him at all, he was very ugly and in general ... I didn’t like the kiss either, still with the memory of him, it already becomes disgusting. Brrr ...

Marina 22 years old, manager:
My first kiss was at the resort. We met on the shores of the Black Sea, talked for a couple of hours and kissed. It was great, I will never forget! To be able to kiss is to give an excuse that you can go for more. I think that you need to be able to kiss well, because this may be the first reason to become indispensable for a partner.

Inga 43 years old, geography teacher:
Personally, my opinion is not a matter of kissing skills, but of who to kiss. The kiss of two loving people is the most beautiful of kisses! And it doesn’t matter if you kiss well or not. In general, this concept is relative. My first kiss was passionate, and was remembered for a lifetime! When I came home, I looked at my swollen lips for a long time ...

Elena 28 years old, housewife:
My first kiss was with my future husband, and it still lasts! It happened 10 years ago. He was the most unforgettable !!! The main thing is that everything should be with the soul and with feelings! And the rest doesn’t matter.

In our youth, we often worry about our own inexperience in the art of kissing. How will it go? What does the guy think? How to open your mouth? In general, a sea of ​​questions and some excitement. Over the years, we begin to understand that all “healing” skills are far from being as important as it once seemed to us. The main thing is that a loved one be with you, with whom you want to kiss and it doesn’t matter how good or not. Feelings will say it all for themselves.

A longtime friend in a confidential conversation, somehow, shared with me: "My husband said that I can’t kiss. True, he added right away that he didn’t know how to do it. These are both of us inept and kiss each other. But this one for us ineptitude - she made a significant pause and smiled slyly - "does not interfere at all!"


The best scenes of kisses!

French kiss technique. Watch and learn.

In English, but everything is clear without words.

Fantastic music for a kiss! Kiss the Rain!

Dream Interpretation: Kiss in a dream. Symbol of happiness or betrayal?

You kiss someone in a dream, someone kisses you: how can these dream symbols be interpreted?

As this often happens in real life, a kiss in a dream can often be interpreted as embarrassment, confusion, surprise, or a feeling of happiness, depending on the partner and context.

Unlike images of death, a rat or black in a dream, a kiss is often attributed to a consistently positive value. In general terms, a kiss means union, union, communication, and happiness. But at the same time, he may turn out to be a symbol of betrayal (Judas kisses Christ before betraying him).

Kiss in various contexts

A kiss is considered not only as a sign of sympathy and disposition, but also as a gesture of reconciliation. Just when in real life there is a quarrel or confrontation with a loved one, very often in a dream they see themselves kissing just such a close person. And it is precisely this desire of reconciliation and clarification of the situation that manifests itself.

To get a kiss means that a person is respected and appreciated; if you kiss someone, it can be interpreted as success with the opposite sex. A kiss on the hand should be seen as a warning against flattery and deceit, if in a dream you watch how others kiss, it is interpreted as a thirst for love and a desire for security.

Some of the values ​​presented above are very easily traced in real life. A kiss of a hand is interpreted rather as a negative symbol, but in certain contexts it can also be explained as politeness, especially when one who sees such a dream and in real life has an disposition to whose hand he kisses in a dream. Since kissing a hand in our time is almost forgotten, such a kiss on the hand can be interpreted as a form of exquisite politeness. Negative interpretation in dream interpretation handbooks is probably the result of kissing the hand in the distant past was very widespread, including at the French royal court, and it was there that the most refined intrigues wove - despite the outwardly polite form of communication and treatment.

If you kiss an old person in a dream, many dream books interpret this as disappointment. But such an interpretation is completely ambiguous, because old people represent not only the end of life and the proximity of death, but also maturity and life experience. Thus, such an image in a dream may indicate that a wise and mature act has been completed or that such an act will be committed in the near future.

In terms of folk symbols:

A kiss in a dream is a symbol - goodbye, breakup, scandals.

If your lover kisses, then you will soon find out about his betrayal.

Kissing someone yourself - yourself spoil your relationship with someone else.

If you were sent a kiss - a harbinger of news.

Kissing a freak, old people - getting rid of something unnecessary.

Seeing the kissers - a loved one will upset you.

Kissing secretly or in the dark - you do not know what you are doing.

Do not hesitate to kiss in public or with a stranger - you will find yourself in a difficult situation.

Kissing someone's hand - you will have an influential patron.

They kiss your hand - someone worships you.

Kissing a dead person is a harbinger of misfortune; such a dream predicts death to a patient.

Kissing an enemy, a sign of hatred or envy.

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Dasha, 15 years old 02/01/2016
I don’t know ... it’s so late for everyone ... 18,17,16 ... I’m probably just from a different generation. The first time in 14 and this is not the earliest age.


Watch the video: What does kiss or kissing dreams mean? - Dream Meaning (June 2024).