Japanese diet for 14 days: the proper organization of the process of losing weight. A detailed menu of the Japanese diet for 14 days


The Japanese diet for 14 days is very popular among the fair sex. The method of weight loss is based on the fact that a low-calorie, but vitamin-rich food should be present in the diet. Knowing all the rules and subtleties of a weight loss system, you can quickly lose extra pounds. The Japanese diet helps to get rid of 8-9 kg of weight in two weeks.

Advantages and disadvantages of "Japanese"

The weight loss system has positive and negative sides, like any other weight loss technique.

The main advantages of the technique

1. Normalizes metabolism and metabolic processes.

2. Removes toxins, waste and excess fluid from the body.

3. Excellent performance. The Japanese diet literally "eats" excess weight in front of our eyes.

4. Well tolerated. The body gets used to the new diet in 2-3 days, they will be the most difficult. All subsequent days will be carried much easier.

The disadvantages of the method

1. If you do not take additional vitamins, the body is depleted.

2. The menu is characterized by low calorie content, it is likely to break in the first 2-3 days.

3. The Japanese diet for 14 days implies the mandatory use of coffee, which not everyone can drink.

Before you begin the process of losing weight, you must definitely consider all the advantages and disadvantages of the technique. If for some reason the system causes discomfort, it is best to find another way to lose weight. The Japanese diet is tough and not every woman is able to cope with it.

Allowed and prohibited foods

The method of weight loss is considered quite tough. It is based on the use of protein and the exclusion of carbohydrates and fats from the diet.

Products that can be included in the menu:

• beef and chicken;

• eggs;

• raw fruits and vegetables;

• low fat kefir;

• hard cheese;

• any fish.

Diet "Japanese" allows you to drink only plain water without gas and natural black coffee. It is desirable that the water be boiled.

Products that can not be included in the menu:

• any seasonings, including sugar and salt;

• flour products;

• their fruits - bananas and grapes;

• alcoholic drinks;

• smoked meats.

It is strictly forbidden to include in the menu products that are not included in the allowed list.

Japanese diet for 14 days: menu

Developing a menu yourself is sometimes difficult, even knowing the lists of allowed and prohibited products. The presented diet for every day is a great tip. Following it, in two weeks at least 8 kg of weight will leave.

Day 1 and Day 13

1. Morning. The ideal breakfast of the Japanese diet for 14 days is a cup of natural coffee, or a cup of green tea without sugar.

2. Lunch. 300 grams of cabbage salad. For its preparation, you can use not only white cabbage, but also Beijing. The salad is seasoned with olive oil or low-fat sour cream (do not salt). 15 minutes before a meal, a glass of fresh tomato juice is drunk.

3. Dinner. 250 grams of any fish, it can not only be boiled, but also fried in a small amount of oil.

Day 2 and Day 12

1. Morning. Breakfast will always be the same - coffee or green tea. Allowed to eat 1 toasted toast.

2. Lunch. Fresh vegetable salad, the main thing is not to add potatoes to it. In 150 grams of salad, 100 grams of boiled fish is added.

3. Dinner. 250 ml of kefir (it should be of minimum fat content). You can add a pinch of cinnamon to it.

Day 3 and Day 11

1. Morning. Coffee or tea, 2-3 crackers with raisins are allowed.

2. Lunch. Cook a salad of boiled carrots, eggs and hard cheese. Season it with olive oil. The permissible portion of salad is 200 grams, it turns out to be very satisfying, so hunger will quench perfectly.

3. Dinner. Any fruit other than those on the prohibited list. For example, you can eat 2-3 green apples.

Day 4 and Day 10

1. Morning. 1 toasted toast and 250 ml of green tea without sugar and other additives.

2. Lunch. 1 large zucchini cut into small cubes, fry in olive oil. It will turn out a very satisfying and tasty dish.

3. Dinner. Cabbage salad - 200-250 grams, 1 boiled egg.

Day 5 and Day 9

1. Morning. A cup of natural coffee and 100 grams of salad (grate 1 raw carrot, season with lemon juice).

2. Lunch. Tomato juice 150 ml (necessarily without salt), 300 grams of boiled fish.

3. Dinner. 300 grams of raw cucumbers, you need to drink everything with low-fat kefir.

Day 6 and Day 8

1. Morning. 250 ml of green tea, or a cup of natural coffee, 1 green apple.

2. Lunch. 400 grams of boiled chicken or beef fillet, 200 grams of cabbage salad. Everything is prepared without salt.

3. Dinner. 2 boiled eggs, 1 raw carrot, a glass of kefir.

Day 7

1. Morning. A cup of green tea without sweeteners, or natural coffee and 1 toasted toast.

2. Lunch. 2-3 large green apples, 250 grams of boiled chicken fillet.

3. Dinner. 1 carrot with 1 apple grate, mix and eat in the evening 150-200 grams of such a vitamin dish.

Day 14

1. Morning. Natural coffee, you can add a little cream and 1 toast.

2. Lunch. Salad made from any cabbage (200 grams) and fried fish (150 grams).

3. Dinner. Boiled beef pulp - 150-200 grams and 1 fat-free natural liquid yogurt.

It is important to understand that the presented method of weight loss is considered extreme. If on 2 or 3 days a person feels malaise and weakness, continue to lose weight to finish.

Rules for Weight Loss Techniques

The system really gives an amazing result. However, in order to achieve the desired, you must clearly follow all the rules. They are not difficult, it is very easy to remember them.

1. Eating is required according to the menu. It is strictly forbidden to reduce or increase the size of a serving or to swap products. This is due to the fact that during the period of weight loss the metabolism changes. The Japanese diet for 14 days is designed in such a way as to maintain the proper functioning of the body and give it all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

2. It is very important to observe the correct drinking regimen. A person must accustom himself to daily use 1.5 liters of boiled clean water at room temperature.

3. For all two weeks, you must definitely drink extra pharmacy vitamins. If this is not done, the person will feel weakness, constant pain in the head and will not be able to withstand 14 days of losing weight.

4. Active physical activity is prohibited, as the body is very weak. However, charging in the morning will be extremely useful. It will allow you to cheer up and tighten your muscles.

5. Japanese diet for 14 days excludes snacks. You need to eat exactly 3 times a day. However, the first day it will be difficult to get used to the new diet. Therefore, if you suddenly overcome a feeling of hunger, you are allowed to drink 1 cup of low fat kefir.

The rules of the technique of losing weight are quite simple, but they must be followed without fail. If everything is done as it should, in two weeks it will be possible to rejoice at its new figure. By the way, at the end of losing weight, you can’t immediately eat up and lean on all products in a row. You need to continue to monitor your daily diet. It is advisable to continue to exclude salt and sugar from the daily menu.


Despite its simplicity, the Japanese diet for 14 days has a number of contraindications.

1. Pregnancy. Some women in the period of bearing a child try to keep fit and adhere to the menu of certain diets. It is absolutely impossible to do this. The female body changes during pregnancy and needs more calories and nutrients. You need to eat as much as you want, of course, while observing reasonable limits.

2. Lactation. During breastfeeding, a woman should monitor what she eats. This is clearly not the best time to diet. Many "Japanese" products are banned for use by women during breastfeeding.

3. The Japanese diet for 14 days is strictly prohibited for ulcers, gastritis, the presence of heart disease, kidney and liver.

The 14-day Japanese diet is effective, affordable, and simple. If there are no contraindications to following the system of weight loss, you need to gain strength, patience and begin to implement the desired. Having sustained all two weeks of proper measured nutrition, it will take at least 8 kg of excess weight, in some cases more.


Watch the video: Why are people so Healthy in Japan? (June 2024).