What does a bouquet of roses dream of: give, buy, find, decorate. The basic interpretation of sleep - why dream a bouquet of roses of different colors


All women love flowers; most of them prefer roses.

How nice to receive as a gift a huge bouquet of freshly cut roses.

But what if the bouquet was not presented in reality, but in a dream? What is the dream of a bouquet of roses? It’s worth sorting out.

What a bunch of roses dream of - the main interpretation

A bouquet of roses in a dream symbolizes the future romantic experience, which will bring people harmony and happiness. Also, such a dream can promise good luck and welfare in reality, but it is worth sorting out everything. You can also expect in the near future recognition of you in the professional field as a full-fledged and irreplaceable specialist.

It is important to remember all the little things in sleep, maybe there were huge thorns on the roses, or the buds were small and wilted. All the little things are important - you can not miss a single detail. It is also important to remember whether the flowers were fragrant with a heady aroma, or whether they did not bring joy to their owner.

You bought roses yourself, or received them as a gift? Perhaps you had to hand them to another person? Sometimes in dreams are not real, but artificial flowers - such dreams are also important to interpret correctly.

If you were presented with a huge bouquet of roses - take a closer look at the donor - for a long time he has not been breathing evenly in your direction, wants to get your location, but more and more often you remain indifferent to him.

If a bouquet of roses in a dream was presented to a man - he is ready to start a serious relationship, ready to devote himself to one single woman who is also ready to live for her lover. If an unmarried girl dreams that she was presented with a huge bouquet of white roses, she should soon get ready for the wedding.

If you see in a dream a huge number of bouquets of roses - you are fed up with relationships and are now not ready for new achievements. You are bogged down in past joys and do not see that today is not so smooth in your life. You can only regret the missed opportunities to build your life differently. Problems now and losses can not be avoided. What is not worth doing? Do not blame yourself for all mortal sins - this will not save the situation.

Why dream a bouquet of roses received as a gift

If you were presented with a huge bouquet of roses in a dream as a gift - do not rush things, it is too early to relax and enjoy. It is worth taking a closer look at the presented flowers. If you suddenly prick in a dream about a rose thorn - in reality you will also suddenly be dumbfounded by unpleasant news. Such a dream may indicate that you should not thoughtlessly accept gifts from unknown gentlemen, and such a dream may indicate that you should not count on a long relationship with the man with whom you are now together.

If the bouquet sparkles with rhinestones and other inappropriate decorations - you should think about it, perhaps your relationship with the other half is also filled with unnecessary pathos and is actually empty inside. They are not filled with real emotions and feelings. Your partner loves to splurge, and you meekly trust him. What does the dream book recommend in a similar situation? Do not allow to manipulate you and repulse false promises. Talk frankly, maybe your partner will change his attitude towards you.

If you were presented with a rather sloppy, dirty, faded bouquet of roses in a dream - it's time for you to pause in the relationship with the one who gave you the bouquet. If it was a stranger - stop looking for relationships on the side. You may have to leave, you should take it for granted. What is worth undertaking is to be alone with yourself and make decisions regarding your joyful future.

If you give a bouquet, in Hassa’s dream book it is said that you force events, do not allow the situation to develop independently. You should moderate the ardor and enjoy living here and now. If a girl has such a dream, it is time for her to turn the furrows of government into the hands of her man and retreat into the background. Also in the dream book Hasse said that a bouquet of roses as a sign of attention in a dream means a favorable waking period, you will win for a long time, your interests will be fully realized.

Why dream a bouquet of roses in the form of a composition

It is important to remember what color the roses were in the bouquet. Whether it was monophonic, or whether the most diverse colors of roses were found in it. The interpretation of the dream also depends on this. So, for example, many do not like white roses, as they are considered flowers that are given for the wedding and are laid on the graves of the deceased. Therefore, white roses in a dream can even scare.

A bouquet of pink roses promises its owner:

• Romantic adventures;

• The origin of relationships;

• A new round in existing relationships.

There is no guarantee that happiness will last long, but it will certainly be. Orange roses in a dream do not promise sadness in reality, on the contrary they will bring something festive and joyful to the life of a dreamy person. Yellow roses promise a meeting with a cunning person who will pursue only his personal goals. If someone you know gave a bouquet in a dream - take a closer look at the donor in reality, he is not as kind and simple as he wants to seem.

Why dream a bouquet of red roses

Red roses are associated with passion and a storm of emotions that overcome a person. They symbolize romance and tenderness in a relationship. They fill people with hope for a speedy marriage and a meeting with a fiancé.

Scarlet roses in a dream - This is a symbol of the fact that all your plans will soon come true. There is no need to allow doubt - everything in your life will turn out in the best way. You only need to allow yourself to believe in a favorable outcome. It is also worth remembering that dream books often interpret the scarlet color of roses as the color of respect for a person. A bouquet of red roses can be presented to a man as a sign of respect and that his merits are appreciated.

If a bouquet of red roses is complemented by a white rose - such a dream promises wealth and a firm position in society. Fiery red, burgundy roses in a dream indicate that fate will allow you to make the right decision regarding a sore point. Do not give up, right now it all depends on your ingenuity and ability to achieve the goal.

Also, such a dream may indicate that you will be given a chance to renew your feelings for your soulmate, you can make past dreams come true. Just don't torture the relationships that you once lived today too. Change them and change yourself. A positive interpretation of dreams with a bouquet of scarlet roses applies only to natural flowers, if we are talking about an artificial bouquet, then dream books interpret such a dream as a harbinger of sorrow and illness. If at first you did not notice in a dream that the flowers were artificial and then were very upset because of this, you will also be very upset and subsequently in reality. Your relationship with someone close to you will not be so perfect.

In the dream book of Longo it is said that a bouquet of red roses, placed in a vase in a dream, says that you will personally become the creator of your future life events. You are an open and kind person, and your loved ones need your attention and your support. If the bouquet will be collected by you personally - you not only look great externally, but also have a deep inner world.

It is important to remember whether you used ribbons, rhinestones, bows in the creation of the bouquet. If you used a lot of additional jewelry for already chic roses - you underestimate yourself. You have everything to be beautiful both spiritually and outwardly; you do not need additional jewelry and tinsel. If in a dream a vase with flowers breaks sharply or gives a crack - this is an unfavorable sign. You can lose the favor of your patrons, your loved one. It may seem to you that everything in your life has disappeared, and there is no way out of the impasse - but this is not so. Hope is not worth losing.

If the roses in the bouquet change their color sharply, they turn black - you will change your thoughts from positive to very negative. This will lead to depression and to the fact that you will not have the strength to decide anything in your life. If the flowers fade sharply in your hands - you will lose love, serious health problems are possible. Do not panic, it’s better to take care of yourself and your life. The situation can still be changed in the direction you need without much loss for you. Dreams often warn of troubles when everything is still fixable.

If a dream carried only favorable emotions in itself - enjoy happiness and joy, you deserve them like no other.


Watch the video: Dreamipedia: Clothing and Colors FULL EPISODE (June 2024).