Chinese teacher imprisoned for completing exam 4 minutes ahead of schedule


The court sentenced one of the employees of the Chinese college to a year of imprisonment for giving a premature signal to complete the entrance exam.

According to the Reuters news agency, Xiao Yulong, a 54-year-old resident of China whose main place of work, until recently, was one of the central Chinese colleges, has become the main target of hatred for several hundred Chinese applicants. The fact is that Yulun, in June of this year, while passing future entrance exams to college by future students, sent a signal to complete the exam 4 minutes 47 seconds ahead of schedule.

As a result of this act, more than a thousand applicants did not meet the deadlines and were forced to submit their unfinished work, almost five minutes earlier than anticipated. In anticipation of low scores for the exam interrupted in this way, the parents of the applicants did not lose time and hide their dissatisfaction with the incident, and therefore a corresponding complaint was filed against the negligent employee with the local education committee.

After considering this sensational case, the court decided to sentence the man to imprisonment for one year, under the article on negligence in the performance of official duties. Due to family circumstances, Xiao Yulong will receive a well-deserved punishment with a delay of one year. The Chinese himself accepted a similar delay, as a reduction in the actual length of their stay in prison.


Watch the video: MATHS TEACHER Mark Angel Comedy Episode 118 (June 2024).