The temperature of the body of the newborn: normal and dangerous deviations. What to do to reduce high fever in a newborn


A newborn baby is a baby from the time of cutting the umbilical cord to one month.

The process of thermoregulation in newborns is imperfect, and the child’s body temperature depends on the environment until he reaches three months of age.

The body temperature of the newborn: what temperature should be normal in the newborn

The normal body temperature in a newborn is considered

36.50 - 37.50 C. To maintain this level, it is necessary that the room where the baby is not less than 22 - 230 C.

The average temperature level is monitored daily. This should be done at approximately the same time. It is not recommended to measure after sleep, feeding, or after the cry and cry of the newborn - there is a slight increase in temperature at these points. It can even rise to 380 C, and such a rise is a physiological norm.

Transient state in a newborn - what is it

For newborns in medicine, there is such a thing as transient state.

There can be both transient (unstable) hyperthermia and transient hypothermia.

1. Transient hypothermia observed in the newborn within an hour after birth. The temperature drop immediately after birth occurs up to 360 C. This is due to a sharp temperature difference: in the uterine cavity - 370 C, which is 12 - 150 C different from the environment where the baby gets after childbirth. By the middle of the first day of life, the body temperature of the newborn reaches normal values.

2. Transient Hyperthermia may occur in the baby on 3 - 5 days of life, the temperature rises to high numbers. This phenomenon is associated with overheating of the child or with metabolic peculiarities. During this period of life, the newborn has not yet developed a thermoregulation system, so such temperature rises, although rare, are found. It is necessary to drink plenty of fluids, it is possible to take antipyretic drugs, but this is in exceptional cases.

Features of body temperature in premature infants

In premature infants, environmental dependence is even more pronounced due to the underdevelopment of the hypothalamus, where the center of thermoregulation is located. The shorter the gestation period, the worse the underdeveloped hypothalamus works.

Reactions to external factors may be inadequate: when overheated, the temperature can rise to 39 - 400 C, and with infection, the body does not always respond to the introduction of a pathogenic microorganism, the temperature remains normal. This is not a good situation, since fever is a way to protect the body from infection.

It is not recommended to lower the temperature in case of an infectious disease below 38.50 C in a newborn, with the exception of children at risk who have cramps during hyperthermia. Fever is a defense mechanism:

High temperature is detrimental to many pathogens and viruses.

With high fever, immune cells and the immune system as a whole are activated.

With hyperthermia, vasodilation occurs, in connection with this, blood circulation improves, metabolic processes improve due to a greater supply of oxygen to organs and systems.

Newborn's body temperature - deviations

The causes of an increase in the body temperature of a newborn can be a variety of diseases of both an infectious nature and somatic:

1. The first place is occupied by infectious processes - acute respiratory viral infection (SARS), children (measles, chicken pox, rubella) and intestinal infections.

2. Otitis.

3. Diseases of the lungs, kidneys.

4. Diseases of the organs of the endocrine system (hyperthyroidism), when high temperature is a manifestation of a change in the hormonal background of the child's body.

5. Allergic reactions.

6. Vaccination: fever in the first few days is a normal reaction of the body to the introduction of a foreign protein of the pathogen.

7. The so-called "nervous" fever of the newborn: when screaming, severe anxiety, crying, body temperature rises.

Clinical symptoms in newborns with fever

Each of these conditions is accompanied, in addition to the increased body temperature of the newborn, by the corresponding clinical symptoms. By carefully observing the child, you can understand what exactly caused the fever.

1. SARS is manifested by a runny nose, cough, sneezing, reddening of the throat, eyes, lacrimation and "souring" in the corners of the eyes.

2. A strong cough in combination with high temperature indicates the development of bronchitis, bronchiolitis, pneumonia, as well as pharyngitis or laryngitis. These are dangerous conditions that require hospitalization in most cases and immediate treatment. Bronchiolitis found in newborns is dangerous with life-threatening complications. Therefore, in such cases, seeking medical help cannot be delayed.

3. Acute intestinal infection can be guessed by bloating, rumbling, multiple loose stools. This is a condition dangerous to the health and life of the newborn, which, if not given immediate medical attention, leads to dehydration.

4. If the discomfort in the abdomen bothers the newborn from the first days of life (and this is also evident by its behavior and clinical symptoms), it is necessary to exclude congenital intestinal pathology: diverticulosis, intestinal atresia, doubling of the gall bladder may be detected. In such cases, an increase in temperature in the newborn is not observed.

5. In addition to childhood infections, a newborn may develop a pustular rash on the body with a high temperature - this is a manifestation of streptococcal or herpetic intrauterine infection.

6. The high body temperature of the newborn with general anxiety, physical activity, accompanied by incessant cries, should immediately alert parents. The condition of the large fontanel in an infant is an indicator of the state of the nervous system. A strained pulsating fontanel protruding above the level of the bones of the skull, may indicate developed meningitis (inflammation of the membranes of the brain), or increased intracranial pressure. This condition also refers to life-threatening, requires immediate medical attention.

7. Stomatitis is also one of the diseases in which the body temperature of a newborn can increase significantly.

In any of the above conditions, urgent provision of medical care to the newborn is necessary.

What measures to take to reduce high body temperature in newborns

To bring down the temperature in a newborn, if it has not reached 380 C, is not recommended. And at this temperature level, drugs are not used, rubdowns and other non-drug methods of exposure are used.

Rubbing the baby with alcohol and vinegar is not recommended due to their high toxicity to the child's body.

Raising the temperature to 390 C is a signal for prescribing medication. Such treatment is used in extreme cases or in case of serious diseases (meningitis), when it is impossible to do without its use. This is done because the body of the newborn is not yet able, due to the underdevelopment of certain organs and systems, to adequately respond to drugs. Many drugs can harm, but not help, so the treatment of newborns with medicines is carried out with great care.

In some severe cases, you need to call an ambulance for emergency events.

The reasons for calling for emergency care are:

- inefficiency of antipyretic measures;

- developed cramps;

- nausea and repeated vomiting;

- repeated diarrhea;

- lack of urination;

- noisy breathing;

- signs of meningitis;

- pustules on the skin.

And you need to remember that medical care provided by a qualified specialist is much more effective than any advice and articles on the Internet.

Therefore, with the slightest doubt from the parents about what temperature should be normal in the newborn, for what reason the temperature of the body in the newborn increased and what to do with it, you need to contact a pediatrician.


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