Why dream potted flowers is a good sign! Key Interpretations: What do potted flowers dream of?


Flowers are loved by all women.

But some people prefer flowers in pots. In reality, they look just great. But why dream of potted flowers? It’s worth sorting out.

What do flowers in pots dream of - the main interpretation

Flowers are always beautiful; there are several thousand species. They can grow both simply on the street, and displayed in a special way. In any case, flowers always give a lot of positive emotions to those to whom they will be presented.

Flowers in a dream are a good sign, with the exception of those dreams in which flowers fade and disappear. Then you should beware of unforeseen situations in life, troubles that may not be possible to avoid. Presented flowers in a dream can symbolize gifts and pleasant surprises in reality.

Be sure to look at all the little things in a dream, so as not to miss an important point, an important clue. In some cases, the plot of the dream can be varied, and the flowers in it will act as an auxiliary factor, in which case it is worth explaining the meaning of their appearance.

It’s important to remember the state of the flowers, whether they were wilted or fragrant by their beauty. Among other things, it is important to remember who exactly gave them. If the flowers are beautiful and grow well - such a dream promises the acquisition of some important object, property. A lot of flowers in pots - your wish will come true. Also, such a dream may indicate romantic events in the life of a dreamer. It is worth preparing for pleasant surprises.

If a flower suddenly blossoms in a dream, such a dream indicates an unexpected meeting. If the flower is wilted - it is worth paying attention to your health, an exacerbation of chronic diseases is possible.

If in a dream you see a flower withering before your eyes - such a dream suggests that most likely your soulmate will cheat on you. If you find a withered flower in your home, although before that you saw it in a dream blooming - treason has already occurred. Also, such a dream may indicate a sharp deterioration in the relationship between the spouses.

If the flowers in the dream are artificial, then you will be betrayed by a loved one. You cannot go away from it for a long time. You will be surrounded by lies and evil. If a guy decided to make an offer of a hand and heart to a girl, but before this event he dreamed of withered potted flowers, it is worth postponing the event, as the proposal will not be taken seriously.

Also, dried flowers in pots in a dream can indicate that financial affairs will go very badly. What should be done to improve the situation? Breathe life into business through new ideas. After such a dream, you need to carefully consider each of your actions, because unforeseen losses are possible due to rash and hasty decisions. Also, dry flowers in pots may indicate:

• Betrayal of a friend, second half;

• car accident;

• I will lose the opportunity to make money;

• Deterioration of health.

Why dream potted flowers according to Meneghetti’s dream book

In the dream book of Meneghetti it is said that potted flowers dream of as a sign of superiority, a sign of gaining strength and prosperity. If a person has decided to implement an important business, then after such a dream he will surely succeed.

If a man dreams, how in a dream he admires a flower and cares for it. When asked, he needs female attention. He really wants to find a life partner and devote himself to making her life better.

If a woman dreams that the flower in her hands begins to bloom - soon she will receive the desired happiness. Her man will give her presents and flattering words. If she does not have a man yet, she will have the opportunity to build a relationship with someone new. If the flowers in a dream wilt in a woman's hands, she will have a difficult fate and it will be difficult to fight it. It's easier to put up.

Why dream potted flowers according to Freud’s dream book

Why do I dream of flowers in pots? In Freud's dream book it is said that a flower represents feelings and relationships. If it just dissolves in a dream, or just begins to sprout from the earth - the relationship begins, and you should not rush the course of events. It is important to pay special attention to the wishes of the partner, so as not to spoil everything.

If a young lonely girl sees in a dream a huge number of flowers in pots - she will be torn between different options. From grooms she will not end. But is she ready to choose? Such a dream suggests that not all bright flowers smell pleasant and are easy to care for. Not all beautiful relationships at first will bring happiness to the girl later.

If a man has a dream about how his girlfriend is caring for a flower, she secretly glances at another man. It is worth clarifying the relationship and preventing treason. It is also important to be careful about each other's needs. Perhaps this behavior of the girl is a consequence of the inattention of her partner to her.

If you dream of withered flowers that you are trying to save in every possible way, your relationship will become obsolete and you will try your best to breathe life into them. Your attempts will be in vain, because the relationship ended and there are objective reasons. The dream book advises to cultivate new relationships and not fight for those that can no longer be saved.

Why dream potted flowers in other dream books

The big dream book says why flowers in pots are dreaming - if they are red, you will have a financial upswing and an improvement in business. Things will go well, prosperity is guaranteed to you. Against the background of improving the financial situation in life, the situation in personal life will also improve.

If you have a multi-colored composition in a pot, you should expect joyful events in reality. It can be a wonderful trip, celebration, unexpected pleasant acquaintances and meetings. If the flower blooms before your eyes - your work will be appreciated.

It is also worth considering the appearance in a dream of flowers in a pot as an indication that you are endowed with unique abilities to give people care, happiness, joy. If a flower in a dream is fantastic, and in real life there are no such things, a unique gift is laid in you that needs to be developed. Which one? The dream itself will tell you.

In the dream book of Hasse it is said that potted flowers dream of personifying a favorable development of events. If there are a lot of colors and they are all different - a kaleidoscope of joyful events awaits the person, which will replace each other with lightning speed.

If the flowers are just beginning to open buds - such a dream may indicate the emergence of friendship, new relationships. If the buds have faded, but the flower itself has remained unharmed - do not spread rumors and chat a lot. It is important to tell the truth, then in life everything will turn out in the best way.

Also, flowers in dreams indicate pleasant events, moving, a change of scenery. If you pack flowers in boxes in a dream - you should also get ready for moving in reality. If you find your flowers in a dream plucked, broken - someone will disrupt the course of events in your life, upset your plans. In order to determine who this ill-wisher is, one must interpret the whole dream.

If in a dream you see how lemon or other trees begin to bloom in your pot, you should take care of the house. You left the care of people close to you for later and very in vain, since they really need it.

The dream in which the stranger brought you flowers and left you on the doorstep indicates that you should expect uninvited guests. The dream, although it may bother, but the meeting in reality will be pleasant and very friendly. Also, such a dream may indicate that you will soon make new friends who will help you not only brighten up your loneliness, but also solve many accumulated problems.

In any case, it’s very nice to find a beautiful and fragrant flower on your window. It is also nice to give flowers. If in a dream you give someone flowers in pots - in reality you will be generous in good deeds and words. Your actions will benefit you. Since you will get new contacts, new friends. If a girl dreams that a wilted flower has blossomed again - in reality she will have a revival of relations with her former lover. But she must remember that it depends on the gardener exactly how relations will develop. If you look after relationships and cultivate love and trust in them, this will give a wonderful result and the relationship will flourish with happiness.


Watch the video: Outdoor Container Gardening: Planting a Beautiful Pot of Flowers (June 2024).