Grape blanks for the winter - for everyone and everyone! A selection of vitamin preparations of grapes for the winter


Grapes pleased with the harvest?

It needs to be prepared for the winter!

Fragrant juices and compotes, sweet preserves, savory pickles and thick jams will remind you of summer in winter.

Maybe make homemade wine? Why not!

Grape blanks for the winter - general principles of preparation

Berries and twigs gather a lot of dust, cobwebs, litter, which must be removed. The grapes are washed in several stages, separating the berries from the brushes. Then they need to be put in a colander or dried on a towel. Spoiled, soft, green and cracked berries immediately recline.

What is made from grapes:

• sweet drinks (compotes, juices);

• jam (jams, jam, jelly, honey);

• Home wine;

• pickled, pickled pieces.

In any version of the winter harvesting, sterility must be ensured. The dishes are thoroughly washed, baking soda is used for this. Then the cans are sterilized over steam or in the oven, cool. After laying berries add syrups, marinades. Jam and other sweet masses for the winter should be bottled immediately after cooking, while the mass is hot. For clogging use special covers and a sealing key. Most blanks need to be cooled upside down under a warm blanket.

Compote - family harvesting of grapes for the winter

Compote is a variant of a sweet, aromatic and tasty harvesting of grapes for the winter, which absolutely everyone loves. The recipe for a drink without sterilization, which retains the amazing taste and aroma of fresh berries. Recipe for one three-liter jar.


• 2.2 liters of water;

• 700 g of grapes;

• 250-300 g of sugar;

• 1 tsp citric acid;

• optionally a slice of zest.


1. The bank needs to be washed with drinking soda, doused with boiling water. Process the lids too, but without soda.

2. Rinse the grapes, remove the brushes, dry the berries on a napkin, then transfer to a prepared container. You can add a little zest.

3. Cook the syrup from water and sugar, let it boil for at least three minutes.

4. Now pour acid into the jar, pour boiling syrup.

5. Roll up immediately, turn over, cover with a warm blanket.

6. Cool the compote should

7. Upside down, will stand up to two days. Then the bank can be returned to its normal position, transferred to the basement.

Jam - a tasty grape harvest for the winter

Grape jam can be prepared from any variety, the berries can be of different colors, in any case the delicacy is very aromatic, sweet, tasty.


• 1 kg of grapes;

• 0.8 kg of sugar;

• 1 tsp citric acid;

• 1 glass of water.


1. Free berries from twigs, rinse well, leave in a colander to drain the liquid.

2. Combine sugar and water in a saucepan. Heat the syrup over low heat, let the grains dissolve. Then let it boil. Turn off the fire.

3. Add the berries to the syrup, stir and leave for an hour.

4. Turn on the fire, boil the jam after boiling for 40 minutes. With a large and clean spoon, periodically remove the dense foam that will appear on top.

5. Add vanilla and citric acid, boil for another quarter hour.

6. During this time, you need to prepare jars: rinse, sterilize. Lids can simply be scalded.

7. Use a ladle to spread the hot jam in the prepared containers, close the lids, and store.

Wine - an alcoholic preparation of grapes for the winter

Homemade grape wine is a great alternative to purchased drinks. The cooking process is quite long, requires attention, but the result is worth it.


• 10 kg of grapes;

• 3.5 kg of sugar;

• a glass of raspberries or currants;

• water.


1. Prepare the yeast from wild yeast. Mix a glass of raspberries or currants with half a kilogram of sugar, leave it to warm for 4 days, they should ferment.

2. Grapes for wine are harvested only in dry and sunny weather. Berries need to be removed, remove the garbage, twigs, rinse and dry.

3. Crush the berries, add the yeast, leave for fermentation for three days. Stir with a wooden spoon in the morning and evening.

4. Strain the resulting juice, squeeze the cake, it will no longer be useful.

5. Mix the liquid with 1.5 kg of sugar, pour into a 10 liter glass jar.

6. Put on a glove, make a hole in one finger, leave it warm for fermentation.

7. After 4 days, carry another kilogram of sugar, stir. Leave on for another 7-8 days.

8. Add the remaining sugar dissolved in two liters of water. Take the wine to a room with a temperature of up to 20 degrees, soak for 18 to 25 days.

9. As soon as the wine stops playing, you need to take a hose, remove the wine from the sediment in a clean jar.

10. Leave to ripen for 60 days, now the cans can be covered with a nylon cover or bottled the drink. If the precipitate forms again, it will need to be removed again.

Jam - a bright harvest of grapes for the winter

For jam, it is better to use dark grapes, for example, Isabella. Then the delicacy will be very bright and rich. Choose juicy and ripe berries.


• 1800 g of grapes;

• 1 kg of sugar;

• lemon term 90 ml;

• 1 tsp zest.


1. Rinse the grapes, each. Cut in half, transfer to a pan. Add a glass of water, place on the stove.

2. Boil under the lid for 10-15 minutes, the grapes should be steamed well.

3. Remove, cool.

4. Wipe through a sieve to make a smoothie. Return it to the pan, everything else can be thrown away.

5. Add sugar, chopped zest, stir and place on the stove.

6. Boil the jam for a quarter of an hour over low heat.

7. Add lemon juice, boil jam to the desired consistency. Stir regularly so that the mass does not burn.

8. While jam is cooking, prepare jars with lids; they should be clean and dry.

9. Arrange the hot grape delicacy, cork.

Beckmes - honey harvesting of grapes for the winter

Grapes honey is a wonderful preparation for which you will need the most ripe and juicy berries. Juice from them can be removed in any way, for example, using an electric appliance or a juicer.


• grape juice;

• spices (optional).


1. Take any amount of grape juice. Pour into a basin or into a wide pan, the larger the evaporation area, the faster fruit honey will prepare.

2. Put on the stove, when boiling, remove the foam.

3. Boil the mass 3 or 3.5 times. The thicker it becomes, the more often it will be necessary to mix the juice.

4. For flavor, you can add zest, cinnamon, ginger or just vanilla.

5. Check the density of the mass by cooling a few drops on a saucer.

6. Pour boiling honey into sterile jars, seal, clean for the winter.

Pickled berries - unsweetened grape harvest for the winter

For pickling, choose long, dense berries. Soft and juicy grapes will not work, it is better to use it for jam or jam.


• 0.9-1 kg of grapes;

• 100 ml of wine vinegar;

• 700 ml of water;

• 1 clove;

• 1 stick of cinnamon;

• 10 g of salt;

• 100 g of sugar.


1. Combine all the ingredients for the marinade in a saucepan, put on the stove. Cook the boiling field for a couple of minutes. Add cinnamon and cloves immediately, but you need to remove them before pouring.

2. Grapes can be pickled with berries or small brushes. In any case, the raw materials must be thoroughly washed and dried.

3. Put the grapes in clean jars. Tanks need to be filled to the top.

4. Pour jars of boiling marinade.

5. In an empty saucepan, you need to spread a towel or any other cloth, put the cans, cover with lids, but do not clog.

6. Now in the saucepan you need to add so much boiling water so that the liquid covers the jars at 2/3 of the height.

7. Turn on the stove. Sterilize 0.5 liter jars for 10 minutes, liter quarter of an hour. The countdown begins with the moment of boiling water in the pan.

8. Then, carefully remove from the pan, tighten with a key. The cover does not need to be removed or replaced.

Soaked grapes with mustard - a vigorous harvest for the winter

The recipe for an interesting harvest of grapes for the winter. Sour, dense berries are best for her. The recipe is designed for 10 kg of berries, but less can be done. To do this, proportionally reduce the amount of all ingredients.


• 5 l of water;

• 10 kg of berries;

• 50 g of salt;

• 150 g of sugar;

• 50 g of mustard.


1. Berries need to be freed from twigs, washed, folded in a tank, in a pot or in another container, which will be convenient to put oppression.

2. For pouring in five liters of water, you need to dissolve all the ingredients according to the recipe, including mustard.

3. Cover the grapes with a wooden mug or flat plate, lid. Put on top oppression.

4. Pour the prepared marinade into the tank. Leave the grape harvest warm for 4 days.

5. Then the tank must be taken out to a cool place with a temperature of up to 15 degrees.

6. After 3-4 weeks, you can remove the sample from the workpiece. Soaked berries will stand until spring, but the taste will increase each time.

Harvesting grapes for the winter - useful tips and tricks

• If the workpiece requires sterilization in boiling water, the countdown begins after boiling the liquid in the pan.

• When cooking sweet delicacies from grapes (jam, jam, jam), foam must be removed from the surface. If it gets into the jar, the workpiece will not stand idle for a long time.

• If it is not possible to treat the cans over steam, you can rinse them and put them on the wire rack in the oven. Turn on the oven and warm the dishes well.

• To check the density of jam or grape jam, you need to drop a little treat on a plate and cool.


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