Why dream of finding a ring: engagement, broken, not in size? Basic Interpretations - Why Dream of Finding a Ring


Of course, any person is pleased to find new things.

It brings pleasure not only in reality, but also in a dream. Why dream of finding a ring?

Or even why dream of finding a golden ring? It’s worth sorting out.

Why dream of finding a ring - the main interpretation

A ring is a symbol of endless movement, a transition from one state to another. In a dream, a ring means the possibility of renewal of life, the possibility of its transition to another round of events.

The girl in a dream dreams of a soon marriage. Why dream that a girl found a wedding ring? Moreover, the marriage will be long and happy. If a girl found in a dream not her own, but someone else's ring - such a dream means that she will be the culprit of breaking someone’s relationship. The girl should already decide today, but is it worth it? Perhaps you don’t need to interfere in someone else’s love so that you don’t lose your own afterwards? This will also tell the dream.

It is worth remembering carefully all the details of a dream, perhaps it was featured by familiar people, perhaps they gave advice, or took some action. All this will push the girl to the correct interpretation of sleep.

If a man found in a dream a ring with agate - such a dream portends exclusively negative events in his life. They will break his plans for a long period. If a man found several rings in a dream, such a dream suggests that he will rush between several variants of relations. Several girls will interest him. It is worth remembering which ring the man chose in a dream to understand which girl he needs to choose in reality.

There are also such interpretations of dreams:

• The ring found in a dream promises new love and new friendship;

• If a girl doubts her partner and she had a dream in which she found a gold ring - she should not doubt anymore, she has already found her happiness;

• Found a silver ring in a dream - the house is a full bowl and many children in it;

• If a girl puts on a found ring in a dream - all her dreams and desires will come true;

• If the ring found does not fit the size, the girl will not be able to decide on a life partner for a long time;

• Find a broken ring - to treason;

• Find a broken engagement ring - to the illness of a loved one.

Why dream about Miller’s dream ring

In Miller’s dream book it is said that the ring in a dream appears as a symbol of new deeds, renewal of a person’s social position. If a new exquisite ring is found - such a dream speaks of a good taste of a person, but not only in relation to things, but also business matters. A person knows only in his work and rather it is a godsend for his employers.

If the ring found in a dream then disappears somewhere, that a person will be given a dubious chance to improve his life. It is possible that he was counting on new relationships and ties, but they did not justify himself and now he suffers losses and losses.

Admire the found ring and wish not to part with it to gain an important and fairly stable union. It will give impetus to new positive events in human life. If a young girl has such a dream, she will admire her lover, and he will be her. It will be a strong union of full-fledged individuals.

If a girl in a dream finds a ring, but cannot pick it up, it is not given into her hands - that means she will miss the opportunity and will regret it very much. If the ring is buried in the ground, and it is impossible to dig it out in any way - someone else will have the opportunity, since the person has missed them a long time ago and he should not hope for an improvement in the situation. It can be, as opportunities to restore relations, and promotions, establishing friendships.

Why dream of finding a ring for a female dream book

In the women's dream book it is said that the ring appears in a dream in order to push a person to solve sore problems. For a long time he refused to solve them, and now many troubles overtook him and his family. It is worth breaking this vicious circle of accumulated setbacks and troubles. To do this, just make an effort and the issue will be resolved.

To see how someone else has found the ring in your place, new acquaintances await you, but you should be careful, as these acquaintances can damage your reputation. If the ring found is intended for a loved one, you will keep your promise and give him an unforgettable vacation. If the stranger found in a dream puts on your hand a stranger - you should expect support from outsiders from whom you did not expect it.

Why dream of finding a golden ring? To new opportunities and quick solutions to problems. But what if in a dream the found golden ring slips out of his hands - such a dream warns that promises will not be kept and relations will be broken. You will disappoint not only yourself, but also those around you.

If the found ring is broken, then quarrels, quarrels, a difficult period in life await you. But do not despair. All adversities were expected and you knew that life cannot be without incident. But a bright future always manifests itself behind them.

Why dream of finding a ring from other dream books

Why dream that I found an engagement ring in an idiomatic dream book? To a new love affair. If a beloved person wears a ring found on a girl’s finger in a dream, their relationship will be beautiful and romantic. If before the dream there were many disagreements between the partners, they ended, and now the relationship will bring them only joy.

In the summer dream book it is said that to find a wedding ring in a dream is to divorce and break with the current loved one and gaining new love. In the children's dream book it is said that the ring dreams of forming strong ties and does not matter here we are talking about relationships of an intimate or business plan. Their appearance is caused by the vital necessity of man. Do not give up the opportunity to establish these ties. Put on the ring found in a dream - you will bind yourself with promises that are difficult to fulfill.

In a psychological dream book Meneghetti said that the ring is a symbol of power, supremacy, a huge ego. The golden ring in a dream, especially if it has been found, promises career advancement, a change in status in life. Also, a ring in a dream can mean a certain person, and if you find him - it means you will gain a new acquaintance, but it will end in friendship or relationships - other dream symbols will tell about this.

If a person dreams of a broken ring found and at the same time he has enough trouble in his life - such a dream suggests that these problems were transmitted to the person by gender. So, someone in his family also had similar troubles and hardships. It is worthwhile to understand the situation and not repeat the mistakes of your ancestors.

In the esoteric dream book it is said that to find the ring is to find peace of mind and peace. This, of course, is a very joyful prospect, but do not relax too much if a dream does not bring pleasure and joy to a person, which means that along with a find, grief and disappointment can come to a person's life.

The modern dream book says that:

• find in your hand a ring - for marriage, childbearing;

• put the found ring on another person’s finger - to have a close relationship with this person, justified trust;

• break the found ring in a dream - enter into an argument and lose in it;

• find a signet ring - for the birth of a son;

• find a diamond ring - for new acquaintances and connections;

• find the iron ring - to work, sorrow;

• silver ring to find - to the good news and event;

• admire the ring found in a dream - to quarrels and discontent.

In the dream book of Medea it is said that the ring in a dream appears as a sign of the beginning of a new stage in relations and in friendship. It is worth taking a closer look at the role the ring found in the dream plays. As a gift of fate, or as a test. Friendship and love will be the same. Also to find a golden ring in a dream - it promises the acquisition of new knowledge and skills that are very useful to a person. If a ring with a stone is found, honors await the person, respect and recognition of his merits.

In any case, a find is always good. This is a chance to change your life for the better, because the period of stagnation will end, and new perspectives will open before a person. A dream can tell the right direction of movement, and this is very important. Without it, a person may not get the desired result.


Watch the video: What does ring dreams mean? - Dream Meaning (June 2024).