Iceberg Salad - the best recipes. How to cook Iceberg salad correctly and tasty.


Iceberg salad - general principles and methods of preparation

To prepare an Iceberg salad, it is not necessary to include a cultivated plant of the same name in its composition. In most cases, it is enough to give it the shape of an ice mountain, which will be “conquered” by all participants in the feast. Having reached the top, they, like real climbers, will be delighted with its charms.

Iceberg Salad - Product Preparation

For these salads, fresh vegetables are washed, peeled and chopped as indicated in the recipe. Potatoes, beets and carrots are usually used in boiled or baked form. If there is fish or meat in the dish, then they are prepared as indicated in the recipe.

The Iceberg lettuce plant is quickly oxidized, so it is advisable not to cut it with a knife, but to tear it into neat pieces.

Iceberg Salad - Best Recipes

Recipe 1: Cod Liver Iceberg Salad

In this salad, each subsequent layer is made smaller so that in the end a glacier shape is obtained.


Mayonnaise Sauce;
eggs in a steep - 5 pcs.;
green peas (canned) - 1 ban .;
cod liver - 1 ban .;
hard cheese - 100 g;
onion - 1 pc.

Cooking method

Lay out layers on the prepared dish in the following sequence:

- coarsely grated hard cheese;
- peas mixed with mayonnaise;
- chopped onion and marinated in vinegar;
- mayonnaise;
- cod liver, mashed with a fork;
- mayonnaise;
- yolks mashed with a fork;
- mayonnaise;
- grated egg whites.

Put the finished salad in the refrigerator for a while to soak the layers.

Recipe 2: Iceberg Salad with Red Caviar

This salad uses the same name vegetable, which has long been famous for its beneficial properties and has recently become very popular in our country.


Cool eggs - 10 pcs.;
iceberg salad - 2 small bunches;
sausages - 2 pcs.;
butter - 100 g;
Roquefort cheese - 50 g;
chopped green onions - 2 tables. lies .;
yogurt - 400 g;
radish - 5 pcs.;
lemon - 1 pc.;
red caviar - 50 g.

Cooking method

Wash, dry and lettuce leaves into strips about 2 cm wide (can be cut).

Remove the yolks from the eggs and knead them with a fork, along with a little softened butter. Divide the finished mixture equally into 2 parts. Mix the first with very finely chopped sausages, and the second with finely grated Roquefort cheese and green onions.

Cut radish into rings. Squeeze both cream masses into halves of egg whites using a pastry syringe. The one with sausages to decorate with red caviar, and the one with roquefort - chopped green onions.

Prepare a sauce of yogurt and lemon juice, salt it and pepper. Season the crumbled Iceberg lettuce with this gravy and put them portionwise on cooled plates. Place half of the eggs with both toppings on top and decorate with radish rings.

Recipe 3: Iceberg Salad with Mushrooms

Incredibly tasty salad, which combines ingredients such as mushrooms and feta cheese.


Bell pepper (large) - 3 pcs.;
eggs in a steep - 3 pcs.;
onion - 1 pc.;
boiled (smoked) chicken fillet - 1 pc.;
tomatoes (large) - 2 pcs.;
any salty (pickled) mushrooms - 1 glass .;
9% vinegar - 2 tables. lies.


Mayonnaise sauce - 300 g;
feta cheese - 150 g;
garlic - 1 clove.

Cooking method

Finely chop the onion and marinate in a mixture of 3 tables. lies. water and 2 table. lies. vinegar for 30 minutes.

Finely grate feta cheese and mix with mayonnaise sauce and chopped clove of garlic. Now, with this refueling, you need to smear the layers in this sequence, without forgetting to "build" the glacier:

- sweet pepper sliced ​​in thin strips;
- finely chopped chicken;
- grated eggs;
- finely chopped mushrooms and onions, which are pickled (drain the liquid);
- tomatoes, chopped into small cubes.

Decorate the finished dish on top with a grated egg, herbs and put in the refrigerator for soaking for a while.

Recipe 4: Chicken Fillet Iceberg Salad

The dish perfectly combines vegetables with proteins. It is just perfect for breakfast - vegetable fiber will saturate you, and proteins will provide a supply of energy. The salad will give enough strength in order to cope with any everyday problems in the morning.

Fresh cucumbers - 2 pcs.;
hard cheese - 100 g;
Iceberg salad - 5 leaves;
chicken fillet - 1 pc.;
low-fat sour cream - 200 g;
tomatoes - 2 pcs.

Cooking method

Boil chicken breast and pour hot sour cream to cool. Wash vegetables, greens, dry and chop in small cubes. Iceberg lettuce tear with your hands into approximately equal pieces. Dice chicken and cheese. Mix all prepared foods, season with sour cream, in which the breast was cooled, salt and favorite spices. Place on a plate and serve.

Iceberg Salad - Useful Tips from Experienced Cookers

The skin of tomatoes is usually quite dense and not only interferes with the use of lettuce, but also significantly complicates digestion. Therefore, it is advisable to blanch the tomatoes first (pour boiling water) and peel them.

Dishes, with the Iceberg salad, must be served immediately after cooking, otherwise they will drain and become not tasty.


Watch the video: How to Cut Iceberg Lettuce for a Salad : Salad Recipes (July 2024).