Licorice healer: useful properties and contraindications. Using the beneficial properties of licorice: recipes


Licorice, or licorice, has long been used in folk medicine for healing various diseases.

Most often licorice is used to treat cough, especially dry and asthmatic. However, the beneficial properties of licorice are much wider.

Licorice root composition

For therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, licorice rhizome is used. It contains many useful substances that can help the human body:

• organic acids;

• essential oils;

• vitamin C;

• minerals;

• steroids;

• fatty acid;

• tannins;

• flavonoids;

• aokaloids;

• coumarins;

• glucose, fructose, sucrose, maltose;

• resins.

Rhizomes of the plant are traditionally used for the preparation of syrups, infusions, homemade decoctions. The beneficial properties of licorice are used not only in folk, but also in official medicine.

Useful properties of licorice root

Licorice contains unique compounds whose action is similar to the action of hormones produced by the adrenal glands. When ingested, licorice has an enveloping, antispasmodic, wound healing, antipyretic, expectorant, antimicrobial and antiviral effects. In this case, licorice has very few contraindications, so even allergy sufferers can take medications based on it.

The ancient Chinese healers did not accidentally endow licorice with miraculous properties, including the ability to prolong life. The fact is that taking decoctions and infusions from the root of this plant really strengthens the body's immune forces, lowers cholesterol, and restores the activity of the endocrine system. Licorice tones, relieves depression, improves the quality of life.

The list of ailments that respond very well to licorice treatment is very long:

• pneumonia;

• bronchial asthma;

• bronchitis;

• tuberculosis;

• colds and respiratory diseases (including laryngitis and tonsillitis);

• stomach ulcer;

• chronic constipation;

• diseases of the nervous system;

• diabetes;

• thyroid disease;

• inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys;

• arthritis, rheumatism and inflammatory joint diseases;

• chronic fatigue and depression;

• insomnia;

• hormonal disorders.

Licorice not only dilutes and removes sputum, but also stimulates the production of gastric juice, relieves intestinal spasm, improves its peristalsis. Residents of megacities need to use the beneficial properties of licorice to get rid of the constant effects of poisoning water, air, food substances and make up for the lack of oxygen.

Licorice can be used to remove poisons from the body during food and drug poisoning. The active substances of the plant neutralize harmful poisons and toxins, alleviating the condition of the victim.

Licorice exerts a similar effect on the body at high temperatures, eliminating the breakdown products of viruses and bacteria. Licorice is often introduced as an additional component in pharmacy drugs and herbal preparations to enhance the therapeutic effect.

Licorice decoctions can restore liver function. They reduce the risk of developing cirrhosis and should be used prophylactically for diet errors. There is evidence that licorice inhibits the development of cancer cells, and therefore it is used to treat prostate adenoma.

Licorice stabilizes blood pressure, helps with diseases of the thyroid gland, restores the pancreas and stimulates the production of insulin, which is used to treat diabetes. It is no accident that licorice is used as a plant sweetener for diabetics.

Along with internal use, external preparations made from licorice root can be used in the treatment of skin diseases. Fungal infections, dermatitis (including allergic ones), eczema, and neurodermatitis respond well to cure. Licorice will heal skin lesions, wounds, microtrauma, burns. It must be used in the form of wipes and compresses.

Licorice Root - Prevention of Ailments

As a prophylactic, licorice is very popular. It is necessarily included in the nutrition plan for people suffering from digestive disorders. The remedy from the licorice root regulates the secretion of gastric juice, prevents heartburn, and prevents gastrointestinal diseases.

Tea with licorice normalizes cholesterol and blood sugar, does not allow the occurrence of atherosclerosis, diabetes. Decoctions and infusions of licorice are very useful for women throughout the childbearing age, as well as during menopause. It relieves pain on critical days and normalizes the cycle. To normalize the female hormonal background, you should take the product regularly, but with mandatory interruptions after 3-4 weeks from the start of administration.

Elderly people can use licorice to improve the quality of life, tone the body, prolong the period of physical and mental activity.

It is very good to chew pieces of the root: this will help prevent the development of caries and gum disease. Licorice has very few contraindications. That allows you to use it at any age.

How to apply licorice

Decoction, teas, infusions, syrups are prepared from licorice root. Tools are easy to do at home on your own. If there is no such desire, you can just buy licorice syrup in a pharmacy.

To prepare a decoction, for 10 g of dried licorice you need to take a cup of boiling water 230 ml, placed in an enameled dish. Keep in a water bath for 15 minutes, then insist under the lid for an hour. Strain the infusion, add 200 ml to the cooled boiling water. Drink in small doses (1-2 tablespoon) per day. The course of treatment is long, at least two weeks, then - depending on the disease and its development.

In the treatment of arthritis, ulcerative lesions, and tumors, licorice infusion is prepared as follows. One teaspoon of raw materials (you need dried chopped roots) is slightly fried in a dry frying pan and pour a glass of fresh boiling water. At least seven hours licorice should be infused. A glass of the finished broth needs to be drunk in three doses per day.

With gastritis and adrenal gland malfunction, you need to prepare another infusion. Pour a teaspoon of licorice 200 ml of boiling water, let it brew for an hour and drink 15 minutes before meals three times a day for a third of a glass.

The collection for daily intake of tea with licorice is prepared from a tablespoon of dried root, a teaspoon of mint, lemon balm and centaury. Brew it as usual tea at the rate of a teaspoon per mug of drink. Drink 1-2 cups daily. Very good for colds.

Licorice root: contraindications

Licorice is a unique plant. It rarely causes allergies, and the effect of the application comes quickly. However, licorice still has contraindications. First of all, you should refuse to use the miraculous product you need for pregnant women. The fact is that a liquorice-based drink enhances the release of hormones. Bleeding may begin, blood pressure may increase, and the case will end in abortion.

Sometimes licorice can provoke pain in the heart, swelling, headaches, increased pressure. Therefore, people suffering from hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, serious liver diseases can not take infusions on the root of licorice.

You can not combine the intake of diuretics and licorice. Contraindications to use are also infancy (up to a year), bleeding disorders, a tendency to bleeding and thrombocytopenia.

Prolonged use of licorice or excess dosage leads to hair loss, menstrual irregularities, edema, and in men can cause impotence by reducing testosterone production. In addition, licorice infusions are washed out of the body potassium, so for a long time they can not be taken uncontrollably.

The rest of licorice remains a miraculous plant, which is able to beneficially affect the body.


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