Cod - the best recipes. How to cook cod properly and tasty.


Eating fish is considered very useful since ancient times. Of course, not everyone lives in the Far East, where Red fish is an everyday food, but there is an affordable fish for everyone - for example, Pacific (Baltic, White Sea, Greenland) cod, which can afford anyone in our country.

Not many of us know that some individuals of cod grow up to 180 cm, because it falls on store shelves in sizes of 40-60 cm, maximum weight is up to 4 kg, the age of this fish is from 3 to 10 years. Her body is covered with small scales with a greenish-brown with small spots, and her abdomen is white, with a characteristic plump antenna on her chin.

The dense juicy meat of this ocean fish contains a large amount of protein, potassium, calcium and phosphorus, the most valuable part is the cod liver, which has a lot of useful properties. Thanks to the vitamins of group D and B, carotene, polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in it, liver oil is useful for everyone, especially pregnant women, who are recommended to use cod in the second trimester of pregnancy so that the child develops high intelligence and the mother is protected from postpartum depression. Well, the fish itself is simply delicious and satisfying.

Cod Dishes - The Best Recipes

Recipe 1: Salad from cod liver "Sunflower"

With this very popular ingredient, you can cook several varieties of delicious salads. They are very useful for our beauty and health, and most importantly, satisfying and completely uncomplicated. Since the time of perestroika, when traditional dishes were supplanted by more exotic ones, a salad with cod liver has remained a popular dish, a real culinary masterpiece, and the use of new-fangled ingredients only added sophistication and charm to it. This option is a sunflower - salad with mayonnaise, garnished with chips. Although due to the fat content of the liver of this ocean fish, it may not be possible to season it with mayonnaise - in general, it is a matter of taste.

Ingredients: cod liver (1 can), potatoes (400 grams), olives, cucumbers (200 gr.) mayonnaise, eggs (4 pcs), salt.

Cooking method

The beauty of this salad is that our people love to cook puff salads on holidays, and this is just such an option. It is important to remember that all layers in this salad, except the liver, must be coated with mayonnaise. Finely grated potatoes will go as the first layer, then the main ingredient is cod liver, then finely grated proteins, do not forget to smear with mayonnaise. Finely chopped green onions, then cucumbers, and finally, what allows us to give our salad this name: egg yolks, and on top of the mayonnaise layer we lay out small pieces of olives that symbolize the seeds of seeds. We spread the chips around the perimeter of the dish, but if you are real adherents of healthy food, you can replace the chips with slices of cucumber - you get a no less beautiful sunflower, as if it weren’t completely ripened. In this case, use and for salad not pickled cucumbers, but fresh ones.
So, we present to you the legend of the people - puff salad "Sunflower"!

Recipe 2: Cod fillet baked in the oven under tomatoes.

A hot dish that can be used on a festive or regular working day, a real “Nail” program for an affordable and perfect fish menu.


Cod or fillet of cod. Tomatoes 2 pcs. Cream 80 ml. Onion 2 pcs. Mayonnaise 50 gr. Sour cream 100 gr. Lemon 1/2 pcs. Pepper, salt to taste.

Cooking method

If you just bought cod, you need to cut it. To do this, cut the fish with the sharpest knife possible so that you can remove the ridge, bones, ribs. Try to prepare the knife for this operation, since the sharper it is, the less product remains on the bones. The skin of the cod is also carefully cut. Put the fillet in a baking dish. Salt and pepper the slices should now, at the very beginning of cooking, also sprinkle them with lemon juice. Pour the cream on the fillet, then spread the chopped tomatoes, onion, chopped with rings and salt. Add pepper to taste, but quite a lot. Mayonnaise and sour cream should be mixed in a separate bowl, and grease the top layer of the dish with the resulting mass. The temperature of the oven should be 180 degrees, the baking time - 25 minutes.

With such aromatic, mouth-watering and hot beauty, any table turns into a festive one.

Recipe 3: Cod Cutlets

Cod cutlets go well with a side dish of rice or greens. If you still decorate the dish with a sprig of salad, it will look fresh and delicious in spring.


To prepare several servings of cutlets, we take 0.6 kg of cod fillet as a basis. As a filler: semolina (3 tbsp. Tablespoons), small onion, egg, 50 g sour cream (you can take fat cream), breadcrumbs and a little factory breading.

Cooking method

If you use frozen fillet, you need to defrost it and remove excess moisture, then cook coarse meat, trying to maintain the structure of the fibers. Add semolina and finely chopped onions, herbs, salt and pepper to it. Mix with sour cream or cream, add the egg and leave semolina to swell for half an hour. We mix the breading, scoop the cutlet mass with a spoon and put it in the breading, roll and give the shape of a kolobok. Flattened koloboks are fried in oil for about 5 minutes, put on a dish and remove excess fat.

Recipe 4: Fried Cod

Fried cod is a recognized table dish in the cuisine of any nation, it is loved in almost all countries of the world. It is fried, like any other fish, but after frying it is recommended to hold it a little under the lid in a pan to make it soft - literally 2-3 minutes will allow the cod to “reach” to perfection. The whole cooking process takes a maximum of 10 minutes. The best side dish is boiled potatoes with pickles and horseradish.


For 500 g cod fillet: tomatoes 3 pcs, Pesto sauce - 3 tbsp. tablespoons, lemon juice, olive oil, fresh parsley - all 2 tablespoons each.

Cooking method

We wash the fish, dry and cut into pieces. Salt, season with pepper, roll in flour.
Fry fish in olive or other vegetable oil, put in a plate. Sauté tomatoes in flat slices over high heat, salt. We return the fish to the pan, shift with tomatoes and add the sauce and lemon juice. After 2 minutes, the stewed dish is ready to eat. With fresh vegetables, it just perfectly satisfies your hunger.

Cod Dishes - Useful Tips from Experienced Cooks

- For the preparation of canned cod salads, there are real secrets that will help get rid of canned fish smell. So that the cod liver does not emit a pungent smell, it should be held for a couple of minutes in lemon juice. Lemon juice helps to get a non-trivial and balanced flavor combination.

- In order to achieve a similar effect when frying cod, you can put it for several minutes in cold water with vinegar.


)))))))))) 11.12.2016
thank you for being!

fisherman 11/29/2016
Thanks, I'll go and try to cook.

N * 09/17/2016
Thanks for the recipes, but unfortunately, there was no answer to the question “How to cook cod correctly”.

Natalia 04/01/2016
Thank! I did not know how to cook cod at all. Now I'm smart, smart!

Alex 02/16/2016
I just go nuts from the very beginning of the article !!! People !! who told you that in the Far East red fish is an everyday product !!!! what are you !!!! Have you seen the prices here for it, for red caviar ???? and generally prices, in particular in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky ????


Watch the video: How To Cook Fried,Skinless Cod Fillet (July 2024).