Cabbage with minced meat in a slow cooker - a hearty dinner with a bang! Stewed cabbage recipes in a slow cooker: cabbage rolls, lasagna, stew


The combination of cabbage and minced meat is, first of all, wonderful cabbage rolls, but not only them.

Juicy greens with a mild flavor perfectly complements the meat, giving the dish subtle notes of freshness.

Meat dishes, thanks to cabbage, do not create a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, are easier to digest, and just become much tastier.

Cabbage with minced meat in a slow cooker - general principles of cooking

• Cabbage with minced meat in a slow cooker is most often stewed. Often using the "magic saucepan" of these products prepare main dishes, such as cabbage rolls, stews or lasagna.

• For stewing take white or cauliflower. White-headed can be both fresh and pickled. Fresh squirrel, finely chopped and added to the bowl to the already fried minced meat. Sauer is slightly fried and only then mixed with raw minced meat. Cauliflower before stewing is recommended to blanch for about a quarter of an hour for a couple.

• For the preparation of main dishes, such as stews or cabbage rolls, fresh squirrel, finely chopped and mixed with raw or fried minced meat. Lasagna is prepared from the leaves of boiled cabbage until half cooked, layering them with fried minced meat and pouring with specially prepared white sauce.

• Minced meat will suit almost anyone: pork, chicken, turkey, mixed, etc. The choice of a semi-finished product depends on personal preferences. Stuffing can be twisted by yourself or get ready. It is advisable that he is not overly fat. It must be slightly salted and seasoned with ground black pepper.

• The main programs used for cooking cabbage with minced meat in a slow cooker are “Baking”, “Frying” and “Stewing”. Steaming can also come in handy.

Stewed cabbage with minced meat in a slow cooker


• fresh squirrel - 1 kg;

• a pound of meat, mixed minced meat (pork with beef);

• one head of bitter onion;

• a tablespoon of unsalted tomato;

• two carrots;

• a small spoon of salt;

• 3 large tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

1. On a fine grater, rub the carrots. Chop the onion finely with a sharp, heavy knife. Cut the cabbage in half along and finely chop both halves.

2. Launch the Baking program and pour all the vegetable oil into the cooking bowl.

3. Dip the minced meat in the heated oil and fry, stirring constantly, without closing the lids.

4. After a quarter of an hour, add the carrots and onions, mix and continue cooking for another 10 minutes.

5. Then dip the cabbage in the bowl, salt. Salt may be required less, it all depends on the salinity of tomato paste. Therefore, do not put all the salt at once, but first add only half.

6. Add a small pinch of ground pepper and a tomato diluted with two tablespoons of water. If the cabbage is juicy and gives off a lot of juice, you can not dilute the tomato.

7. Lower the lid and cook the cabbage with minced meat for half an hour on the "Baking". During the frying process, be sure to mix the dish several times, and 10 minutes before cooking, pay attention to the amount of liquid in the dish. If it is too much, bring the cabbage to readiness without closing the "pots". Moisture will evaporate during this time.

Cabbage with minced meat in a slow cooker - "Lazy cabbage rolls"


• 350 gr. lean pork;

• 400 gr. beef (pulp);

• garlic;

• 100 gr. round grain rice;

• 250 gr. fresh white cabbage;

• two spoons of unsalted tomato;

• vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l .;

• two chicken eggs;

• two large onions.

Cooking method:

1. Peel one onion and cut it into small pieces. Chop the cabbage as finely as possible.

2. Sort the rice, rinse and well remove the remaining water from it. You can dry the grits on a sieve.

3. Wash the meat. Remove the film with a knife and cut into small pieces.

4. Twist the meat and chopped onion twice through the largest grill in the meat grinder.

5. Add chopped cabbage, dried rice groats and egg yolks to the minced meat. Pepper, slightly add salt and knead well.

6. Putting up the meat mass with a spoon, form small oval cabbage rolls from it with moistened hands. When forming, slightly beat off the “workpieces” by abruptly transferring them from palm to palm.

7. In small pieces, chop the remaining onion, grate the carrots on a medium grater.

8. Start the slow cooker in the "Frying" mode. Transfer chopped carrots and onions into the bowl. Pour vegetable oil and passer vegetables in it, achieving complete softening.

9. After a quarter of an hour, add the tomato and mix thoroughly.

10. Transfer the “workpiece” of cabbage rolls to the cooking bowl. Do not lay close, be sure to leave a distance not less than the thickness of the little finger.

11. Then fill in very hot water so that it covers the meat "preparations" by one centimeter.

12. Set the “Extinguishing” option on the multicooker and leave the stuffed cabbage for half an hour to cook under the lid.

Sauerkraut stew with minced meat in a slow cooker


• sauerkraut cabbage - 400 gr.;

• 200 gr. any minced meat;

• tomato paste - 30 gr.;

• Three tablespoons of any vegetable refined oil.

Cooking method:

1. Remove the sample from sauerkraut. Overly acidic pour boiling water for a quarter of an hour. Then shift to a colander, rinse well with cold water and squeeze slightly.

2. Not too acidic cabbage, without soaking, rinse and squeeze or leave for a while on a colander to excess glass water.

3. After transfer the sauerkraut into the cooking bowl, add the vegetable oil. Fry in the "Fry" or "Baking" program for 10 minutes.

4. Lower the minced meat, try the salt and add it if necessary. Close the lid tightly, change the mode to "Extinguishing", and set the timer for one hour. Ten minutes before the timer starts, add the tomato and mix.

Stewed cabbage with minced meat in a slow cooker - "Vegetable stew"


• 700 gr. lean mixed minced meat;

• seven medium potatoes;

• one large carrot;

• one onion;

• 650 gr. late white cabbage;

• three large spoons of tomato puree;

• slightly less than half a glass of water (100 ml);

• 50 gr. oil or lard.

Cooking method:

1. If you have minced meat, thaw it. For 8-10 hours, place the minced meat in a bowl or a deep plate and put it on a shelf in the refrigerator. In the non-hot season, you can leave it on the table. The naturally thawed product will not be excessively wet and all nutrients will be preserved.

2. Thaw the minced meat in the cooking bowl with the pre-laid fat in it. Launch the Fry program and cook for 10 minutes. Crush the meat that is kneeling off well and mix well so as not to burn.

3. Then add the carrots grated into the thinnest straws and chopped onion as small as possible.

4. After the vegetables are well cooked (after about 10 minutes), dip the cabbage and small potato wedges into the bowl, chopped into thin strips.

5. Add pepper, slightly salt, pour water.

6. Stir well and close the lid. Stop the "Frying" mode, and "Extinguish" run for one hour.

7. After twenty minutes, put the tomato in the cabbage and mix well again. Close the lid again and bring to readiness.

Multicooked Cauliflower Stew with Minced Meat


• cauliflower - 450 gr.;

• two eggs;

• a pound of chicken;

• garlic;

• three large spoons of medium-fat sour cream;

• one ripe tomato;

• three tablespoons of non-aromatic sunflower oil;

• large onion.

Cooking method:

1. Disassemble the head of cabbage into separate inflorescences and for 10 minutes. dip them in a weak saline solution. Then rinse well under cold water and place in a steam container.

2. Pour 200 ml of water into the bowl. Set the filled container on top and turn on the “saucepan” in the “Steam” mode, for 1/4 hour. Put the cabbage blanched into steam in a separate bowl and set aside.

3. Wash the chicken and twist through the middle grill in a meat grinder.

4. Pour oil into a clean cooking cup and on the Fry program, brown the chopped onion half-rings.

5. When the onion starts to lightly brown, lay out the twisted chicken to it. Mix well and continue cooking, without interrupting the previously set option for another 20 minutes.

6. Chopped tomatoes into slices with any puree food processor. You can, as well as chicken, grind in a meat grinder.

7. Mix raw eggs with sour cream, salt and finely grated garlic.

8. Put the blanched cabbage in the fried chicken. Add the tomato, pour in the sour cream dressing and mix thoroughly.

9. Change the "Frying" mode to "Extinguishing", close the multicooker lid tightly and continue cooking for another half hour.

Cabbage with minced meat in a slow cooker - "Cabbage Lasagna"


• average head of late cabbage;

• four ripe tomatoes;

• onion;

• one small carrot;

• a pound of any low-fat minced meat;

• 50 gr. butter;

• one and a half tablespoons of wheat flour;

• half a liter of pasteurized cow's milk;

• a small pinch of nutmeg;

• 100 gr. semi-hard cheese or Parmesan.

Cooking method:

1. First prepare cabbage leaves. Wash the cabbage well, tear off the top leaves and dip them in boiling water. Boil the cabbage until half cooked (10-15 minutes) and remove from the water.

2. In a slightly cooled head on the side of the stump, make a few deep incisions and separate the leaves. Thicken the thickened areas slightly and cut the leaves into small squares measuring 3 × 3 cm.

3. In a bowl of a multicooker with vegetable oil, spasser the onion chopped into small cubes and coarsely grated carrots until the onions soften. Cooking mode - "Frying" or "Baking".

4. Add the minced meat to the vegetables and chop it well into small pieces with a spatula. Add the tomatoes killed by the blender, slightly salt and simmer for one and a half minutes. Put the contents of the bowl in a bowl and wash it.

5. Turn on the kitchen appliance as before and put the butter in a clean bowl. When it is completely melted, add flour and stir well so that there are no flour lumps. Add the nutmeg, add a little salt and, without stopping stirring, cook until noticeable thickening. Pour the prepared white sauce into a separate bowl, and wash the bowl again well.

6. Cover the bottom of the clean bowl with squares of cabbage leaves and lay on them a portion of the minced meat fried with tomatoes. Pour half of the white sauce over it and cover with cabbage leaves. Then put the minced meat again and pour it over with white sauce. Rub the cheese with a coarse grater.

7. Set the Extinguishing program to one hour and turn on the slow cooker.

8. Divide the prepared cabbage lasagna directly in the bowl with a spatula into portioned pieces and place on plates.

Cabbage with minced meat in a slow cooker - cooking tricks and useful tips

• For strips of cabbage to be the same thickness and thin enough, use a special vegetable peeler or food processor for shredding.

• Be sure to dip cauliflower in saline. This will remove insect larvae from them.

• To get rid of excessive acidity of sauerkraut, it is not necessary to fill it with boiling water. You can soak cabbage in cold water.

• Add tomato paste to stewed cabbage no earlier than 10-15 minutes until cooking is complete. Otherwise, it will not soften and remain stiff.

• When preparing lasagna, be sure to cut off the compacted areas with leaves with a knife or beat them with a hammer.


Watch the video: Jerk Chicken Recipe. Crockpot Recipes (July 2024).