Strawberry Jam: How to Cook Strawberry Jam


Strawberry Jam - General Description

Strawberry jam is a canned product made from strawberries by boiling it in a sugar solution.

Strawberries can rightfully be considered a valuable product, since it contains vitamins A, E, C, P, B, organic acids, potassium, magnesium, iron, cobalt, manganese, nitrogen, phosphorus, silicon, pectin and many others. Raw strawberries are recommended for the treatment of hypertension, atherosclerosis, and anemia.

During cooking, strawberry jam loses some important properties. In this regard, five-minute jam is more beneficial. Vitamins are stored in it due to the short duration of the heat treatment. However, in any strawberry jam, beta-carotene, mineral salts, organic acids and fiber remain.

Strawberry jam has a beneficial effect on the formation and content of red blood cells. Thanks to it, metabolism and blood pressure are normalized, the strength of blood vessels improves, immunity strengthens, and the iodine content in the body rises. Strawberry jam has a diuretic effect and facilitates the condition of the patient with colds. A little strawberry jam for the night will help to sleep soundly until the morning.

It is believed that since strawberry jam is rich in antioxidants, it has prophylactic properties that prevent the development of tumors.

The berries for this jam must be selected both in size and in terms of maturity. It is very important the time at which it is preferable to pick the berry. It is better to do this in sunny, dry weather and in the afternoon, and not in the morning. Dew and rainwater penetrate the berry, making it watery.

The most delicious jam is obtained from small berries. They look great in the finished product. In no case should strawberries be cooked in the refrigerator, otherwise it will lose not only its aroma, but also its sweetness.

Strawberry Jam - Cooking Utensils

Wash cans thoroughly with warm water and soap. Rinse well. The oven pan must be cleaned with a clean towel. Put the prepared banks upside down on it. Half an hour before the jam is ready, put a baking sheet with jars in a 100-degree-heated oven. At the same time, the covers should be put in a small container, completely filled with water and boil for several minutes. If a ladle or funnel is used in the process of filling the jam, it is also better to sterilize them.

If the jam is ready, then the baking sheet can be removed from the oven, the cans are turned over, but left standing on the baking sheet. Jars should be filled with jam so that it does not reach the edge of one centimeter. Immediately close the jam with lids and put it in a dry place.

For cooking, it is better to use a large enameled basin. To cook a "five-minute" basin should be changed to a pan, because the pan will be easier to wrap. Stir the jam with a wooden spoon or spatula.

Strawberry Jam - Berry Preparation

Strawberries sprinkled from the basket onto the table. Initially, it should be sorted by size. For jam, you need a small berry. She keeps her shape better. Rotten, overripe and unripe berries must be removed. The corollas are removed from the berries, and then they are washed.

Some housewives advise not to wash strawberries, but only wipe them with a damp towel. So, you need to wash strawberries. Only this should be done not under running water, when the berries are in a sieve, but in the basin. This is done so that the berries are less damaged in the washing process. In a basin, strawberries are carefully placed one by one as they are sorted and peeled. The berries are poured with water and washed.

Washed berries are taken out handful on a towel. It is better to dry strawberries, but it can take from 5 to 6 hours.

Strawberry Jam - Recipe 1

The classic way. The cooking proportions are a kilogram of sugar per kilogram of berries. Strawberries must be carefully sorted, torn sepals and washed in several waters. It is good if the berries are small, but if the berries are large, they can be cut in half.

The berries are covered with sugar and left for 4 or even 6 hours. During this time, strawberries will start juice. The pan with berries is put on medium heat and brought to a boil. From the moment of boiling, strawberries are boiled for five minutes. In this case, the foam is constantly removed. After that, the pan is removed from the heat and, having cooled slightly, is covered with a clean cloth. Let the jam cool completely. This will take 10 hours.

Again put the jam to cook. From boiling, cook for five minutes, removing the foam. Cool to cool. After boiling the berries for five minutes for the third time, succulent the prepared jam for about an hour and, pouring into sterilized jars, seal with sterilized lids.

Strawberry Jam - Recipe 2

Well-washed berries should be laid in layers in enameled dishes. Each layer must be sprinkled with sugar. Sugar will be needed at the rate of 1.2 kg per kilogram of berries. Now the pan with berries must be placed in a cool place for a period of four to six hours. Let the strawberries give the juice. The resulting mass should be cooked on low heat. In the process of cooking, be sure to remove the foam and periodically shake the contents of the pan so that the jam does not burn. You need to cook until cooked in one go.

Strawberry Jam - Recipe 3

The estimated portion is 1 kg of sugar, 1 kg of berries, 1 tbsp. spoon of 9% vinegar and a pinch of salt. All ingredients are immediately placed in a pan. As soon as the strawberries begin to give juice, proceed to cooking. Gradually bring the jam to a boil. With a confectionery thermometer, you can check the temperature. It should be 105 degrees. Cook until tender. After the jam is laid out on sterilized jars (1 cm from the edge of the jar!) And closed with sterilized lids, the jars of jam are again sterilized in boiling water for 10 minutes.

Strawberry Jam - Recipe 4

This method of cooking strawberry jam helps preserve vitamins in the berry. It is called a "five minute" and is very simple. To make jam, take no more than 2 kg of berries. Sugar needs 1.5 times more. For 1 kg of sugar, take 1 cup of water. Syrup is boiled in an enameled saucepan over high heat. The resulting foam is removed. The berries are poured into boiling syrup and allowed to boil for 5 minutes. Stir gently. They turn off the gas, wrap the pan so that it cools down more slowly. The cooled jam is laid out on the banks and tied the neck with paper. You can use nylon caps.

Strawberry Jam - Tips from Experienced Cookers

It is important to know when the jam is ready. To do this, you can put several small plates in the freezer. Put a spoonful of jam on one of the plates. Wait a bit. Swipe the surface of the jam with your finger. If the surface is wrinkled, the jam is ready.

Another option: drop jam on the thumbnail. If the drop does not spread, the jam is ready.
Lemon juice or vinegar added to the jam will help it thicken and prevent it from becoming too cloying.
A small piece of butter added at the end of cooking will help to reduce the volume of the foam.

If, after cooling, the lid on the jar is springy, the jar is leaking. It should be stored in the refrigerator and used within the next month.

Put the rest of the jam in a cool and dark place.


Kanga 06/14/2016
It is better to wash strawberries with sepals - so it absorbs less water. And to tear them off already when transferring berries from water to a sieve or on a towel to dry.


Watch the video: How to Make Strawberry Jam!! Homemade Small Batch Preserves Recipe (July 2024).