Rosehip - medicinal properties and applications in medicine


Rosehip - general description

Kind rose hip belongs to perennial wild shrub plants of the pink family. Deciduous shrubs from 1 to 5 meters high have a powerful stem root that goes deep into the soil, lateral root shoots are highly branched. Spiky green or brownish branches covered with spikes, curved, arched, less often straight. Rosehip leaves are pinnate-spiral, 5-7 leaves are located on one petiole - one apical, the remaining paired.

Diverse flowers (roses), as a rule, are clustered in corymbose or paniculate inflorescences, have five regular white or pink petals. Rosehip bloom begins in the May-June period, and the fruit in the form of a bright orange large popularia forms in early or mid-autumn.

Rosehip - types and places of growth

The genus of wild rose is numerous and unites about 400 species, common in natural conditions. Almost all temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere are their habitat, but most often wild rose is found in the European part of Russia, the Volga Region, the Far East, and Eastern and Western Siberia. Of the greatest importance for gardening are 2 types of shrubs: May hips (cinnamon rose) and wrinkled rose hips.

Rosehip May grows in the form of a bush with a height of one to two meters. The photophilous, winter-hardy plant prefers forest glades, edges, floodplains and riverbanks. Average life expectancy is 20 years, fruiting is about 3 kg of fruits from the bush.

Wrinkled rosehips are ubiquitous. Its bushes are well developed; twisting, spiky branches. This species belongs to repair plants, the fruits ripen gradually until the frosts. Wrinkled wild rose - more productive and brings an average of 4-5 kg ​​of fruit from the bush.

Rosehip - medicinal properties

Rosehip is a real record holder for the content of immunostimulating vitamin C, rich in fruits and vitamins A, K, E, P, antioxidants and other mineral and biologically active substances, so rosehip is widely used in homeopathy, folk and traditional medicine. The advantage of this plant is that due to the lack of toxicity, it can be taken in any dose and quantity, without fear of side effects.

Decoctions of rose hips are choleretic, multivitamin, weakly diuretic, lowering blood pressure. In addition, the fruits and roots stimulate the production of blood cells, strengthen blood vessels, improve digestion and appetite, and increase the body's resistance to colds and various infections.

Rosehip juice and tea is useful for the kidneys, stomach, liver and the entire gastrointestinal tract, removes salts, toxins and toxins from the body, normalizes blood circulation, activates metabolism, improves memory, slows down aging, prevents atherosclerosis, gives good mood and vitality.

Rosehip - dosage forms

Healing properties are possessed by flowers, namely petals, fruits, leaves and roots of a plant. Harvesting is done in autumn, as it ripens. Collect them manually with gloves, trying not to damage the skin. Immediately after collection, they are dried. You can dry the fruits in the sun or in special vegetable dryers at a temperature of 80 degrees. Flowers, roots and leaves are extracted in the flowering phase and dried as described above.

Rosehip - recipes of traditional medicine

- Infusion for improving blood circulation: 40-50 gr. fruits pour 2 cups boiling water and insist wrapped or in a thermos for 8-12 hours, then squeeze and drink 80-100 ml three times a day.

- Decoction with myocardial dystrophy: 3 table. tablespoons of fruits are added to 600 ml of boiling water, simmer on the stove for 10 minutes, add honey and drink 0.5-1 cup twice a day.

- Infusion for hypertension, atherosclerosis, anemia, bleeding and infectious diseases: two tables. tablespoons of fruit are crushed, brewed with boiling water (400 ml) and kept in a water bath for 12-15 minutes, then cooled and squeezed. It is recommended to take an infusion of 100-150 ml twice a day. For children, the dosage is halved.

- A decoction of flower petals (80 g. Per glass of water, boil and cook for half an hour) is taken externally for inflammatory diseases of the skin and eyes.

- A decoction of the roots in kidney disease: two tables. tablespoons of raw materials pour 400 ml of water, boil and hold on the stove for 10-15 minutes. Drink per day, preferably in the form of heat. Baths with the addition of such a decoction are taken for paralysis and leg fatigue.

- The universal oil from rosehip seeds is recommended for use in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (internally and in the form of enemas), pressure sores, dermatoses, ulcers, etc. To make it at home, you need to take 200 gr. seeds (nuts), add them to 0.7 l of any vegetable oil, insist in a water bath for 4-6 hours. Then cool and squeeze on a juicer.

Rosehip - contraindications

Any treatment with herbs, including wild rose, should begin, making sure that there is no individual intolerance.


Watch the video: DIY Acne Scar Removal Serum & Rosacea Natural Treatment with Rosehip & Black Seed Oil (June 2024).