How to flush an ear with hydrogen peroxide without damaging the membrane? Is it possible to clean the ear with peroxide and is it dangerous for the body?


Many believe that almost all bacteria enter our body through the nose, but this is not entirely true.

It turns out that there is another way that bacteria overcome to get into our body - these are our ears.

Therefore, the key to good health is also clean ears.

To date, scientists have been able to prove that for the treatment of many diseases, hydrogen peroxide can be used for the ears. But how to rinse your ear with hydrogen peroxide and is it even possible to clean the ear with peroxide?

Can hydrogen peroxide drip into the ear: what is the use of peroxide

Traditional medicine claims that in order to get rid of otitis media and sulfur plugs, it is necessary to drip hydrogen peroxide in the ear. If you regularly bury the peroxide in your ears, you can prevent the development of otitis media in advance. Perhaps it is no secret to anyone that the best antiseptic is hydrogen peroxide.

At the end of the last century, hydrogen peroxide became known to almost everyone. Neumyvakin Ivan was able to prove to everyone that the substances that make up the peroxide have invaluable properties. He even released his book, in which he was able to describe in detail all the properties and recipes for the use of peroxide.

As a result of the use of hydrogen, you can strengthen your immunity, in addition to this, peroxide can fight various viruses and bacteria that periodically attack our body. It is believed that peroxide helps well with hearing loss. Moreover, it should be noted that the drug is quite acceptable for treatment and many doctors recommend using it.

The main therapeutic properties of hydrogen peroxide are in the fight against viruses and disinfection. The medicine is not expensive, you can buy it at any pharmacy, this is the best antiseptic. But there are other useful properties of hydrogen peroxide:

1. Ridding a person of chronic ear diseases.

2. Strengthening the immune system, the body will resist the penetration of various infections.

3. Hygienic properties. Under the influence of peroxide, all dirt and sulfur is removed.

The main advantage of the drug - its gentle effect, the integrity of the mucous membrane is not violated: for example, if alcohol causes a lot of discomfort, then peroxide will even tickle the auricle.

All qualities of peroxide are based on atomic oxygen, after it enters the tissues, a kind of redox reaction occurs.

The main indications for use can be noted:

1. With external otitis media, good disinfection occurs.

2. Removal of sulfur plugs occurs, even if they have a dense consistency.

3. Complete cleaning of the auricle from various infectious particles.

4. Complete restoration of the integrity of the skin, in particular the healing of scratches.

But as already mentioned, peroxide can be used simply as a prophylaxis.

Can hydrogen peroxide drip into the ear: rules for instillation

Most people have heard that such a tool can be used, but in fact they don’t know how to rinse the ear with hydrogen peroxide.

If this is your first time performing a procedure, it is necessary to instill peroxide in the ear with a concentration of 0.3%, or a little more, but not more than 0.5. Pour water into one tablespoon, then drip 15 drops of peroxide into it. At this stage, the preparation of the solution for the procedure is completed. If you have already done this cleaning, then you can use a 2% solution. The solution in this case is prepared exactly according to the same scheme as in the previous case.

If any disease occurs in your ears, you do not need to drop peroxide in your ear, but carefully insert soaked swabs into it. If your baby is less than 6 months old and his ears hurt, you can’t drip peroxide as well, just insert a swab. The thing is that the risk of damaging the small ear is too high.

Can hydrogen peroxide drip into the ear: sulfur plugs and peroxide

Often in the ears there is severe discomfort, everything starts to shoot and hurt. These signs may indicate that a sulfur plug has formed. This becomes especially noticeable when a person enters a room with high humidity, or is damp on the street. Under such conditions, the cork greatly swells and gradually squeezes the eardrum.

Of course, you need to visit a medical institution, if there is no opportunity to go there in the near future, you need to get rid of the cork with hydrogen peroxide. The procedure is not complicated, and you can perform it while at home:

1. Tilt your head so that the ear in which the cork formed is on top and the healthy one is on the bottom.

2. Using a pipette, draw a small amount of hydrogen peroxide. After that, gently drop a few drops into the ear, and for a while hold your head in a horizontal position. Do not be scared if the product starts to hiss and foam, thus, the cork is destroyed.

3. Take a cotton wool or cotton swab and wipe it with the liquid that protrudes from the outside, but do not try to penetrate deeper into the ear, so you will push the cork even further.

4. In order to completely get rid of the cork, you need to do this procedure several times a week.

After the cork is completely softened, you need to completely remove it from the ear. To do this, take a syringe, remove the needle from it, draw a few grams of warm water. Under pressure, release water into the ear. Wait a few minutes and wipe everything in the auricle with a tissue. If you have formed a sulfuric plug in both ears at once, you need to do this procedure in turn, first with one ear, then with the second. If traffic jams occur in children, this procedure can only be carried out after consultation with your doctor.

Can i use peroxide or not?

Many doubt and do not know whether it is possible to clean the ear with peroxide if they are very sick. The answer to this question is unequivocal, yes, it is possible. Any doctor will tell you this. But there is one thing, but starting treatment on your own is not recommended, even if you use such a harmless composition. First you need to know the diagnosis exactly, pass the necessary tests if necessary, and only then you need to start treatment.

Which peroxide is better to use?

Hydrogen peroxide is available in two forms - tablets and solutions. Tablets have a strong concentration, so if they are used, then only to lighten the hair. For therapeutic purposes, they acquire a solution. But about its concentration, you need to consult your doctor. If it is small and does not help you, then it can be improved.

Useful Tips

Before using hydrogen peroxide, you need to not only consult your doctor, but also study certain recommendations:

1. In no case do not self-medicate. The first thing to do is to visit the otolaryngologist, only after a consultation with a specialist has been completed, you can begin treatment. It is necessary to observe the dosage, since exceeding it can lead to negative consequences.

2. If itching, burning, or any other discomfort occurred at the time of ear treatment, stop the procedure. The thing is that peroxide can adversely affect damaged skin, which means that the recovery process will be slowed down.

3. In no case should you try to completely clean all earwax. Sulfur must be produced in every normal body, it is necessary, as it performs important functions. First of all, this concerns the protection of the auditory canal from infection and various bacteria.

4. The use of concentrated solution is prohibited (many do this in order to slightly speed up the healing process). Instead of getting the desired result, you will exacerbate the problems and more likely complications will develop.

5. In order to dilute the peroxide, you need to use ordinary clean water. The tap water should be boiled and then cleaned through a filter. Contaminated water will only cause infections.

6. If you are prone to the fact that you often get jams, visit a doctor and try to find out what is the reason, self-medication in this case can be dangerous.

7. If after treatment with hydrogen peroxide there is no positive result, be sure to consult a doctor, you may need to replace the medicine with another one.

In order for the ears to always remain healthy and clean, it is necessary to carefully monitor them and avoid the development of diseases.


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