Raspberries: useful properties and contraindications, rules of use. Possible damage to raspberries: truth or myth?


Sweet aromatic raspberries are not only delicious, but also very healthy.

It is no accident that it is customary to keep a jar or two of raspberry jam at home.

In summer you need to enjoy fresh raspberries, and in winter you can use dried or frozen berries.

Along with useful properties, raspberries have contraindications, which you also need to know about.

Raspberry Berries: Pulp Composition and Properties

Fragrant garden berry has magical properties. It is able to reduce the temperature, treat a cold throat, relieve cough, alleviate the condition in any acute respiratory illness, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis.

However, this is only the tip of the iceberg. In fact, the benefits of the red berry are much greater, and the harm of raspberries (which also exist) cannot be ignored, especially when it comes to babies and pregnant women.

Useful properties of raspberries and contraindications for its use are explained by the composition of the berry. The following substances that scientists found in the composition are especially important for the human body:

• salicylic acid (it acts as an antipyretic), as well as citric and malic acids;

• flavonoids (quercetin, cyanidin, kempferol), which have antimicrobial properties, inhibit the reproduction of some fungi and bacteria;

• antioxidants (for example, ellagenic acid) that preserve the youth of cells, neutralize free radicals and prevent aging;

• a large number of trace elements: magnesium to strengthen the heart, manganese, potassium, iron, copper, sodium, phosphorus;

• vitamins C (ascorbic acid), PP, B1, B6, E;

• Vitamin K (phylloquinone), which ensures normal blood coagulation.

By the way, in terms of antioxidant properties, raspberries are almost twice as superior to strawberries, three times to kiwi and ten times to tomatoes.

Healing properties of raspberries

Raspberry berry is capable of exerting an antitoxic effect on the body, acting as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic natural remedy. Delicate raspberry pulp helps to cope with various ailments:

• stops bleeding, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting;

• reduces the intensity of stomach pain;

• increases appetite;

• protects against colds and flu;

• relieves increased stress from the urinary system, is an excellent diuretic, relieves swelling;

• It is an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis, as it prevents the accumulation of cholesterol plaques on the vascular walls;

• useful for anemia and leukemia;

• able to reduce blood pressure and improve blood composition;

• helps to cope with pain during exacerbation of arthrosis, radiculitis and arthritis;

• Due to the ability to reduce bleeding, it is useful for hemorrhoids.

Sweet raspberries can be eaten with diabetes, since it practically does not raise blood sugar levels. The berry nourishes the body with vitamins, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, and is useful for constant stress and physical exertion.

Useful properties of raspberries for women and children

It is important to know that raspberries have useful properties and contraindications for women and children. For the female body, this berry is indispensable, as it stimulates the muscles of the uterus. Women who are planning a pregnancy need to include raspberry decoctions and fresh berries in their diet to ensure the intake of the most important substance - folic acid. It is from her that the successful bearing of the fetus in the first stages of pregnancy depends.

What is the use of tea with raspberries or a decoction of its leaves:

• eliminates too heavy periods;

• makes the menstrual cycle regular;

• reduces discomfort and pain during critical days.

Folic acid contained in raspberries helps not only to get pregnant safely, but also to bear the baby. It is this vitamin that is responsible for the harmonious, proper development of the fetus.

The harm of raspberries during pregnancy can be an overabundance of active substances, especially in the second half of pregnancy. For one and a half to two months before birth, the use of raspberries needs to be limited, since it can bring the uterus into tone and provoke a premature birth.

In addition, if the expectant mother is abusing raspberry desserts, she can damage the health of the baby. The potential harm to raspberries can be allergies in the unborn baby. Despite the useful properties of raspberries, contraindications for its use are the presence of an allergic reaction in the mother.

As for children, pediatricians recommend introducing them to berries from two to three years, when the maturation of the immune system completes. After the first use, it is important to monitor the reaction for several days. If the body took the delicacy without negative consequences, you can periodically include raspberries in the children's diet.

For babies without allergies, raspberries can be a wonderful way to strengthen the body in autumn and winter, during outbreaks of acute respiratory infections. It saturates with useful substances, prevents vitamin deficiency, supports the immune system. And most importantly, children really like raspberries and from it you can cook a lot of healthy and delicious dishes.

Raspberry leaves: useful properties

Useful not only berries, but also leaves of raspberry bush. By the content of vitamin C, the leaves of the bush are several times superior to sweet berries. They have an equally rich composition of nutrients and have effective anti-inflammatory and general strengthening properties. How can raspberry leaf be used:

• for taste and benefit, it is simply added to regular tea when brewing;

• brewed for the prevention in the season of colds and epidemics of influenza, as well as a drink to strengthen the immune system;

• prepare healing broths from raspberry leaf separately and take them inside for bronchitis, colds, and viral diseases. The drink will help alleviate cough, stimulate sputum discharge, reduce fever;

• with hypertension, decoctions are taken to lower blood pressure;

• used as a rinse in the treatment of tonsillitis, tonsillitis and other diseases of the throat and oral cavity;

• pulp from fresh leaves is applied to cleansed skin to treat acne and inflammation;

• rinse the hair with a decoction of raspberry leaf and wash it. The hair becomes strong and shiny, and the skin is smooth, radiant and beautiful.

Fresh and dried raspberry leaves are used for healing and strengthening. The ideal time for collecting raw materials for long-term storage is the end of May, when the concentration of nutrients is at its maximum. To preserve the benefits, the leaves are dried in a shaded place so that they are not exposed to direct sunlight.

Harmful raspberries

Delicious raspberries can not only enhance health, but also have a negative effect on it. The point is not only that a berry, like any food product, can cause allergies. Scientists have discovered oxalates in the berries. These are salts of oxalic acid, which can provoke the development of the following ailments:

• kidney stones, gall bladder;

• aggravation of gout;

• exacerbation of a stomach ulcer;

• erosion of the gastrointestinal mucosa.

That is why you can not use either pulp or raspberry juice during periods of exacerbation of peptic ulcer, gastritis, any kidney disease, in the presence of a diagnosed urolithiasis.

Since the plant contains substances that stimulate blood coagulation, it is important to take this feature into account when taking medications that promote blood thinning or blood coagulation. Be sure to consult your doctor.

The harm of raspberries with frequent use of berries can manifest itself in disruption of the thyroid gland and inhibition of the production of a number of hormones. A negative effect was also noted on the pituitary gland, although the reasons are still not clear.

How to keep raspberries healthy

Thermal processing of the berry leads to the fact that some of the useful qualities are lost. Therefore, raspberry jam loses a little to fresh, or grated with sugar berries in taste, but less useful.

Of course, in the berry season you need to eat a lot of fresh raspberries. You can make smoothies, desserts, cocktails from it. Fresh berries should be stored in the refrigerator, covered with a clean cloth, but not more than three days.

It is allowed to dry the berries in a natural way or in an oven. You can simply grind fresh berries with sugar and store in the refrigerator. The last way to preserve the benefits of raspberries is to make syrup from it. Squeezed juice you need to see


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