July 20: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays July 20th.


Holidays July 20

International Chess Day

A proposal to create a holiday for all chess lovers was made by the International Chess Federation - FIDE. The federation itself was founded in 1924. July 20. Therefore, the date of the celebration did not have to choose for a long time. The FIDE proposal was approved, and since 1966, professional chess players and ordinary fans of this ancient game have been celebrating the holiday. And there are millions of them around the world. This game is so popular that even in the smallest village there is always at least one chess club. This day is always filled with a rich program: entertaining events, master classes, competitions, lectures and exchange seminars are held. And those who want to face off can take part in sessions of simultaneous game with venerable chess players.

Perun Day

In Slavic mythology, Perun was considered a thunder god, the patron saint of soldiers. Ancient people, especially the male half, treated him with special reverence. On this day, it was customary to consecrate weapons with the blood of a victim — a bull or a rooster, with special spells being read over combat equipment.

Another legend is associated with the name of Perun. In East Slavic legends it is said that Perun tried to kill the devils by throwing lightning in them. Fleeing from the Thunderer, evil spirits found refuge in the water. Since then, she spends most of her time there, getting out on land only in a certain period - from Ivan Kupala (July 7) to Ilyina day (August 2). There are many thunderstorms in the sky these days, because Perun again begins to shoot the devils that have come to the surface. But you can safely swim in lakes and rivers. But only strictly until Ilyin’s day, until evil spirits return to their usual habitat. With the spread of Christianity among the Slavs, and a gradual departure from paganism, the role of Perun fell upon the Elijah the prophet.

July 20 on the folk calendar

Avdotya Senognoyka. Thomas Blueberry.

This day the peasants waited a little cautiously. And they were very worried if it had been raining since morning. It was believed that if it rains on Avdotya, then it will go for several weeks. Excess moisture could harm the crop and hay collected in stacks, which could simply rot away from excess moisture. And rains on Avdotya often happened, which is why she was given such a characteristic prefix - "hay bark". Tried to this day all the hay remaining in the fields, quickly put in ricks, and hide under a canopy.

Gardening strawberries (strawberries) began to be planted on Foma, and radish was re-sown. The first harvest ripened on fruit trees: cherries were red, apples were poured with juice. Blueberries ripened on the bushes. Ripe blueberry berries were a signal that it was time to harvest bread. Therefore, Thomas often started to harvest, there was even such a saying that "Thomas sickles get along." Harvesting grain began with a special ritual. The peasants walked onto the field, singing songs, and in their hands carried a sickle wrapped in a towel. The first compressed sheaf was tied with this towel, which was later consecrated in the church.

Historical events of July 20

July 20, 1887 can be considered the beginning of the era of animation

On July 20, the Frenchman Emile Reynaud demonstrated to the public the first animated film on his praxinoscope. This is an optical device, which consisted of a small cylinder, with a mirror prism and a dozen miniature pictures placed inside it. As the cylinder rotated, the pictures moved, creating an animated effect of smooth movement on the screen.

July 20, 1944 in Germany, an attempt was made to coup and physically eliminate Adolf Hitler

This was not the first attempt on the German leader. There were about twenty such attempts. And every time Hitler managed to avoid death. He seemed to be protected by unknown forces. The attempt on July 20 was carefully planned and theoretically did not leave the Führer a chance of survival. The activists of the German Resistance were supposed not only to eliminate Hitler, but to overthrow the fascist regime. Lieutenant Colonel Klaus von Stauffenberg was entrusted with the execution during the meeting, which was led by the Führer. Having entered the office, the lieutenant colonel took a seat near Hitler and put a briefcase with a bomb under the table. The explosion should have thundered in ten minutes. Under the pretext of calling, Klaus left the room. The bomb exploded in due time. Hitler was wounded, but survived. As it turned out, the briefcase on the floor was hindering someone, and he was pushed away under the table. During the explosion, the heavy oak lid took the brunt of the blow. The attempted attempt has again failed.

July 20, 1973 the legendary Bruce Lee passed away

Bruce Lee was considered a recognized master of martial arts. He actively acted in films, was an actor, stunt director, director. For 33 years of his life managed to star in thirty-six films. The name of Bruce Lee at least once in his life, but everyone has heard. The fact that martial arts have become very popular in Western countries is a great merit of the actor himself. Acting in action films, he acquired millions of imitators and admirers. The karate, jiu-jitsu, kung fu sections, underground and official, like mushrooms grew in small and large cities around the world. From those who wanted to be engaged there was no end. Death to Bruce Lee came unexpectedly, at the peak of his popularity. He died of cerebral edema, allegedly taking a pill for a headache. What caused the swelling is unknown, because analyzes were not taken. Therefore, talk about the real cause of death of the master has not ceased to this day.

Born on July 20

Carlos Santana (born 1947), American, Mexican guitarist

Carlos Santana is truly one of the greatest guitarists in the world. He is immensely talented and very original: his playing style can be determined from the very first chords. Sorting the strings, Santana merges with the guitar, passing her her mood, and she reciprocates. Where to cry, where to laugh, where to touch the strings of the soul or be sad. His playing style is mixed from the rhythms of Latin, American, rock music. Santana can be considered one of the founders of Latin rock, because He made a huge contribution to the popularization of this style of music. At the beginning of his musical career, Carlos was the guitarist of the group "Santana", and later began to perform solo. In his performance, such compositions as "Black Magic Woman", "Maria Maria", "Smooth", "Game of Love" and many others became hits.

Alexander Zhulin (born 1963), Russian skater

Grandmother brought the future star in figure skating when he was five years old. At the competition, Zhulin acted as a "loner", and since 1980. began to dance with Maya Usova. The pair turned out to be bright and dynamic, but for a long time they were unlucky. There was not enough luck to take first place. Their eternal rivals were Klimova and Ponomarenko, later Grischuk and Platov. For the first time, Fortune turned to Zhulin and Usova in 1991. when they became champions of the USSR, and in 1993. when they won the World Cup and Europe. Having finished his career as a skater, Alexander switched to coaching. And the coach turned out to be quite good from him. He trained Alexander Abt, couples - Vazgen Azroyan-Anastasia Grebenkina, Peter Chernyshev-Naomi Lang and many others. But his most famous students are Olympic champions Roman Kostomarov and Tatyana Navka.

Name day July 20

Name Day Celebrate: German, Thomas, Nikon, Sergey, Evdokia (Avdotya), Euphrosyne


Watch the video: Learn Holidays - Truly American Holidays (July 2024).