Salads for nursing mothers - benefit and pleasure. Salad recipes for nursing mothers, useful for the baby and good lactation


The features of salads for nursing mothers is that they should be useful for mom and baby.

Any low-quality or poorly digestible product will immediately affect the baby's body.

In our article, we will figure out what products in a salad can be consumed by a young mother.

Principles of preparing salads for nursing mothers

Any new product must be added to the diet very carefully. At the very beginning, try to take it in small doses and monitor the reaction of the child. Redness, a rash, or an upset stomach should alert you. If you do not notice any negative effect, then increase the portion to the amount necessary for you.

Another function that food should perform during this period is an increase in lactation. This will help the use of nuts, cheese, carrots, honey, milk, dairy products and others. Based on such products, you can come up with a variety of recipes.

Preferably, the ingredients that will be used in the cooking process as follows: cook, stew or steam.

You can make salads from the following products:

• Meat (not fatty pork, rabbit, turkey). In the first months of feeding, refrain from eating chicken. Since it is considered a very strong allergen.

• Be careful with vegetables. Cabbage, fresh cucumbers, and legumes can cause gas and colic. Tomatoes - diathesis.

• Eat fish in moderation and only braised, baked or boiled. Refrain from canned fish, smoked and salted fish, as well as from seafood. Caution with crab sticks and crab meat.

• Try to limit the use of sausages. The preservatives, stabilizers and dyes that are found in these products can cause indigestion.

• A separate point must be said for the eggs in the salad. Protein rather than yolk is believed to be a great allergen. Therefore, introduce this new product very carefully. And also remember that you can always replace it with quail eggs.

• Eating fruit salads is great. But refrain from the exotic.

In the first months of feeding, doctors do not recommend eating mayonnaise and ketchup. This problem can be solved by making mayonnaise yourself at home from natural products. For this you will need: 2 yolks, mustard, salt, sugar - half a teaspoon. Beat everything thoroughly and pour in about half a glass of vegetable oil. At the end, you can add a spoonful of lemon juice.

Recipe 1. Salad for a nursing mother, "Greek"


• cucumbers - 1 pc.;

• tomatoes - 1 pc.;

• sweet pepper - 1 pc.;

• feta cheese - 60 grams;

• olives - 8 pieces;

• sour cream or olive oil - optional


1. Slice tomatoes and cucumbers.

2. Cut the pepper into thin strips.

3. Mix everything and add diced cheese and olives.

4. Season to taste with olive oil or sour cream.

Recipe 2. Salad for a nursing mother of carrots, apples and nuts


• carrots - 1 piece;

• apples (Semerynka or another green variety) - 2 pieces;

• walnuts - 1 tablespoon;

• honey - 1 tsp

Parsley, lemon juice - optional.


1. Rub carrots on a coarse grater.

2. Cut the apples into small slices.

3. Crush the nuts and fry in butter.

4. All the ingredients to mix, add honey and, if desired, parsley and lemon juice.

Recipe 3. Salad "Mimosa" for nursing mothers

This is a slightly modified classic recipe that will decorate your holiday table.


• boiled fish (for example, pelengas) - 400 grams;

• boiled carrots - 250 grams;

• quail eggs - 8 pieces;

• hard cheese (for example, Dutch) - 150 grams;

• apples - 2 pieces of medium, not sour;

• onions - 1 head;

• mayonnaise - preferably use homemade.


1. Boil the necessary ingredients: fish, carrots, eggs.

2. Separate the fish from the bones and cut into small pieces.

3. Three carrots and apples on a coarse grater, cheese - on a fine.

4. Boiled eggs are divided into yolks and squirrels. Three squirrels on a coarse grater, yolks - on a fine.

5. Onions are pre-marinated in a tablespoon of lemon juice with salt and sugar.

6. Next, everything needs to be laid in layers: half a portion of grated carrots is poured with mayonnaise, on top we put a layer of fish and finely chopped onions, pour with mayonnaise. Then again sprinkle with grated carrots, egg whites, apples and cheese in the appropriate sequence. From above, grease everything with mayonnaise and sprinkle with grated yolk for decoration.

Recipe 4. Curd and vegetable salad for a nursing mother


• cottage cheese (it is better to take homemade, with a high percentage of fat content) - 100 grams;

• tomato - 1 piece;

• bell pepper - ¼ part;

• green onions -0.5 tbsp .;

• salt, black pepper - to taste.


1. Finely chop the tomatoes, peppers and green onions.

2. Mix everything with cottage cheese and add salt and pepper at your discretion.

The indicated mass can also be stuffed with tomatoes, peppers or laid beautifully on lettuce leaves.

Recipe 5. Dried fruit salad to strengthen the immunity of a nursing mother

Ingredients (to your taste):

• dried apricots - 200 grams;

• raisins - 200 grams;

• dates - 200 grams;

• prunes - 200 grams;

• figs - 200 grams;

• nuts - 200 grams;

• honey;

• lemon


1. Soak dried fruits before use in hot water, and then dry.

2. Grind all products in a food processor and mix.

3. Season with honey and lemon juice to your liking.

The resulting dried fruit mixture can be consumed immediately, or you can put it in a closed container in the refrigerator and consume 1 tablespoon before meals.

Tips and tricks for preparing salads for nursing mothers

1. Eat only fresh salads. Violation of storage conditions can cause intestinal infection or poisoning mom.

2. Do not use any spices when cooking, they can change the taste of breast milk.

3. Do not worry that there are a lot of prohibitions. You can add any product to your diet and monitor the reaction of the child. If he absorbs food normally and no side effects occur, then calmly enjoy your favorite salads for nursing mothers.


Watch the video: Growing Healthy Babies - Stanford Children's Health (June 2024).