How to cook condensed milk at home in 15 minutes. Homemade condensed milk recipes: in a slow cooker, microwave, on gas


It is unlikely that there will be a person who remains indifferent to condensed milk.

This is such a familiar taste of childhood, which is a favorite treat for our children.

You often thought about cooking condensed milk at home according to recipes from natural products.

But they believed that this is a very complex and long technological process.

And if this can be done in 15 minutes and according to the best recipes?

Is it tempting? Let's try it.

Condensed milk at home - the principles of preparation

The most important rule for the successful preparation of any condensed milk recipe at home is strict adherence to the technology of the whole process. Any deviation in the quantity, cooking time, necessary constituent products, and not their substitutes, can lead to an unsatisfactory result.

Ingredients, which you will needI am basically the same. Only use variations vary. It:

Milk - Use homemade milk or with a high fat content, i.e. 3.2%. It must be fresh! It is also recommended to use whole milk, from which water was not removed and fat content was not reduced. You will get very liquid condensed milk if the milk had a high water content.

Whole milk powder (do not use substitute) is a powdered food product, which is obtained in the process of drying milk. On its basis, milk mixtures are prepared.

Sugar. Instead of sugar, some recipes can use powdered sugar.

Butter. Be sure to keep it fresh. Oil is necessary in order to give condensed milk fat.

Cream - It is advisable to take homemade or with a high percentage of fat content.

The process of making condensed milk at home in 15 minutes is boiling milk with sugar while evaporating excess liquid. In production, special vacuum evaporation plants are used for this. In them, milk begins to boil very quickly, which entails the evaporation of excess moisture and the gradual condensation of liquid. At home, according to recipes, condensed milk is prepared in an open way, by boiling and evaporating water with constant stirring. Therefore, if the product is liquid, then there is still a lot of water in it.

Of great importance is the way it is cooled. To obtain a homogeneous mass, immediately after cooking, place the container with the hot product in cold water and stirring to cool to room temperature. After that, condensed milk can be put in the refrigerator for thickening.

Also, a successful result depends on the quality of the products, the thickness of the pan, the intensity of the fire. Consider all these factors when cooking.

For such a treat, like condensed milk, you can not get around the issue of calorie content.

Remember: 100 grams of condensed milk contains approximately 320 kilocalories.

The range of use of condensed milk in cooking is very diverse: from eating just in its natural form to adding various cooking methods to cakes.

It can be: pancakes, pancakes, rolls, apple pie, cookie in tins, biscuit, wafer cake cake with condensed milk, as well as a huge number of cakes in which the cream is made using regular or boiled condensed milk.

Consider the most popular recipes.

1. A simple recipe for condensed milk from whole milk


• Milk - 200 ml or one glass.

• Sugar powder - 200 grams (a glass to a strip).

Cooking method:

1. We take a wide and high pan. The wider the surface, the faster and more milk will evaporate, that is, it will be respected faster.

2. Pour all the milk into it, pour the powdered sugar.

3. Put the container with the contents on a small fire.

4. After the milk boils, reduce the fire even less. Stir the milk constantly. The whole procedure should take 10 minutes.

5. Then, in a prepared container with cold water, lower our saucepan. With constant stirring, cool the condensed milk. Try to keep the water cold all the time (you can add ice).

2. A simple recipe for condensed milk powder


• Powdered milk (whole or skim) - 200 grams.

• Milk (with a small percentage of fat content, approximately 1.7%) - 200 grams.

• Sugar - 200 grams.

The resulting amount is 380 grams.

Cooking method:

1. In a separate container, mix the milk powder and sugar. It is better for this to immediately take a pot that you will put on fire.

2. Gradually add milk and mix thoroughly so that no lumps form. Use an ordinary whisk for this.

3. The resulting mixture is put in a saucepan on a small fire in order to bring to a boil.

4. With constant stirring, cook condensed milk on low heat for exactly 10 minutes.

5. Then turn off the stove, and cool the pan with the condensed milk in cold water.

6. Now you can pour the condensed milk into a regular jar and put in the refrigerator.

3. The recipe from Julia Vysotskaya ("We eat at home")


• Milk (preferably whole) - 200 grams.

• Sugar powder - 200 grams.

• Butter - 20 grams.

Received amount: 280 ml.

Cooking method:

1. Mix in a saucepan all the necessary ingredients.

2. On low heat, bring to the complete dissolution of milk, powder and butter. Use better not the most powerful burner.

3. When the mixture begins to boil, ie a foam appears, screw the temperature to moderate.

4. Continue cooking, stirring continuously.

5. The time from the moment before boiling to the end of cooking is 10 minutes.

6. Remove the saucepan from the heat and place in a bowl of cold water to thicken.

7. After the condensed milk has cooled, pour it into a dry jar and put in the refrigerator.

4. Recipe for condensed milk with cream


• Fresh cream - 200 grams.

• Sugar - 100 grams.

Cooking method:

1. Whip fresh cream in a saucepan, gradually adding the required amount of sugar.

2. Pour the resulting mixture into a pan moistened with cold water. This is done so that when heated, your condensed milk, made at home in 15 minutes, does not burn.

3. The specified mass must be kept on low heat, constantly stirring with a whisk. The required time is 10 minutes.

4. When the cream with sugar is brought to a boil, it is necessary to stir for another two minutes and turn off the burner. Cream at this time will be a pleasant yellow color.

5. After the mixture has cooled, it needs to be slightly beaten. If the mixture turns out to be too thick, put it on the fire for a while.

If the whipped cream is boiled more until thickened, then a plasticine mass will be obtained. From it you can make decorations on the cake. To taste, such condensed milk resembles bars.

5. Condensed milk in a slow cooker


• Milk 3.6% - 200 grams

• Powdered milk - 200 grams

• Sugar - 200 grams

Cooking method:

1. Mix all the products in the multicooker bowl. The mass should be homogeneous, without lumps.

2. Turn on the "Soup" mode and bring the cooked mixture to a boil. At the same time, we leave the lid open, since milk can simply escape. Do not forget to stir all the time so that nothing burns.

3. After boiling the multicooker we transfer to the "Baking" mode. The cooking time here depends on the consistency of how thick you want to get. The more time there is, the thicker the condensed milk. In our case, the cooking time is 15 minutes.

4. After the condensed milk has cooled down, most likely you will have to use a blender to give the condensed milk a uniform mass.

6. Condensed milk according to Ducan, those who are on a diet

This homemade condensed milk recipe is for people who are on a diet or for diabetics. This condensed milk has an interesting coffee flavor. She cooks in the microwave.


• Skimmed milk powder (diet product) - 3 tbsp.

• Corn starch (food supplement for thickening) - 1 tbsp.

• Instant coffee (you can take any to your liking) - 1 tsp.

• Skim milk (0.1%) - 200 ml.

• Sugar substitute.

Cooking method:

1. Brew coffee in milk, in other words, dissolve coffee in warm milk.

2. Mix all other dry ingredients to taste.

3. Add dry products to the prepared coffee and milk mixture. Mix everything and add a sugar substitute to your liking.

4. It is necessary to boil in a microwave oven with a power of 800 W, 5-6 times in one minute. Be sure to stir the mixture at intervals.

5. After the end of the process, cool the resulting product and place in the refrigerator.

Condensed milk at home in 15 minutes - useful tips and tricks

• Remember that condensed milk will thicken a lot after cooling. Consider this fact when cooking.

• Do not digest condensed milk, as it will crystallize in a few days.

• If you do not cook enough, it will harden worse.

• If you replace granulated sugar with sugar, then condensed milk will turn out to be liquidish;

• Before using condensed sugar, prepare a light sugar syrup from it. For example, dilute 180 grams of sugar in 100 mo of water. This will help the sugar to completely dissolve without leaving grains, and condensed milk will be of better quality.

• If you are concerned about strong foam on the milk, add 1 liter of milk to the soda on the tip of the knife.

• If the cooked product cools slowly, sugar crystals may form on its surface.

• When cooking, it is advisable to use enameled dishes.

You can buy condensed milk, or you can cook it at home in just 15 minutes!


Watch the video: How To Make Homemade Condensed Milk Recipe - Made with Only 2 Ingredients HUMA IN THE KITCHEN (June 2024).