2 months old baby


The most interesting thing at the end of the second month is not that the child gains from 60 to 1000 grams, and grows by 3 cm. Such processes occur imperceptibly, but the first smile that becomes his constant companion is a real miracle. A smile means that the neonatal period has moved to a new stage - development, knowledge of the world has begun, adaptation to a higher level. The baby smiled in a dream before, but in the fourth or fifth week his smile becomes meaningful and means understanding, communication, dialogue. Or maybe there is something more that we adults cannot know anymore.

One way or another, in the second year of life, the baby offers the world 4 types of smiles - from the friendly "I want to like you" to "Hurray! I coped with this task!". Girls and boys smile differently, girls already from infancy begin to flirt, turn in profile. Another reaction is the child’s interest in the world, such as "What is?". He examines objects, especially faces, with close attention, and none of his relatives doubts that the baby has intelligence, and the possibilities of his mental development are simply huge.

Child development at 2 months

From the first minutes of birth, the baby’s nervous system is in a state of development. Congenital reflexes are gradually replaced by acquired ones, coordination is developed. The baby can move and even fall, so do not leave him alone on the edge of the bed. He enjoys studying his movements, unclenching his fists and stretching his legs. At 2 months, the tone should go away, the arms and legs become relaxed. He holds the head - often turn it over to the tummy, so the neck muscles develop better. Also, turn it evenly on its sides so that muscles develop equally.

For the same reason, it is useful to rearrange the crib to the opposite wall so that it looks in both directions.
At this time, the child watches moving objects, is interested in a mobile, bright spots and generally sees further. Examining objects, he can still mow with his eyes, since the facial muscles are almost undeveloped. Over time, this should pass. At this time, children distinguish only black and white colors, listen to voices, rattle sounds and make sounds, almost sings. The emotional coloring of the crying is different - when it is hungry or wet, the sounds are different. Crying can suddenly stop - he calms himself by sucking a finger or nipples. At night, the sleep lasts 6 hours.

- he drags everything in his mouth;
- touches objects that he likes;
- likes to be in her arms;
- smiling, actively moving her arms and legs;
- Crying wrinkles his forehead and also makes active movements.

2 months baby care

Most of all at this time will have to be given to colic in the tummy and bloating. At the same time, his scream is piercing, he goes over his legs and spins. During feeding, you need to ensure that the baby does not swallow air, keep it in a position at an angle of 45 degrees, so that the air remains at the top, and then, moving the baby in an upright position, press the tummy to his chest. Relieves bouts of colic and dill water, stroking in a circle in the stomach and intestines, a warm scarf (ironed with a iron).

Before feeding, the baby should lie down on his stomach a little. Skin care is to control irritations and diaper rash, as the baby urinates more than 6-8 times a day. A scaly crust, gneiss, may appear on the head. It is removed with a swab of baby oil. Swimming is carried out almost every day. In the second month, a red rash may appear on the skin of the child, if you adhere to the rules of hygiene, it passes by itself.

Baby food at 2 months

In the period of 2 months, the main nutrition of the baby is still breast milk. The most preferred schedule is to feed the baby on demand. At least 6 times a day. Tentatively determine the amount of milk by the formula - multiply the weight by 1/6. In the same way, the feeding volume is calculated with artificial feeding. By the end of the month, the weight gain will be another 800 grams, it will grow by 2.5 cm. According to the baby’s behavior, it will be seen whether it is saturated with breast milk.

If his hungry cry is heard more often than after 2 hours, the incoming milk may not be enough. Sometimes overexcited babies are distracted from food without focusing on it - consult a doctor about the best way to calm a baby during feeding. Mom herself should be focused on the baby, regardless of whether she is breastfeeding, or from a bottle. In one feeding, the baby eats 130-150 grams of food, about 800-900 ml of milk is obtained per day. The interval between feedings gradually increases, and by the end of 2 months it already reaches 3.5 hours, with a long break at night.

2-month baby day regimen

A two-month-old baby sleeps 3-4 times, in general, it takes 8, 5 hours, and a day it’s 16-18 hours. The daily regimen for different children may vary - it depends on individual biorhythms. Someone sleeps more during the day, someone gets up earlier in the morning - but in principle, these differences are insignificant.

In order to instill the correct daily regimen, try to bathe him and walk with him at the same time, do not delay feeding. The first feeding is usually carried out at 6 in the morning, the last - at 23-30. At night, the child sleeps, some children do not even wake up. How long the phases of sleep and wakefulness can be, breaks between meals are determined according to the circumstances, depending on the temperament and nature of the baby.

Lesson with a child at 2 months

At this time, the intervals between feedings will increase, and you can pay more attention to the development of the child. At first it will be 5-10 minutes. And then even more - 10-15 minutes. The kid likes to look at contrasting objects - put on him colorful bright socks. Slip on the cuff handles alternately - first on one, then the other, then on both. The kid will begin to understand how to leave them in sight. You can also move toys in front of the child’s eyes so that he can track the movement. This helps the development of visual abilities. Tweeters are especially useful, attracting attention not only with color, but also with sound. Such a toy - a plate with a face, and on different sides of the plate - faces with different facial expressions, will also cause interest.

Turning the toy slowly in front of your eyes, you will see how the child reacts to different faces. You also need to develop the perception of sounds with the help of rattles. Sing songs to your baby and talk to him. Be sure to use your head up and down to develop the corresponding muscles. So the child looks at objects from different angles. Raise and lower it, circle and at the same time call the movement. Entering the room - call the baby, so he learns to wait for you. And, of course, the grandmother and mum’s “forty-white-sided” inherited to us, fingering your fingers, your little one will also like it. This is useful for developing speech skills. Talk with the baby, he listens to your "aha, aha," and answers with something like "agkh" and "egh."

Games and toys for children in 2 months

Bright multi-colored rattles are increasingly capturing the baby's attention. However, do not show him all at once - it is tiring. Drive from side to side rattles, emitting melodic sounds - the baby will turn the head. Insert and remove rings or colorful balls into the handle. Hanging toys over the crib, do it higher so that the baby reaches for them, but does not reach. Change toys from time to time so that they do not bother, then return them again.

Items should be bright in shape, interesting color, easy to move. In addition to rattles, you can use a lot of objects - for example, you can make toys from suspended cans, or a bag glued on all sides. Hang them over the crib so that the child can reach and hit them with his hands. Use different pictures and drawings, change them often. Alternate toys, show them after a while.

Medical observation at 2 months

At 2 months, you need to carefully monitor increased excitability, increased urination, baldness in the neck. All this may indicate a lack of vitamin D, D-deficient rickets. If such symptoms manifest themselves clearly, you need to consult a doctor who will prescribe an increase in the dose of vitamin and a change in nutrition. The nervous system can also react, especially in those babies who have experienced hypoxia in the womb — oxygen starvation. This is expressed by tearfulness, trembling hands, chin, muscle tone. The baby does not rest on his whole foot, but on his fingers.

It is better to consult a pediatric neurologist, and then go to the optometrist and orthopedist. Sometimes the reason is simple - the usual habits of parents who return to their usual rhythm of life with guests, a TV and so on. When the baby is in the house, it is better to leave melodic music, abandon the constant TV and noisy guests. To stay awake at 2 months, the sliders are already dressing. Do not wrap the baby at a temperature of about 22 ° C. Woolen socks are worn only for a walk so that the child does not catch a cold. For hardening, you can leave the baby in a room with bare knees for 15-20 minutes.

Useful Tips for Parents

The kid already knows how to ask for help with the help of crying, and not always adults can understand what he is missing. Although it can be annoyed by loud sounds, bright lights, energetic touch, hunger, and so on. The language of infant crying is not easy to understand. Closely observing the baby, the mother understands when he has wet diapers or is tired.

How to calm a baby? No one knows the answer to this question. But if you give the baby a chest, some water, or put his palm on his body, he calms down. It is noticed that the children are calmed by the smell of her mother’s body, the sound of her heart and touching her skin. Remove excess light in the room, shake the baby in his arms or in a stroller.

Try to accompany your speech with rich facial expressions: raise eyebrows, open your eyes or squint them, move your lips. The child quickly joins the sign language, these movements are very useful for him, although for adults they may seem unnatural. Regular communication with the baby contributes to its rapid development.


Chris 12/07/2016
Rattles from cans also confused me

Catherine 10/16/2016
went too far with banks)) and everything seems to be true

Olga 05/06/2016
What nonsense ?? Rattles from cans ??


Watch the video: Child Development: Your Baby at 2 Months (June 2024).