Strong bruise of the hand: what to do so that there are no complications, first aid. How to cure a bruised arm quickly and effectively


A bruised arm is an injury that occurs when a person falls or hits something.

No one is safe from receiving it, which is why it is important to know how to provide first aid and conduct further treatment.

Strong bruised arm - what to do: ambulance

First of all, it must be taken into account that if there are external injuries manifested by wounds, then first aid should be given with extreme caution. There are a number of basic actions aimed at alleviating the condition after a bruised arm:

1. The place of the bruise is always accompanied by pain, so your main task is to anesthetize the damaged area. Each person has a different pain defect, respectively, and the sensation of pain can be different.

2. In the absence of bleeding, ketan, ibuprofen or aspirin should be given to the affected person.

3. In order not to form a large hematoma and swelling, you need to apply something cold, and then smear the sore spot with ointment with a warming effect.

4. The main symptom of a bruise is edema, gradually acquiring a blue color. In addition, it is accompanied by severe pain, which suggests that the functions of the upper limbs are slightly impaired.

5. An antiseptic dressing is applied to remove the tumor. A good effect can be achieved by local treatment, which will relieve pain and inflammation.

6. It is not recommended to move a damaged hand.

What can not be done

With the right first aid, recovery will come much faster. But in addition to the measures described, you should know what you can not do in a similar situation:

1. Do not warm the bruise immediately after injury. Bleeding may intensify, severe swelling will occur.

2. It is not recommended to massage and rub the injured area, especially if you are not sure that there is no fracture.

3. In no case can hematomas be opened.

4. Do not try to bend your arm forcibly.

If you cannot cure a bruise on your own, you should contact a medical institution. In order to exclude serious complications, radiography is done. If cracks or tears of the ligaments are detected, special treatment is prescribed.

A severe bruise of the hand - what to do, treatment: medicines and devices

Such injuries must be treated in such a way that there is no harm to health. After receiving a severe injury, you need to take measures as soon as possible, thanks to which you can get rid of pain and discomfort. The main rules in the treatment are as follows:

1. Place a piece of ice at the site of the injury, this will reduce pain.

2. If there is a wound, it is treated with brilliant green or hydrogen peroxide. This is done until it completely heals.

3. With a damaged hand, move as little as possible.

If a nail is injured as a result of an injury, a tight bandage is applied to it. As medications, conventional remedies are suitable:

• with severe pain, painkillers are taken;

• ointments are applied for quick healing.

Many people think that an ordinary bruise should not be treated, since the bruise was mild and there was no cause for concern. But it is still necessary to apply ointments for the rapid healing and resorption of the hematoma.

With severe bruises of the hand, it is worth contacting a medical institution. The specialist will determine the area that has been affected and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Be sure to know that it was a bruise that was received. Since if you have, for example, a fracture, it is simply necessary to go to the hospital to apply plaster. The duration of wearing plaster depends on the degree of fracture.

In order to get rid of inflammatory processes with bruises or to remove them, antibiotics are prescribed.

With bruises, the hands and ligaments can suffer, this is also an occasion to contact a medical institution. The hand in this case needs to be fixed in one position so that it does not cause even greater harm.

Additional nuances

Sometimes, along with bruised hands, ligaments also suffer. In medicine, this is called sprain. This happens as a result of sudden movements, which are accompanied by an unusual load on the hands. In no case should you suffer such pain, after taking the drug, visit the hospital as soon as possible.

In this situation, the intervention of specialists is necessary, since joints can only be cured with anti-inflammatory drugs.

An important point, after bruising the hands, is the exercise. You need to do them, but carefully and gradually. They help to quickly restore the mobility of the hands and relieve all the pain that occurs when moving.

In order to get rid of a bruise faster, it is recommended to put warming compresses. Many are prescribed massage and visits to the physiotherapy room.

A severe bruise of the hand - what to do, treatment: folk remedies

A bruised arm brings a lot of pain and trouble. In the people's piggy bank there are a lot of ways to eliminate all the unpleasant consequences after it, namely the accumulation of fluid, hematomas and swelling.

In the old days, in order to get rid of bruises, they used heat from the stove, which came after burning birch firewood. The stove was completely filled with logs, after they were burned, heat was scooped up, it was placed on the burner. A sick person lay down next to this place, so that the sore spot could warm up well. But you need to ensure that there are no burns.

There are many recipes in folk medicine for treating bruises, they are all different, many of them include medicinal herbs. Some products are recommended to be prepared and stored in a refrigerator or a cool place, and then used as necessary.

With severe bruises, it is recommended to first undergo an examination, and then apply recipes from traditional medicine.

Strong bruised arm - what to do: step-by-step instructions

If you have a severe bruise of the hand, then treatment should be started as soon as possible, without waiting for the moment when the bruise site becomes very painful and swollen.

Cramp against bruises

To prepare the medicine, take one tablespoon of warm water and two tablespoons of bodyagi. The two ingredients are mixed, after which the resulting product is applied to a sore spot. From above it is recommended to attach a bandage and bandage it. Two dressings are applied per day.


Since ancient times, this medicinal plant has been used, it relieves inflammation and anesthetizes the bruise. The affected area heals in a few days, while no complications arise in the patient.

Tear off the leaves, cut them into small pieces, and then attach to the affected area.

Plantain Ointment

To prepare it, take a small number of leaves of the plant, scroll them through a meat grinder, and then mix with butter or petroleum jelly. If you have a lot of plantain, then you can also add its juice to the composition.

Burdock Ointment

For the treatment of bruises, ointments prepared with the use of medicinal herbs well help. Burdock root ointment is the best treatment for bruises. In order to cook it, you need to take 75 grams of burdock roots, rinse them thoroughly, and then dry them.

Ready roots are poured with 200 ml of sunflower oil, the composition is infused for some time, and then cooked on fire for 15 minutes. The medicine cannot be brought to a boil. After removing it from the heat, cool well, strain and pour into a dark glass jar. Immediately after the occurrence of bruises, apply the ointment to the sore spots. The finished product is stored in the refrigerator.

Aloe leaves

Surely in every house there is this miraculous plant. It helps a lot with various injuries, including bruises. For treatment, you need to take the leaves of the plant, grease them with honey and attach to sore spots, fixing with a bandage. In order for the healing effect to be better, the leaves can be cut in half. This method is well suited for treating bruises on the hands of young children, since there will not be any discomfort or discomfort from the remedy.

Laundry soap

Take ordinary laundry soap and grate it on a fine grater, adding water and one yolk there. All the ingredients are thoroughly mixed, the mixture should look like an ointment. We infiltrate gauze with it and apply it to the place of the injury, it is recommended to fix it with a bandage on top. Thanks to this procedure, the pain will quickly go away.

Hypericum Ointment

To prepare the ointment, take fresh grass, and grind thoroughly, then mix with pork fat, if not, take butter. The finished product helps well with bruises, it is applied as a compress. For a more effective treatment, you can simultaneously take a decoction of St. John's wort.

Garlic tincture

In order to avoid the formation of a tumor at the site of injury, you need to use this tincture: take two small heads of garlic and rub them on a grater. Pour the resulting slurry with vinegar 6%. Tincture is poured into a container of dark glass and set to infuse for 7 days. The finished product is rubbed into sore spots twice a day for 10 minutes. It can be stored for no more than 8 months.

Bruises, bruises - at first glance, this is just a trifle and there is no danger from this. It is because of such reasoning that serious complications arise. Even if your injury seems insignificant to you, consult a doctor, and if this is not possible, be sure to use folk remedies.


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