Castor hair masks. How to make hair masks with castor oil.


What are the benefits of castor oil for hair

Castor oil (castor oil) is a viscous, light liquid with a slight specific odor. It contains valuable fatty acids used in cosmetology - linoleic, palmitic, oleic, ricinoleic, which are included in the composition of face creams and hair care products. About its magical effect on the hair, it was still known to the beauties of Ancient Egypt. They cajoled their hair, which made it stronger, thicker and shinier. "Kiki" - that is what Egypt called castor oil.

When applied, it is absorbed into the scalp and hair without forming a greasy film. During exposure to the mask, the oil penetrates deep into the hair follicle, filling it with nutrients, and is absorbed into the hair structure, gluing scales, from which the curls become smooth and strong. Castor oil is an effective tool in the fight against brittleness, dullness, hair loss. It relieves dandruff, heals the scalp from excessive dryness or greasiness. Do not give up castor masks if you do not like the smell of oil. For a more pleasant aroma, add 2-3 drops of any essential oils to the mixture - pine, grapefruit, pink, lavender, etc.

Castor masks: indications and recommendations for use

If your curls are exposed to daily exposure to a hot hair dryer, “ironing”, monthly discolor or dye, castor masks should be done weekly for prevention purposes, so that the hair does not thin out and get injured. In this case, it is not necessary to make complex masks, it is enough to apply heated castor oil, which is bought at the pharmacy. The duration of the preventive procedure is 40-60 minutes.

If there were problems with the hair - they began to fall out, fade, break, dandruff, itching appeared - a more intense effect is required. Additional ingredients are introduced into the mask - kefir, alcohol, herbal tinctures, vitamins, medicinal plants, etc. The duration of such masks is several hours - from two to eight (left overnight), the amount is two procedures per week.

The hair with the applied composition is covered with polyethylene and wrapped in a towel. Wash off the mask with ordinary shampoo. Oil is not always washed out the first or second time, so soaping should be repeated. The appearance of the hair improves after the first mask, the problem is radically eliminated by regular exposure for one to two to three months. Especially when it comes to hair loss. For masks use only natural ingredients - if honey, then natural, if milk or sour cream, then rustic, from the market. Eggs are also desirable to use homemade.

Castor masks can transform not only problem hair, but also eyelashes. To do this, they should only be combed every evening with a brush dipped in castor oil. The role of the brush can be performed by a brush from used mascara, which must be thoroughly washed.

Castor dry hair masks

1. From dandruff. Mix olive, castor oil and shampoo (all components 1 tbsp each), rub into the roots. Distribute the remaining mixture through the hair. Keep an hour.

2. To strengthen and revitalize the hair. Mix one part of the oil - castor, olive and burdock (usually take a tablespoon). Add ten drops of vitamin A, the oil solution of which is sold at the pharmacy. Lubricate the scalp by massaging it for about five minutes. Lubricate the hair with the remaining oil mixture, distributing along the length. If possible, keep the mask all night.

3. For weakened and damaged hair. Take a large spoonful of castor oil and natural honey, introduce two yolks, mix. Rub into the roots, massage. Apply the rest of the mask to the hair, keep at least 2 hours.

4. The healing mask. Freshly squeezed juice of one lemon mix with 4 large tablespoons of castor oil. The mixture is applied to the hair, lasts 40 minutes. Frequency of use - once every ten days. The mask restores the structure of the hair.

Castor masks for oily hair

1. From dandruff. Mix equal amounts of calendula tincture (sold at the pharmacy) and castor oil in equal parts. Rub into skin and hair roots. Wash your hair with shampoo after 40 minutes. Calendula tincture will help relieve itching and inflammation.

2. To strengthen the roots. Mix half a glass of warm kefir with a large spoon of castor oil. Rub part of the mask into the roots with massaging movements. Lubricate hair with the rest. Keep at least an hour. Kefir contributes to the normalization of the sebaceous glands, along with castor oil - heals the hair itself and gives it shine.

3. For hair growth. Grind a teaspoon of liquid honey with yolk, add a large spoonful of castor oil, lemon juice and pepper tincture. They buy tincture in a pharmacy or make it themselves: in a glass of vodka, two things of red hot pepper are insisted for 10 days. Mask for an hour.

Castor masks for normal hair

1. From dandruff. Take a small spoonful of vinegar (6%) and glycerin, add 2 large tablespoons of castor oil and yolk. Mix the ingredients and rub into the roots with light movements, massage for five minutes. Leave on for 2 hours on the hair. The mask fights against dandruff and nourishes the scalp.

2. This mask will help stop hair loss. It is necessary to take in equal parts alcohol (vodka) and castor oil, carefully mixing them, rub into the roots. The effect of the mask is enhanced by prolonged exposure to the skin. Therefore, it is advisable to leave her for the night. If circumstances do not allow this, keep at least two hours.

3. For thick hair. The mask helps to activate dormant hair follicles and stimulate hair growth from follicles. In addition to castor oil, aloe and onion juice will be needed. To obtain juice, wash the fleshy leaf of aloe, and finely chop it after removing the sharp spikes. Fold crumbled pieces into cheesecloth and squeeze juice. His mask will need only one tablespoon. Squeeze the juice from the onion in a similar way, only the onion is ground on a fine grater or blender into gruel. Combine aloe juice and two large spoons of castor oil and onion juice. Rub into the roots. Leave on for at least two hours.


marina 10/30/2016
and if you mix mustard with a peel, what will happen?

Vika 04/03/2016
I’ll definitely try to make a mask with castor oil! I've read so many positive reviews! But even our grandmothers used these recipes, and often their hair can only be envied.

Yaroslav 04.04.2016
I recently made a mask with vodka and castor oil, as if by magic, my hair stopped falling out. And in general, they began to look much better, healthy ones shine. And that I was afraid of this castor before ...

Mila 04/03/2016
It’s not at all difficult to wash the smell off the hair. At once you wash with shampoo and that's all, there isn’t any smell. But a very good result from such masks. And if you add aloe juice, onion juice to it, then in general there will be no price for this mask.

Alena 04/03/2016
She made a mask for general hair strengthening, with kefir. I like it. True, I did not use it regularly ... If I did it more often, then the effect would be better. I also want to try for growth, with honey and pepper tincture.


Watch the video: How to Grow Longer and Thicker Hair. Castor Oil. DIY Hair Mask (July 2024).