Borsch without meat - for fasting, diet and vegetarianism! The best recipes for borsch without meat with beans, mushrooms, lentils, sauerkraut


Who believes that borsch without meat is no good?

He just does not know how to cook it!

There are tons of vegetarian recipes for a popular dish with unmatched flavors.

Such borscht are perfect for fasting, dieting or just to diversify the dining table.

Borsch without meat - general principles of cooking

It is not necessary to cook borscht without meat on the water. You can always use mushroom or vegetable broth. Everything is clear with the first, but how to cook the second? You just need to boil onion in water, coarsely chopped carrots with a bay leaf, peppercorns. And then strain.

The main components of borsch:

• tomatoes, tomato paste;

• beets;

• fresh, pickled cabbage;

• onions with carrots;

• potato.

Most often, borscht is cooked with sautéed, that is, with a separate frying of root crops. It is made with added fat. Vegetable oils are used for fasting.

For a variety of tastes, mushrooms, legumes, eggs are put in borsch without meat. As in other first dishes, spices and herbs are used for refueling. Serve borsch with sour cream, garlic pampushkami or just bread, crackers.

Recipe 1: Meatless Borsch with Red Beans

Beans are a vegetable protein. And it is great for cooking vegetarian meatless borscht. We will use red beans, which are preferably soaked overnight with cold water.


• 200 grams of beans;

• 200 grams of cabbage;

• 2 tablespoons of tomato paste;

• 1 bunch of greenery;

• 200 grams of potatoes;

• 200 grams of beets;

• 40 ml of oil;

• 80 grams of carrots;

• 80 grams of onions;

• 1 bell pepper;

• spices.


1. We wash the beans soaked in the evening, change the water and cook until soft. Then the broth needs to be drained.

2. Grate coarsely carrots, cut the onion. Fry together for a minute. Pour oil all at once.

3. Add the grated beets and fry together. Then put the paste, diluted in half a glass of water, and simmer the vegetables for 10 minutes.

4. Pour water into the pan, you can immediately take boiling water. It will take about 2.5 liters.

5. Let it boil, salt and pour the chopped potatoes.

6. After 5 minutes, put the beans, after another as much, add vegetables from the pan.

7. The last is shredded cabbage with bell pepper. We cook borsch until vegetables are completely soft. Since tomato is added, they will not boil over quickly.

8. At the end, put more salt to the desired taste, throw the chopped greens, bay leaf and turn it off. Let the borscht brew.

Recipe 2: Meatless beetroot soup with beetroot

An ordinary and simple recipe for delicious meat-free borsch. It will help out when you need to urgently cook something. For cooking, you need 2 pans, which will additionally reduce time.


• 2 tomatoes;

• 300 grams of cabbage;

• 200 grams of beets;

• 2 liters of water;

• 2 onions;

• 1 medium carrot;

• salt and other spices;

• bay leaf and greens;

• a little vinegar and oil;

• 3 potatoes.


1. Immediately put the water, let it boil, pour the diced potatoes. Solim.

2. In one pan, pour 3 tablespoons of oil, put the peeled and grated beets and fry for a minute. Pour a little boiling water, you can from the pan. Add a drop of vinegar and simmer until soft.

3. In the second pan, fry the chopped onion, then send the carrot and grated tomatoes to it. We also simmer this roasting until the vegetables are soft.

4. As soon as the potato slices reach half-ready, we send slaw cabbage to the pan. Cook until completely soft.

5. Spread the contents of both pans in borsch, simmer for two minutes over low heat.

6. We fill the borsch with spices, herbs, throw the bay leaf and turn it off.

Recipe 3: Meatless Borsch with Forest Mushrooms

Mushroom borscht without meat is a real fairy tale! For cooking, we will use dried mushrooms (white, chanterelles and any others). Soak them in advance in cold water for at least three hours.


• 100 grams of dried mushrooms;

• 300 grams of cabbage;

• 1 large beetroot;

• 2 onions;

• 1.8 liters of water;

• 1 carrot;

• spices;

• butter;

• 3 tablespoons of pasta.

Potatoes as desired.


1. Rinse pre-soaked mushrooms, fill with water and boil for 10 minutes. Then we change the water to 1.8 liters of pure boiling water and cook the soup already.

2. Fry onions with carrots, which are cut randomly. Add the chopped beets. We fry together.

3. Add tomato paste, can be replaced with tomatoes. Stew all together.

4. 12 minutes after boiling the mushrooms, add the cabbage to them and cook until soft. Solim. If you cook mushroom borsch with potatoes, then you need to lay it for 7 minutes before cabbage.

5. Put the contents of the pan in a pan, boil for a couple of minutes.

6. Add the remaining spices to your taste, herbs and turn off. Mushroom borsch should be infused on the stove for half an hour so that it reveals all its aromas.

Recipe 4: Meatless Borsch with Green Peas

For the preparation of such borscht canned peas are used. Which is very convenient and fast. At the same time, the product dilutes the taste of borscht well and visually makes the dish much more attractive and interesting.


• 3 potatoes;

• 250 grams of cabbage;

• 1 each: beets, carrots and onions;

• 0.5 cans of peas;

• 30 ml of oil;

• spices;

• a little parsley;

• 2 tomatoes.


1. Peel the potatoes, cut into strips, throw into the pan.

2. After 5 minutes, lay the slaw, salt, cook over very low heat, do not let it boil actively.

3. Fry in the pan all the root crops, cut into strips. Alternately, after a minute, one after another: onions, then beets and last carrots.

4. Add grated tomatoes without skin and simmer for 10 minutes.

5. We spread the frying to the already cooked cabbage with potatoes. Let’s boil.

6. Throw green peas, again let it boil.

7. It remains to fill the dish with herbs, aromatic spices and all!

Recipe 5: Green borsch without meat with sorrel

Sorrel borsch is a wonderful dish not only for summer. Today, greens are sold at any time of the year and you can always indulge in a vitamin dish. The only thing to remember is that such borsch does not like reheating, so it is better to cook it at once.


• 1.5 liters of water;

• 3 tablespoons of oil;

• 2 potatoes;

• 3 eggs;

• 1 carrot;

• 2 plates of chopped sorrel;

• 1 onion;

• greens and a leaf of laurel;

• salt.


1. We clean the vegetables. We cut the potatoes into cubes, cut the carrots and onions finer. We cut greens. Sorrel needs to be sorted out, rinsed and just cut on the board with slices of 0.5 centimeters. Too finely not needed.

2. Run the potato slices into a pot of boiling water.

3. After 3 minutes, put the carrots, followed by onions and cook all together until tender. In the middle, do not forget to salt.

4. Separately, boil the eggs. We clear from a shell. Cut into cubes.

5. Run sorrel, greens into the pan, pour in a little oil to make the dish tastier.

6. Throw a laurel leaf and you're done! Turn off.

7. Put the boiled and chopped egg in a plate, fill it with green borsch and serve with sour cream.

Recipe 6: Meatless Borsch with Sauerkraut

A feature of this borsch is a bright taste and pronounced aroma, which gives sauerkraut. Many people love the dish with it and do not recognize other recipes.


• 2 potatoes;

• 2.5 liters of water, you can vegetable or mushroom broth;

• 1 carrot;

• beets 1 little thing;

• 2 tablespoons of tomato;

• 350 grams of cabbage;

• 40 ml of oil;

• greenery;

• salt, lavrushka.


1. In boiling water we throw potatoes cut into cubes, boil for 5 minutes.

2. Add the sauerkraut. If it is too acidic, then you can rinse or just squeeze the brine. Cook until soft.

3. While preparing vegetables in a pan, do the frying. To do this, pass the chopped onion in oil.

4. As soon as the onion becomes transparent, we throw the chopped carrots, fry for a couple of minutes.

5. At the end, put the grated beets and cook together until well toasted.

6. Add the tomato diluted in a small amount and simmer the vegetables until completely soft.

7. Put the sauté in the pan, boil the borscht for several minutes, put the greens, throw the bay leaf, bring the salt to taste and that’s it! You can turn it off.

Recipe 7: Meatless Lentil Borsch

Lentils are prepared much faster than beans, also great for borsch, but for some reason they add it extremely rarely. Probably just no one is unfamiliar with this wonderful recipe. But this is easy to fix! A dish without potatoes, but you can add it.


• 0.5 cups of lentils;

• 1 big beet and 2 little things;

• 1 onion;

• 3 tablespoons of tomato paste;

• 2 carrots;

• 300 grams of cabbage;

• 5 tablespoons of oil;

• greens, salt;

• 1 pepper;

• a little vinegar.


1. Rub the peeled beets, put in a small saucepan, pour half a glass of water, a teaspoon of vinegar and simmer, covered with a lid, until completely soft.

2. Wash the lentils, pour into a saucepan with boiling water (about two liters). Cook until half ready.

3. Shred the cabbage, send to the lentils. Now you can add a little salt.

4. Cut the onion, fry in a pan with butter.

5. Once the onion slices become transparent, add the grated carrots and fry together.

6. Add tomato paste and finely chopped peppercorns to the vegetables. We cook everything together until soft. If the mass begins to fry ahead of time, then you can pour a little water and just put out.

7. As soon as the lentils and cabbage reach readiness, add beets to them. Let’s boil.

8. We shift passerovka. Let’s boil again.

9. Now chop the greens, prepare a bay leaf, ground pepper, any seasonings. And all together we send to the pan. Turn off.

Borsch without meat - useful tips and tricks

• Borsch will be very bright and red if you add a little vinegar or a few crystals of citric acid when beetroot.

• Fresh borsch is not very tasty. And if the tomatoes did not give enough acid, you can add a little lemon juice to the pan or put a slice of citrus on a plate.

• To give the dish a pleasant aroma of mushrooms, it is not necessary to boil the broth. You can grind a couple of dried mushrooms in a coffee grinder, fry together with sauté and put in a pan. And the vegetarian borscht will have a completely different flavor.

• Sorrel can be put not only in green borsch, but also in ordinary. The leaves will add the first dish of the missing acid and eliminate the need to put lemon juice, pour vinegar.

• The most delicious borsch is the one that managed to brew. It is recommended to cook the dish 1.5 hours before dinner, so that the tastes of all the ingredients combine.

• Garlic mushrooms - the best addition to borsch. But there is not always time to put the dough, wait until it fits and bake. There is an alternative! Cut slices of stale bread into cubes, mix with grated garlic, drizzle with butter and dry the aromatic crackers in the oven!


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