Constipation - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment


Constipation represents a stool delay of more than two days. Constipation can be safely called a frequent health disorder. Constipation is more common in children and the elderly.

Constipation - Causes

The causes of constipation can be very diverse. Very often, the cause of constipation is the neglect of the need for bowel movements due to banal employment. If a person has hemorrhoids, due to which pain constantly arises during bowel movements, then this is also one of the possible causes of constipation. Quite often, constipation is caused by an incorrect diet, relatively low activity, constant stress, and regime changes. We must not forget about the insufficient intake of fluid, which is simply necessary for the human body.

Antidepressants, diuretics, narcotic drugs, some medications are all some of the causes of constipation. Often, constipation occurs in infants who receive artificial feeding. In this case, the reason is a very thick nutrient mixture. As for the elderly, they have constipation due to the fact that the muscles of the abdominal cavity become much weaker over time.

Constipation - Symptoms

Among the main symptoms of constipation can be noted the unpleasant sensations of intestinal overflow, a constant feeling of pressure in the rectum. If a person feels increased gas formation, then this is also one of the symptoms. It is highly recommended to seek medical help if during constipation a change in the shape of the feces is noticeable, while it takes the form of balls, ribbons or thin tubes. It is also better to consult a doctor when only liquid and mucus are able to exit the anus. If during such a disorder there is an increase in temperature, loss of appetite, gas formation, abdominal pain, then it is best to consult a doctor. With constipation, there may be hospitalization if it is accompanied by very strong bloating, as well as the inability to exit gases.

Constipation - Diagnosis

First of all, the diagnosis of constipation involves a thorough questioning of the patient about his lifestyle, what he eats and much more. If necessary, laboratory tests can be performed. One of the most popular are biochemical research, coprological research, a general blood test. During the diagnosis of constipation, an abdominal cavity as well as a small intestine X-ray may often be needed.

Constipation - treatment

During the treatment of such a disorder, the main task of the attending physician is to exclude the presence of hemorrhoids and anal fissures or some other serious causes of constipation. The doctor without fail gives a recommendation on proper nutrition and, of course, the regime of physical activity. As a treatment, some suitable laxative may be prescribed. An enema or suppository can also be attributed. Soft laxatives or suppositories can temporarily relieve constipation. But it is highly discouraged to use them on an ongoing basis, if there is a desire to establish the proper functioning of the intestine, since addiction can develop very quickly and the body can no longer empty itself.

As a preventative measure, it is advisable to eat as much liquid, vegetables and fruits, as well as whole grains, as food. Fastening foods, in other words, foods that can cause stools, should be avoided. It is necessary to minimize the amount of carbonated drinks in the diet. The same goes for coffee. You need to constantly play sports. You must constantly comply with your regimen and eat food 3-4 times a day. If there is a urge to defecate, then in no case do not need to put it off.


Watch the video: Constipation: Causes and Symptoms - Mayo Clinic (July 2024).