Shampoo at home - natural cosmetics for your hair. How to make shampoo at home - recipes


If you are concerned about the quality of the components of commercial shampoos that your family uses daily, then you are not alone.

More and more people are thinking about how to make shampoo healthy for your hair.

And in solving this problem, a shampoo made at home will help you.

Make shampoo at home: is it possible?

Very often, cosmetic shampoos contain aggressive detergents and other harmful substances - sulfates, parabens. Look carefully at the label before use.. Be sure to check the safety of the shampoo when buying in the same way as you check any other products.

The first ingredient should be water, other natural ingredients are olive oil, coconut oil, sucrose and menthol.

If any component does not suit you, then you can think about how to make your own shampoo at home.

Despite the fact that it will contain fewer ingredients, and will not have the same foaming when used, but it will clean the hair and scalp as well.

The ingredients that add to the smell are ultimately not so good for your overall health. In addition, the home option is more cost-effective.

How to make shampoo at home: recipes for dry hair

Dry Hair Care Tips:

- wash less often: in summer - 2 times a week, in winter - 1 time per week;

- water should be soft and warm;

- shampoos should be used without alcohol, but with additional nutritional and moisturizing ingredients;

- it is not recommended to dry hair with a hairdryer;

- it is useful to rub oil (olive, castor, etc.) into your hair, heated in a water bath.

Consider the most popular shampoo recipe: take a bar of soap weighing 200-50 grams and rub it on a regular grater until completely chopped. Add 1 liter of water and stir. To add a smell, add 5 drops of any aroma of essential oil. Shampoo is ready!

You will be surprised, but the most convenient and safest way to wash your hair is washing with ordinary drinking soda. Having an alkaline environment, soda, when dissolved in a liquid, perfectly washes hair, body, neutralizing all harmful acids that are released through the skin. For hair of medium length and density, you need to take 1 tbsp. soda, dissolve it in hot water and add warm water for normal temperature. The total volume should be 1 cup. Then apply such a solution to the entire length of wet hair, massage a little and rinse. In the end, do not forget to rinse your hair with lemon water. Hair perfectly washed.

Consider another basic shampoo recipe.which is recommended for dry hair.

Composition: 0.5 tbsp. water, 0.5 tbsp. mild liquid soap, 0.5 tsp vegetable oil.

Cooking method: mix all the ingredients together, being careful not to foam. Pour shampoo into a clean plastic container. Use it as you usually do, remember to shake it every time before use. Further rinsing with a 1: 1 solution of water and apple cider vinegar will help protect hair from hair loss and give it shine.

The included vegetable oil is very beneficial for dry or damaged hair. Do not use oils for oily hair. Given that such hair is susceptible to damage, the shampoo used should also strengthen your hair.

Very good olive oil recipe. It consists of 0.5 tbsp. water, 1 tbsp. liquid soap and ¼ cup olive oil. Instead of butter, you can use coconut milk.

Tip: try adding your favorite essential oils to any of the recipes and use the aromatherapy effect to cleanse your hair.

Individual aromas or combinations of them are best suited for this:

1) for dry hair - chamomile, mandarin, orange, lavender, tea tree, ylang-ylang, rose;

2) for oily hair - lemon, mint, pine, juniper, geranium, eucalyptus, cloves, sage;

3) from dandruff - tea tree, lavender, eucalyptus, rosemary, grapefruit;

4) from hair loss - mint, coriander, rosemary, ylang-ylang.

When making shampoo for dry hair, you will need ingredients that nourish them with extra moisture. This, for example, chamomile tea, olive oil, essential oils of tea tree, peppermint, rosemary.

Make tea. Brew 1 tbsp. chamomile flowers in boiling water for 10 minutes. Strain the tea with a strainer and set it aside to cool. Use it instead of water when preparing any kind of shampoo.

Brown bread and water - these are the components of a simple, but healthy and good shampoo. 2-3 slices of bread without a crust, preferably dried, grind and pour boiling water. For a more positive effect, you can use infusions of herbs (chamomile, nettle, grass). Wait a bit for the crumbs to swell. Next, use a blender to turn the mixture into a homogeneous mass. This will save you from the problems of washing out the bread particles. To enhance the effect, you can add aloe vera juice, which is very useful for weak and brittle hair, you can add vitamins A and E (lemon juice is suitable for oily hair). The method of application is also very simple: we apply the resulting mixture with a brush or hands to the head, rub it with massage movements, and then rinse thoroughly. Instead of bread, you can use rye flour.

Egg Shampoo. As an option, you can just beat a few eggs and apply this mixture on your head. Then, with usual movements, wash your hair and rinse with slightly acidified water. Eggs nourish curls well, make them soft, add volume to hair. It is important not to use too hot water, otherwise the protein may curdle.

Very helpful kefir shampoo. To which, if desired, you can add olive oil and egg yolk.

How to make shampoo at home: recipes for oily hair

General tips:

- wash your hair no more than once every 5 days;

- water should be soft;

- rinse hair thoroughly;

- the hair begins to oily quickly if you wear a tail pulled together with an elastic band for a long time, or constantly hide them under a headscarf or hat.

- mix 2 yolks with 2 tsp. lemon juice or vinegar. Rub the indicated mixture into the hair and leave for a few minutes. Rinse while showering with warm water.

- Add 6-8 drops of citrus essential oil to your shampoo.

For oily hair, it is recommended to use egg yolk and cognac. In order to make such a shampoo you need to take 1 - 2 yolks and add 1 tbsp. l cognac. Beat the yolks with a mixer (or fork) until foam and pour cognac. It is advisable to hold this mixture for some time on the head to enhance the effect, and then rinse with non-hot running water.

Mustard Shampoo. 4 tbsp mustard powder must be diluted with the same amount of ordinary mineral water or just water. The composition is distributed through the hair, and then washed off. Mustard has a warming property, because it perfectly stimulates blood circulation. It is also believed that after using such a shampoo, by the way, as well as after a soda shampoo, the hair will need to be washed less often, without prejudice to their appearance. But this fly in the ointment too. Some girls observed irritation of the scalp and uncomfortable tingling.

Gelatin Shampoo. It very well envelops hair follicles, gives the effect of home lamination. It is enough to mix 2 tbsp. gelatin and 250 ml of water. Instead of water, you can use a tincture of herbs that is suitable for your type and structure of hair. After the mixture has swollen, add egg yolk or 50 ml of your regular shampoo. It is better to hold the product on your hair for 30-40 minutes. Since gelatin mainly consists of protein, it perfectly fights the problem of hair loss. Since its main purpose is the restoration of damaged curls. Frequent use of such shampoo is not recommended.

White clay hair shampoo. It will also help in the fight against hair loss. To prepare it, you need to take 5 tbsp. clay (you can buy in a pharmacy) and dilute with water to get a mixture similar to sour cream in consistency. Apply to hair and leave for 25 minutes. Then just rinse with water.

Making shampoo at home: causes of failure

When considering how to make shampoo at home, you are convinced of the simplicity of this process. And the reasons for the failures may not lie in the preparation process, but in whether you will be satisfied with the result.

It could be:

1. Individual intolerance to some components.

2. Lack of familiar foam and desired flavor.

3. Inconvenience in the consistency of the mixture or in the fact that additional efforts must be made, for example, pulling bread crumbs out of the hair.

4. Hair stiffness. The result still depends on the structure and type of hair.

5. The result may be affected by the fact that your hair is colored or not.


1. Be sure to shake the prepared shampoo before use, so that all components are completely dissolved in water.

2. To enhance the effect, massage the scalp for at least 2 minutes.

3. Do not wait for the result immediately, give the hair a few weeks to adapt to the changes (it may take 2-3 weeks or more).

Shampoo, which is made at home, is completely safe for all types of hair and nourishes your hair with natural oils, unlike most commercial shampoos. And as you have seen, making it is very simple.

Try it and enjoy the result!


Watch the video: HOMEMADE SHAMPOO - Shampoo for all hair types Ι TaraLee (June 2024).