Crisp in the oven - easy! Recipes of delicious and crispy potatoes in the oven: in a rustic, Swedish, and others.


Almost everyone loves potatoes. And each family has its own recipes for cooking this vegetable.

It is fried, boiled, baked at the stake and steamed.

Potatoes are also stuffed with various fillings of meat, sausages, mushrooms, fish or vegetables.

Another common way to cook potatoes is baking.

Few people will be able to refuse the potatoes cooked in the oven if, to all this, it is also crispy.

Cooking potatoes in the oven is simple and it does not take much time.

In the oven, the vegetable does not lose its beneficial properties and vitamins.

The starch contained in it improves digestion and stomach function, and potassium contributes to the growth of vitality. If you cook the potatoes correctly and following all the tips, then you can safely serve it as an independent dish.

Oven crisps - general cooking principles

• Choose a potato with yellow or red peel for cooking.

• Wash the potatoes thoroughly before peeling them.

• Do not keep peeled potatoes in water for a long time, so as not to wash all the starch.

• Cut the potatoes thinly.

• To make the potato crispy, boil it for two minutes in water.

• Dry the chopped potatoes with paper towels before baking.

• Add salt at the end of cooking, preferably.

• Preheat the oven before cooking.

• Serve the dish after sprinkling it with herbs.

Oven crisp - classic recipe


• four potatoes;

• three cloves of garlic;

• salt;

• dried thyme;

• litere of water;

• pepper;

• four tablespoons of olive oil;

• dried rosemary.

Cooking method:

1. Peel the garlic, rinse and grate with small holes.

2. Pour olive oil into a bowl, add pepper, rosemary, salt, garlic and thyme. Mix the ingredients and cover.

3. Remove the marinade for two hours.

4. Potatoes washed, peel with a sharp knife and cut into thin plates.

5. Pour water into a saucepan and bring it to a boil. Dip the chopped potatoes in boiling water for three minutes.

6. Remove the boiled potatoes with a slotted spoon and transfer to a colander. Allow the water to drain.

7. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.

8. Dip the potatoes in a bowl of marinade and mix gently.

9. Then lay the vegetable in one layer on a baking sheet.

10. Fry the potatoes, turning, 20 minutes until golden brown.

11. Serve with cheese or garlic sauce.

Crisp in the oven with spanish sauce


• 900 g of potatoes;

• two tablespoons of dried rosemary;

• pepper;

• five cloves of garlic;

• eight tablespoons of olive oil;

• salt;

• eight tablespoons of mayonnaise;

• half a lemon;

• two tablespoons of Dijon mustard.

Cooking method:

1. Take medium-sized potatoes and wash them. If the vegetable is old, peel it.

2. Cut the potatoes into two halves and dry it.

3. Put the slices of vegetable on a baking sheet and pour them with six tablespoons of olive oil.

4. Salt the potatoes, pepper and season with rosemary.

5. Mix everything with your hands and send to the oven preheated to 200 degrees for 40 minutes.

6. For the sauce, peel and squeeze the garlic. Add lemon juice, mayonnaise, mustard and the remaining olive oil to it. Shuffle everything until smooth.

7. Periodically remove the potatoes from the oven and stir them so that they are crispy on all sides.

8. Put the prepared vegetable on plates and pour it with pre-prepared sauce.

9. Beef or pork cooked in the oven will be combined with such a dish.

Swedish crisp in the oven


• 9 potatoes;

• breadcrumbs;

• 120 g of cheese;

• salt;

• 80 g butter.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the potatoes and peel them under running water.

2. Wipe each vegetable with a kitchen towel.

3. Place the potatoes one by one on a spoon and cut them into thin slices without finishing the knife. The edges of the spoon will not allow the knife to fall through to the end. Get something like an accordion.

4. Cut solid butter into two two centimeter layers.

5. Insert each slice of oil one turn into a potato.

6. Cover the baking sheet with foil and lay the potatoes.

7. Bake the dish in the oven at 220 degrees 25 minutes.

8. After the elapsed time, remove the pan. Salt the potatoes and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Return the dish to the oven for 20 minutes.

9. 10 minutes before cooking, sprinkle each potato with grated cheese.

10. Once the cheese has melted and browned, remove the potatoes from the oven.

11. Serve the dish with red onion, soaked in vinegar and canned peas.

Rustic Oven Crisp


• nine tubers of new potatoes;

• a spoon of salt;

• four cloves of garlic;

• pepper;

• two tablespoons of sunflower oil;

• a spoon of dried oregano;

• sweet paprika.

Cooking method:

1. Wash vegetables thoroughly and wipe with napkins.

2. Cut each potato lengthwise into several pieces.

3. Put the potatoes in a bowl, add the oil squeezed through a press of garlic, salt, oregano, pepper and paprika. Shuffle everything so that the spices are distributed over each piece of potato.

4. Cover the baking dish with parchment paper and lay the pieces of potatoes away from each other, leaning the side with the skin against the parchment.

5. First bake the potatoes at 180 degrees for half an hour. Then increase the heat to 220 degrees and cook the potatoes until golden brown.

6. Serve hot as a main course or as a side dish for breaded chicken.

Crispy stuffed potato in the oven


• six potatoes;

• a spoonful of butter;

• 140 g of ham;

• pepper;

• a spoon of wheat flour;

• salt;

• one onion;

• parsley;

• green onions;

• egg;

• chilli;

• 60 g of cheese.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the potatoes with a brush and boil them in their skins. Then drain the water and cool the vegetable.

2. Rinse green onions and parsley, shake from excess moisture and chop finely.

3. Peel the onion, and cut into small cubes.

4. At the ham, remove the film and chop it into cubes.

5. Fry the onion and ham until butter in butter.

6. Grate the cheese and put in a bowl. Add the ham and onion fries, parsley and green onions. Shuffle.

7. Boiled potato, peel and cut in half. Gently pull out the inner pulp and cut it into cubes.

8. Add the flesh of the potato to the cheese and ham. Stir again by adding salt and peppers.

9. Fill the potato halves with the filling and put them together.

10. Then roll the potatoes in flour and dip in the egg mass, which previously beat.

11. Spread generously the baking sheet with vegetable oil and put the potatoes on it, again pre-roll them in flour.

12. Cook the dish until golden brown, periodically turning the potatoes.

13. Serve stuffed potatoes as a main course with greens.

Oven crunchy potato


• 1.1 kg of potatoes;

• caraway seeds;

• breadcrumbs;

• sour cream;

• salt;

• two tablespoons of vegetable oil;

• garlic;

• greenery;

• paprika is sweet;

• dried thyme.

Cooking method:

1. First put the oven at 220 degrees to heat up.

2. Then peel the washed potatoes and cut the vegetable into slices.

3. Pour the vegetable oil into the container and place the pieces of potato in it. Mix well.

4. In another bowl, combine caraway seeds, salt, breadcrumbs, paprika and thyme.

5. Dip each potato slice in spices with breadcrumbs and place them on a baking sheet in a row,

6. Send the potatoes to cook for 40 minutes in the oven. Stir once during cooking.

7. In a bowl, mix chopped garlic sour cream and chopped herbs. It will be a potato sauce.

8. Serve the dish, laying it on plates with sauce and slices of bread.

Oven crisp in potato


• seven young potatoes;

• vegetable oil;

• onion;

• mustard sauce;

• greenery;

• salt;

• garlic.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the potatoes thoroughly with a brush.

2. Heat the water in a pan and boil the potatoes in it for two minutes.

3. Then transfer the vegetable to a colander and pat dry.

4. Pour two tablespoons of oil into a bowl. Add peeled and finely chopped onions, squeezed garlic, herbs and mustard sauce. Stir until smooth.

5. Cut the potatoes into slices and dip each slice in the marinade.

6. Spread the potatoes peeled down on a baking sheet.

7. Send the dish only to the oven preheated to 200 degrees.

8. Bake the dish for 20 minutes.

9. If necessary, pour the dish with vegetable oil and bake until golden brown for another 15 minutes.

10. Potatoes prepared in this way will go well with vegetable salad or fish.

11. Spices for this dish, use any to your taste.

Oven crispy plates with spices


• four potatoes;

• dried rosemary;

• four tablespoons of olive oil;

• a mixture of provence herbs;

• red ground pepper;

• salt;

• dried thyme;

• spices for potatoes;

• 1.3 l of water;

• garlic.

Cooking method:

1. Rub the garlic into a bowl. Add olive oil, salt, spices, Provencal herbs. Also sprinkle red pepper, dried thyme and rosemary. Stir everything with a spoon and let it sit for an hour.

2. Peel the potato, and cut into plates.

3. Boil chopped potatoes for two to four minutes in boiled water, then dry it.

4. Put the potato plates on a baking sheet in one even layer and pour them with the mixture prepared in advance.

5. Preheat the oven and send the potatoes to bake.

6. Once it becomes crispy, remove the pan from the oven and serve the potatoes to the table.

7. The dish is combined with meat salads and snacks.

Crispy Potato in the Oven - Tips and Tricks

• Planned potatoes will be even crisp.

• For cooking, use any spices and seasonings to taste.

• Cover the baking sheet with foil or parchment paper if desired.

• Use vegetable or olive oil for cooking.

• Turn the potatoes over several times using a spatula.

• To prevent the potatoes from hardening, serve them hot.

• Serve as a side dish if desired.


Watch the video: Ultimate Oven Baked Potato Wedges. One Pot Chef (July 2024).