The best recipes for children's birthday: simple, healthy, tasty. How to treat kids in the children's birthday?


To spend a home birthday for a child - no easy task.

If you want to arrange a real holiday with the invitation of guests, then you will not be able to get by on duty cake, soda and fruit salad.

We'll have to break your head and show remarkable culinary skills, so that both guests and myself the birthday boy was satisfied with the treat.

However, everything is not as difficult as it may seem.

Of course, you will have to take advantage of special recipes for children's birthday parties and master several techniques of the original serving dishes. But it will turn out to be a real holiday, which will bring a lot of pleasure not only to children, but also to adults.

Children's Birthday Recipes - General Cooking Principles

The main rule of recipes for children's birthday is not to give children anything harmful, potentially dangerous. Accordingly, the choice of ingredients for snacks, main hot dishes and sweets is significantly reduced. What can be used?

The list is simple: bread, butter, natural ham, chicken, beef, vegetables, cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt, fruit. From this simple set you can build not only a beautiful, but fabulously beautiful and delicious table.

What should be discarded: bony fish, coarse liver, mushrooms. Be careful with the eggs! Be sure to ask your parents if your child is allergic to eggs or nuts, if such products are in the selected recipes for children's birthday. All these products are allergens. Naturally, no mayonnaise, canned food, purchased confectionery with a long list of E-preservatives on the table should be.

Principles of cooking:

• meat must be chopped, soft. Allowed to use high-quality sausages;

• snacks easier to do "one bite", that is, in the form of canapés;

• sauces can be made on the basis of fresh natural yogurt or soft cottage cheese, mixing with greens, grated pickled cucumber, a drop of ketchup or soy sauce.

Snack for children's birthday "Chicken roll with fruit sauce"

Excellent, simple and budget recipe for children's birthday. Fresh sweet chicken meat will liven up a wonderful sweet-and-sour cranberry-orange sauce. Frozen berries and fresh fruit can be found in the supermarket all year round.


• four hundred grams of chicken breast fillets;

• five pieces of dried apricots;

• five prunes;

• two hundred grams of soft cottage cheese;

• thirty grams of gelatin;

• a bunch of dill;

• half a spoonful of ground nutmeg;

• a pinch of black ground pepper;

• half a kilo of frozen cranberries;

• two hundred grams of granulated sugar;

• medium orange;

• 50 ml of water;

• a pinch of ground allspice.

Cooking method:

Prepare gelatin according to the instructions. Pour water, after swelling dissolve on a small fire. Do not boil!

Dill chopped.

Soak dried fruits.

Put curd, dill, pepper and nutmeg in the bowl of the blender.

Beat until smooth.

Pour into the curd mass half of the gelatin, mix.

Put whipped curd on a sheet of foil or cling film and form a "sausage". It will become the center of the roll.

Put in the fridge for an hour.

Cook chicken fillet.

Remove the meat, cool, chop and put in a blender.

Fold chicken until smooth.

Put in a separate dish.

Salt, add nutmeg, ground allspice, the remaining gelatin.

Mix everything and also put in foil or film.

Smooth chicken paste with a layer no thicker than one and a half centimeters.

Cut the swollen dried apricots and prunes into thin strips.

Spread dried fruit on meat.

In the center to put the frozen curd core.

Minimize the roll, put in the fridge for four hours.

Before serving, cook cranberry-orange sauce.

Pour boiling water over orange.

Remove the zest and squeeze the juice.

Beat cranberries with sugar in a blender.

Pour water into cranberry puree, boil for five minutes after boiling.

Add the zest and orange juice, boil for another five minutes.

Cut the roll, serve with the sauce.

Appetizer for children's birthday "Rice balls"

The simplest, useful, tasty snack that three-year-olds can take hands, and five-year-olds impale on skewers. One of the best snack recipes for children's birthday party.


• two hundred grams of boiled rice;

• one hundred grams of semi-hard cheese (Dutch, Gouda, Edam);

• two eggs;

• 150 ml of heavy cream;

• a bunch of fresh greens;

• some flour;

• a glass of crackers for breading;

• a glass of vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

Grate a piece of cheese finely.

Chop the greens (parsley, dill).

Cream pour into a saucepan.

Add cheese crumb.

Melt the cheese on low heat, stirring the cream constantly.

Pour boiled rice and greens into a saucepan, mix.

Mass cool.

Form balls the size of a walnut.

Beat the eggs.

Flour and crackers scatter on different plates.

Heat the oil in such dishes so that the ball can be drowned there.

Dip the rice balls into the flour, then into the egg, roll in breadcrumbs.

Fry the balls in deep fat until golden brown.

Put on paper towel to stack excess fat.

Transfer to dish. If you lay out a snack in one layer, then each ball can be chopped with a skewer. Another option is to file the balls in a slide, so that the children themselves take them with a fork, hands, or skewers.

Appetizer for children's birthday "Green Omelettes"

Original funny spinach and cheese omelets - a delicious snack dish for kids over five years old. To this recipe for children's birthday did not disappoint, you can "rehearse" it shortly before the holiday.


• four chicken eggs;

• a pack of soft cottage cheese (250 grams);

• one hundred grams of semi-hard cheese;

• thirty grams of fresh or frozen spinach;

• a little parsley;

• a clove of garlic;

• salt pepper;

• oil for the pan.

Cooking method:

Greens finely chop.

Wash the spinach, for two minutes pour boiling water over it.

Large piece of cheese grate.

Chop garlic.

Put eggs, chopped greens, garlic, half of garlic crumb into a blender bowl, add two tablespoons of cold water and beat.

Heat a small skillet (23-25 ​​cm in diameter) over the fire and brush with oil.

Divide (approximately) the entire volume of the egg-cheese mass into three parts.

From one third omelet mass bake egg pancake.

To do this, pour the mass into the pan, spread over the entire surface, fry for three minutes.

Carefully turn over and fry on the other hand for another two and a half minutes.

Put pancake on a large dish.

Fry two more omelets, oiling the pan.

Cut the spinach into small pieces, put in a blender.

Add the cottage cheese and the remaining cheese.

Salt a little pepper and beat until smooth.

Spread the green stuffing over each omelet.

Twist the three omelet "tubes", wrap a film so that they do not open, and send in the refrigerator for two hours.

When serving, cut into pieces with a thickness of three centimeters.

Main course for children's birthday "Chicken Nuggets"

Children love American fast food for precisely this - the original, child-friendly serving, simple taste and joyful sense of celebration. A great recipe for children's birthday - fried golden chicken slices. You will not have to fry them for a long time: half an hour, and you can regale yourself.


• a pound of chicken fillet;

• two hundred milliliters of heavy cream;

• one hundred grams of sesame seed;

• breadcrumbs;

• a little pepper;

• salt;

• oil for the pan;

• a jar of natural yogurt;

• two or three spoons of mayonnaise;

• a bunch of fresh greens;

• pickled cucumber;

• half a cup of ketchup;

• two cloves of garlic;

• spoon-other honey;

• a spoon of not sharp mustard;

• half sweet bell pepper.

Cooking method:

Cut chicken fillet.

Salt meat, pepper a little.

Put the fillet in a bowl and pour the cream. Marinate whenever possible, ideally - about four hours.

Remove the meat from the cream on a paper towel, dry.

Roll each slice in breadcrumbs, then in sesame.

Heat the oil, fry the pieces until a delicious golden crust.

Offer the children four sauces: the way they enjoy different tastes. But at the same time to arrange a competition: determine the components of each sauce.

First sauce: natural yogurt with salt, chopped dill, parsley and a piece of grated garlic.

Second sauce: homemade tomato ketchup mixed with a spoonful of sour cream, half of grated fresh bell pepper.

Third sauce: honey mixed with mustard (mustard slightly, for flavor).

Fourth sauce: in equal parts, mix sour cream and mayonnaise, add the grated pickled cucumber, garlic clove.

Do not forget to prepare prizes for each winner of the competition program!

Main course for children's birthday "Potato boats"

The traditional recipe for children's birthday, which many mothers love for simplicity and guaranteed success in children.


• six large potatoes;

• tender meat minced beef and pork (about three hundred grams);

• one hundred grams of cheese;

• fifty grams of butter;

• spoon of vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

Preheat oven to 220 degrees.

Cover the baking sheet with foil, brush with oil.

Wash potatoes, peel, chop in three or four places with a fork and bake.

Fry minced meat.

Cool the cooked potatoes completely.

Cut each potato into halves.

From each half with a spoon, very carefully remove the middle parts to make hollow "boats".

Picked out the middle pieces, finely chop and fry a little in butter.

Cheese grate finely.

Mix roasted potatoes with cheese, salt and pepper.

Put the stuffing in the "boat" so that turned slide.

Bake for about fifteen minutes.

You can cut into thin triangles from cheese or Bulgarian pepper and make sails for boats.

Sweet recipes for children's birthday "Banana Cheesecake"

Without dessert, name day is not a name day at all. Especially for little sweet teeth, a simple and delicious recipe for children's birthday.


• three hundred grams of ordinary inexpensive cookies;

• one hundred grams of butter;

• 250 grams of soft cottage cheese;

• 180 grams of low-fat sour cream;

• two bananas;

• two eggs;

• bag of vanilla;

• two spoons of white flour.

Cooking method:

Crumble cookies in a blender so that it turns into flour.

Melt the butter.

Pour the butter into the cookies, mix.

Lay the baking sheet with a sheet of foil, brush with oil.

Distribute tightly sand base in shape, make low bumpers.

Cottage cheese, sour cream, bananas mash in a blender.

Add vanillin, eggs, flour, beat again until smooth.

Heat the oven to 200 degrees.

Pour the banana mass onto the sand base.

Bake the cheesecake for thirty to forty minutes.

As soon as the edges become golden, turn off the oven.

Cool the cake, then hold for 10-12 hours in the refrigerator. It is better to bake a cheesecake on the eve of the holiday and send it overnight on the shelf of the refrigerator.

Serve in portions to each guest, pouring caramel syrup or garnished with whipped cream.

Dessert for kids Birthday "Fruit in chocolate"

They are all the simplest recipes for children's birthday, this is the easiest and most effective.


• ten strawberries;

• five to six peaches;

• as many apricots;

• five nectarines;

• six plums;

• a piece of melon;

• chocolate bar (two can be).

Cooking method:

Fruits cut into small slices.

Leave the strawberries whole.

Remove the bones from the plums and use the halves.

Melt chocolate in a water bath. It is important that the bottom of the dishes, where the chocolate is heated, do not touch the water.

Pour chocolate into pieces, heat, stirring constantly.

Do not allow heating above sixty degrees. Otherwise, the chocolate mass will not harden.

Dip fruit and berry pieces in chocolate, wait for freezing, chop on a skewer and arrange into a dish.

Kids' Birthday Snacks - Tricks and Tips

  • Small children can make sandwich canapes, chop on a skewer a piece of buttered bread, cheese, ham, cucumber. Older guys can eat real flat sandwiches. Instead of bread, you can use fresh baguette, apple, pancakes, cracker, toast. The main thing is to make each canape or sandwich the same in size and shape.

  • As a filling for sandwiches, you can use Bulgarian pepper, lightly salted fish, boiled high-quality sausage or sausage, marinated corn, other vegetables from my mother's winter stocks, soft meat.

  • Feeding juice or water, you can tie a cute souvenir trinket to the leg of the glass. Kids will be pleased with the gifts. Make souvenirs the same, so that no one was hurt.

  • For very young guests, you can cook tiny steam cutlets and soft mashed potatoes. But to submit such an ordinary dish can be interesting. For example, put two hedgehogs on a plate. For decorating children's dishes make good use of bright vegetables of different colors and olives.
