Fish oil - its benefits and harms for children and adults. Useful properties of fish oil, its possible harm to the body


Absolutely everyone heard about fish oil.

In addition, it is associated with not very pleasant sensations, which come from childhood.

An image of a spoon filled with an unpleasant, oily substance with a taste appears in memory.which must be drunk.

But, if in childhood no one was interested in the benefits and harms of fish oil, now the moment has come when learn all about this tasteless product.

Fish oil: composition, calories, as used

The main components that predominate in fish oil are omega-3 and 6 fatty acids. Exactly their human body cannot produce on their own. And they are very important for a person. Fatty acids are the main source of energy that is needed for the proper functioning of the heart muscle. Plus, they have a strengthening effect on the walls of blood vessels. Also, these substances prevent the development of atherosclerosis, do not allow cholesterol to form and be deposited in the body, and reduce blood pressure.

In addition to fatty acids, this unique product includes such substances:

1. Vitamin D: helps the body absorb phosphorus and calcium, which are necessary for the growth of strong bones. In addition, the vitamin helps a person cope with stress, fight with depressive states.

2. Vitamin A: has a beneficial effect on the skin, nails. Improves vision, prevents the development of allergies to a particular product.

3. Stearic, capric, acetic, butyric acids.

There are several ways to take fish oil, the benefits of which are invaluable. It can be a liquid form of fish oil, capsules and a natural look, namely fresh high-quality seafood.

Do not take fish oil before mealsbecause it threatens indigestion. If you are the owner of a fairly weak body, then fish oil should be changed to simple fish, which contains all the beneficial substances, albeit in smaller quantities. Eating fish is allowed at least once a week. Eating 150 grams of seafood at a time is enough.

Fish oil has a high calorie content: 900 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Fish oil: what are the benefits for the body?

Fish oil is popular with beneficial properties. It has a unique composition that makes this product a cure for many diseases, as well as an effective prophylactic. Why take fish oil?

1. In the fight against rickets.

2. Improves vision.

3. Fights diseases affecting the skin and nails.

4. It has a positive effect on the body in the treatment of such diseases: thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis.

5. Improves memory.

6. Helps to cope with depression.

7. Strengthens the immune system.

Fish oil is intended not only for internal use, but also for external use. It is part of creams, masks. Cosmetics that contain this substance, relieve irritation, moisturize the skin, making it velvety and tender.

Reception of fish oil constantly without interruptions is not recommended. Therefore, you need to drink it in courses, about three times a year for 1 month.

Fish oil for children: useful or harmful?

All the positive properties of fish oil, which are listed, affect the baby’s body:

1. This product improves the ability of children to absorb information, which positively affects their mental development and the level of intellectual coefficient.

2. Fish oil also benefits hyperactive children: after taking the medicine, they become assiduous, learn to concentrate.

3. A positive effect on the development of fine motor skills of hands: children learn to write faster.

4. Children who are about half a year behind their peers in their development catch up with them after taking fish oil for 3 months.

5. Fatty acids do not allow stressful situations to have a negative effect on the child’s nervous system. This is possible due to the fact that the natural production of serotonin, the so-called "hormone of happiness," is stimulated. It is he who is able to improve mood, which is important in adolescence, when children are very susceptible to various situations.

6. Able to remove cholesterol from the body, burn excess fats. This prevents the increase in body weight of the child in connection with the consumption of foods that violate the metabolism.

7. Fatty acids are also able to strengthen the immune system, prevent the development of asthma, allergies. They make the child’s body more resistant to various infectious diseases.

8. Prevents the development of rickets in a baby, has a positive effect on the growth and development of teeth, bones.

9. Improves vision, makes it possible to correctly navigate in the colors of the world. Makes hair and nails strong.

10. Vitamin E is essential during puberty.

It can be easily concluded that fish oil is very beneficial for children. Both young children and teenagers. The main condition for taking this drug is compliance with the dosage and rules of administration.

Fish oil: what is the harm to health?

Could such a unique product, which has an invaluable effect on the human body, have any contraindications. Naturally, it can. What kind of fish oil does harm? What contraindications does it have?

1. Individual intolerance to seafood and fish.

2. Diabetes mellitus.

3. The increased content of iodine in the body.

4. Diseases of the stomach and digestive system.

5. Diseases of the liver and kidneys.

6. The acute form of cholecystitis.

7. The acute form of pancreatitis.

8. Vegetovascular dystonia with signs of low blood pressure.

9. Tuberculosis.

Fish oil harms each person individually. Therefore, before taking this medicine, you should consult your doctor.

In case of an overdose when taking fish oil, the following side effects can be observed:

• vomiting;

• diarrhea;

• exacerbation of pancreatitis;

• bad smell and taste in the mouth.

In any case, the benefits of fish oil are much higher than the harm.

For pregnant and lactating mothers: the harm and benefits of fish oil

The benefits of drinking fish oil during pregnancy are great. It contains all the substances necessary for the expectant mother and baby. If you take this product correctly and constantly, then the course of pregnancy will be easy, and the fetus will develop correctly.

Pregnant fish oil - benefit:

1. Strengthens the immune system, which is weakened in women during pregnancy.

2. Positive effect on the cardiovascular system.

3. It affects the nervous system, prevents the development of a depressive state.

4. Relieves inflammatory processes in the placenta.

5. It has a positive effect on the condition of nails and teeth.

6. Prevents the development of severe toxicosis.

Fish oil has a positive effect not only on the body of a pregnant woman. He also has certain properties that benefit the fetus:

1. Improves blood flow in the placenta, thereby contributing to good nutrition of the fetus.

2. Increases fetal weight.

3. It is a prophylactic against allergies.

4. It affects the formation of the nervous system, organs of vision, skeleton;

5. A positive effect on the mental development of the newborn.

Fish oil also affects the course of pregnancy. is he reduces the risk of preterm birth and late toxicosis. There are certain contraindications to the use of fish oil during pregnancy, but they are no different from the general prohibitions on this product. In any case, before you start taking this product, you must consult a specialist.

The next important stage in a woman’s life after pregnancy and childbirth is breastfeeding her baby. At this time, the woman is obliged to most closely monitor what she eats. Fish oil is not recommended for continuous use during lactation.. This is because it can significantly increase the fat content of breast milk, which will subsequently lead to an upset digestion of the child. Plus, highly fatty milk is worse excreted, so there is a risk of milk stagnation.

The daily dose of fish oil-based drugs during breastfeeding should not be more than 1 teaspoon. During the course of taking this drug, too fatty foods should be excluded from your diet. The main thing is to monitor the state of your baby. It is important not to miss any changes, for example, allergies or digestive disorders.

During lactation, it is best to take fish oil, which is released in capsules. The product in the capsule undergoes special processing, therefore, does not have any effect on the taste and smell of breast milk.

Here's a fish oil product. It has invaluable medicinal properties, is a prophylactic against many diseases.
