Lawmakers take another step towards smoking eradication


On Friday, January 25, State Duma deputies in the 2nd reading adopted an anti-tobacco bill whose goal is to radically reduce, and in the long run generally eradicate, the smoking problem in Russia.

From June 1 of next year, a ban on smoking on all types of public transport, at the entrances to stations (less than 15 meters), airports and the metro, on the platforms of suburban rail transport, in sanatoriums, catering and in hotels, will come into force.

Places specifically designated for smoking, it was decided to leave only in offices and enterprises. As for places such as state, medical, children’s, sports, educational institutions (both public and private) and religious buildings, smoking there will be completely banned from June 1 this year.

Since 2014, cigarettes will not be placed on display windows at all. Instead, only the price list will be displayed at the box office. Special departments will be created only in large stores. The sale of electronic cigarettes and chewing tobacco mixtures such as nasvay may be prohibited.

Tobacco companies will lose the right to sponsor festivals, contests and hold lotteries. Tobacco advertising will be completely banned. The interaction between tobacco organizations and public authorities should be carried out publicly.

From January 2017, accounting will be provided for the production of tobacco products, their export and import, as well as trade in tobacco products in accordance with the rules that will be established by the Russian government.

Amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses regarding fines for violation of the law are being prepared. So, for smoking in public places, some deputies propose a fine of three thousand rubles.
