Kefir diet - five types + fasting kefir days


Everyone knows about the benefits of kefir. We are accustomed to consider this dairy product not only as food, but also as an excellent therapeutic and prophylactic agent, which is indicated for problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

However, in dietetics, kefir is also considered an excellent tool for weight loss. Kefir diet is recognized as one of the most effective among all the many nutrition systems aimed at losing weight. There are various options for kefir diet.

Institute of Kefir Diet Nutrition

This kefir diet can be tried by people who are not prone to dangerous experiments with their health and prefer to trust proven methods. It is designed for 21 days and promises weight loss of 8 to 10 kg. Weight loss occurs by reducing the calorie intake to 1800-1200 kcal by eliminating or maximally reducing the amount of easily digestible carbohydrates in food, which are rich in sugar, bakery products, and potatoes. Also, the diet provides for a decrease in the total amount of fats, and at least half of them should be vegetable. Low-fat meat, fish, milk and dairy products should be consumed. It is not limited to the use of vegetables and fruits with a low content of starch (lettuce, radish, cucumbers, tomatoes, herbs, berries). The amount of liquid that is allowed to be consumed is not more than 1.5 liters (including 1 liter of kefir, which can sometimes be replaced by other lactic acid drinks), the remaining 0.5 liters is water and the liquid contained in the products. You should also reduce salt intake to 5 g per day. A prerequisite for the diet is fractional nutrition (at least 5 times a day at the same time).

Eight Day Kefir Diet

This kefir diet is very strict, because when it is observed, the human body loses a large amount of necessary products, which negatively affects its functioning. Therefore, before embarking on it, you should get the approval of your doctor, and people with any chronic diseases (especially the gastrointestinal tract) should not risk it at all.

Products that make up the daily diet with such a diet should be divided into 3-4 doses. You can’t change their composition. Sugar and salt are prohibited, but the use of water is not limited. In 1-5 days you should drink 0.5 l of kefir, as well as: on the first day - 3-4 boiled potatoes; on the second day - 0.5 kg of dried fruit; on the third day - 0.5 kg of cottage cheese; on the fourth day - 0.5 kg of sour cream; on the fifth day - 0.3 kg of boiled chicken; on the sixth day - 2 kg of fruit. On the seventh day, you can drink up to 3 liters of kefir, during the eighth day you can drink only mineral water (the amount is not limited).

At one time, this diet made a splash thanks to the famous singer Larisa Dolina, who with her help miraculously turned into an elegant beauty. Of course, the diet allows you to very effectively lose weight (from 3 to 7 kg per week). However, we emphasize once again that it is very unbalanced in its composition and is the strongest stress for the body.

Striped Kefir Diet

For those people who do not have enough willpower to restrict themselves in food for several days, it is best to try to use this particular diet. It is based on the alternation of such days: kefir day, when you can drink kefir of 1% fat content in any quantity, and a day without restrictions. With such a diet, weight loss is determined by the characteristics of the body.

Kefir-fruit diet

This kefir diet is designed for 3 days, each of which should drink from 1.5 to 2 liters of low-fat kefir and eat so many fruits and vegetables so as not to feel hunger. Such a diet is suitable for a three-day diet, which allows you to lose up to 2-3 kg of excess weight, and for fasting days.

Unloading kefir diet

Not always diets are aimed at losing weight. Sometimes they are a means of preventing the collection of extra pounds. For example, after plentiful festive feasts, many people notice an increase in appetite, the risk of restructuring the body toward eating and processing increased amounts of food increases. To avoid this, you need to be able to force yourself to turn the tide and sit for a few days on an easy unloading diet, in which the diet will look like this:

the first breakfast consists of 200 gr. kefir and a slice of dried bread;
for lunch, you can eat 2 apples and 200 gr. kefir;
dinner should be a salad of vegetables, vinaigrette or sauerkraut (150 gr.);
for a mid-morning snack it is allowed to drink 200 gr. kefir;
you can have dinner with a piece of cheese (100 gr.) and a couple of apples;
before going to bed, you should drink 200 gr. kefir or milk.

There is another option for unloading kefir diet:

  • the first breakfast consists of 200 gr. kefir;
  • for a second breakfast you can drink 200 gr. juice;
  • You can have lunch with a piece of boiled fish (100 gr.);
  • at midday, you should eat fruits (preferably apples);
  • You can have dinner with a carrot casserole (100 g.) And a piece of bread;
  • before going to bed, you should drink 200 gr. kefir.

Kefir fasting days

What are these days for? The fact is that kefir tends to significantly stimulate the metabolism. This helps to increase the energy costs of the body and, consequently, weight loss. For one “kefir” day for 5-6 receptions, 1.5 liters of fat-free kefir are drunk. You can arrange a kefir-curd fasting day, on which you also need to eat 250-300 grams for 5-6 receptions. low-fat cottage cheese and drink 0.75 liters of kefir.


Valeria 09/22/2016
Girls will help everyone lose weight without terrible diets, pills and medicines, my patients for a month dropped from 5-15 kg write only to electronic mail [email protected] I will answer everyone (in PM do not write a lot of letters useless), I answer everyone within a week because a large volume of letters

Luda 05/05/2016
I regularly arrange fasting days on yogurt, but I’m already so tired of it! (Therefore, I switched to yoghurts. I recently tried 1% yogurt from Madame Mu // I liked it very much - it’s delicious and easy, I haven’t had such tasty fasting days!%) I recommend

Lyudmila 03/23/2016
Kefir diets are very good. Of course, we must take into account our own characteristics and not wait for a miracle. And yet, many make a mistake - end the diet and start to eat (you can’t say otherwise), as if from a hungry land. Naturally, the weight is not only returning, but also gaining from above.

Zhenya 03/23/2016
I decided to sit on kefir monodiet for three days. I don’t know if there will be an effect ... But, apart from kefir itself, I don’t use anything else. While I hold on, though, the whole day is left))) But, in my opinion, it’s even more difficult psychologically. You think, oh well, I sat for two days and that's enough.

Barbara 03/23/2016
Oh god How difficult it is to cook all sorts of delicious and terribly high-calorie dishes, but I myself don’t understand what))) but I really want to achieve at least some results! You read on the Internet, everyone is on one diet, you don’t want to be a black sheep!


Watch the video: KEFIR!!! How to lose weight with kefir! Kefir Diet! kefir grains (July 2024).