If a man says he does not believe in love ...


If a man tells you that he does not believe in love, first of all, know that it will be difficult for you and be careful and patient. In the near future, perhaps you are not expecting anything good.

But, if, despite all his negative statements, your own feelings remain sincere, it is possible that everything will pay off in the future.

So, you need to be aware that it is rather difficult to build relationships with such a category of men. Since, having chosen the position of "disbelief" for oneself, a person usually gets used to it, begins to feel strong, confident and invulnerable to unpleasant "injections" of fate.

The first of the types that can reason this way can really turn out to be a cynic. Due to age or other reasons, he has not yet learned what a sincere relationship is and did not feel their seriousness. After all, the one who has never experienced it easily refuses to feel.

The second type is those who have experienced love, but do not wish to repeat. And, denying the existence of love, he feels safe - convincing himself with all his spiritual strength that everything is actually so in life. What hurt in the past painfully is, in most cases, an inseparable feeling, or mutual, but ending in a woman's betrayal, her deception, betrayal.

For all your good efforts aimed at restoring your partner’s emotional balance, these people can remain suspicious, jealous, even hostile for a long time.

If you have a person who totally denies the possibility of the existence of love - in no case should you try to convince him, to force him to accept your point of view. If you are a cynic, consider whether your patience is enough to try to “educate” him. And will such a person be grateful, will he be able to appreciate your feelings, because, most likely, he is used to using close people without reciprocating them.

If disbelief in love is just a mask of an experienced person, capable of normal human relationships, try to show your sincerity and care. Do not disappoint someone who has already been disappointed. Do not be intrusive or warlike, defending their case.


Watch the video: When a Man LOVES You, here's what he's THINKING counter-intuitive (July 2024).