Itching in the groin: ashamed to tell someone, but something must be done! Find out what can cause itching in the groin and how to get rid of it


The appearance of itching in an intimate place is a very delicate problem. Not every person decides to talk about his appearance to a doctor or a loved one. Trying to independently find out the causes of itching in the groin and get rid of it, a person resorts to radical means that are not always effective and only aggravate the problem.

To select the right therapy for this unpleasant symptom, you should find out the cause of its occurrence and eliminate it yourself or with the help of a specialist.

Groin Itching: Causes

Itching in the groin is experienced by both women and men. The main causes of the problem are the following factors:

1. Tight underwear.

The most harmless cause that can cause itching in the groin of women and men. Mechanical irritation of the delicate skin of the groin with tight clothing causes the development of contact dermatitis and the appearance of unpleasant sensations.

In addition, linen from low-quality material can trigger the onset of an allergic reaction in this area, which will be accompanied by redness, itching and rash.

To avoid problems, you should choose the right size linen from high-quality, natural materials.

2. Bad intimate hygiene.

Failure to follow the basic rules of intimate hygiene can lead to irritation of the skin in the groin area and itching. A regular shower and toilet of intimate organs will prevent this symptom.

Too good is bad too. Itching in women often develops because of the other extreme: the fair sex sin with an excessive visit to the soul, which provokes dryness and thinning of the delicate skin in the groin area. This factor can also cause itching.

3. Allergic reaction.

The reason for the development of allergies and the appearance of itching in the groin can be cosmetics for intimate hygiene, panty liners, the material from which linen is made and other factors.

Sometimes itching and allergic reactions are observed on drugs that are designed to eliminate these discomfort.

4. Diseases of other organs and systems.

Groin itching in men and women can be a sign of the pathology of other organs, such as diabetes, thyroid disease, hormonal imbalances, and liver disease.

5. Scabies.

An contagious disease that develops when a scabies mite enters the skin. The disease is accompanied by severe itching and lesion of the skin due to the vital activity of the parasite.

Scabies is transmitted through close contact with an infected person or his objects. So a child can bring scabies from a kindergarten, infecting all other family members, or a night on sheets in an unfamiliar place will turn into a serious problem.

The attacks of itching bother mainly at night, during periods of activity of the parasite, which selects places with delicate skin for its habitat: the groin area and the inner thigh, interdigital spaces, etc.

6. Pubic lice.

Pubic pediculosis used to be considered a sexually transmitted disease, but now it is known that they can be infected through sheets, towels, or when visiting a tanning bed, bath or sauna.

Pubic louse is a tiny parasite several millimeters in height that lives on the hairs of the intimate parts of the body. They can live in other parts of the body with increased vegetation (mustache, eyebrows, armpits), but more often they prefer the inguinal region.

Symptoms of pubic lice may be as follows:

- itching

- the appearance of bluish spots due to minor hemorrhages

- dark parasite excrement on linen

- lice themselves and their eggs attached to the hairs.

7. Dermatomycosis.

This pathology is a variety of inflammatory skin diseases (lichen, inguinal epidermophytosis, etc.), which were caused by pathogenic fungi.

The disease is transmitted through contact with soil, animals and people infected with fungi.

Warm and humid environment of the inguinal area contributes to the development of fungal pathology in persons with reduced immunity.

In the groin area, red spots or pustules appear, depending on the type of fungus. The disease is accompanied by severe itching and discomfort.

8. Candidiasis (thrush).

A disease that is caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. These fungi can normally live in the human body, and in the presence of certain factors, their uncontrolled growth and reproduction occur.

The disease is most often experienced by women who develop the disease against a background of reduced immunity, stress, or long-term antibiotic use.

Men become infected with thrush from their sexual partners.

Symptoms of the disease in women:

- severe itching in the groin and vagina,

- white cheesy discharge,

- soreness during urination and sexual intercourse.

Men are bothered by itching and soreness in the intimate area, whitish patches may appear on the head of the penis.

9. Bacterial vaginosis.

This disease is becoming a common cause of itching in the groin in women. A certain lactoflora is normally maintained in the vagina. If the number of lactobacilli decreases and other microorganisms appear in their place, then vaginal dysbiosis develops.

The cause of the pathology is: prolonged use of oral contraceptives, improper use of antibiotics, hormonal imbalance, uterus and appendage diseases, and others.

Pathology may be asymptomatic or with the following characteristic complaints:

- itching in the groin and vagina,

- heavy discharge with an unpleasant smell,

- pain during intercourse.

Itching in the groin and sexually transmitted diseases

Most venereal diseases are accompanied by discharge and itching in the groin area. This applies to both men and women. Consider the most common infections with itching:

1. Chlamydia

A sexually transmitted disease that causes the intracellular pathogen Chlamydia. One of the few diseases of this group that can be transmitted through linen, dishes and hygiene items.

The main signs of the disease in men are:

- itching in the groin and burning in the urethra,

- vitreous discharge

- general weakness.

Women also have burning, itching and soreness in the area of ​​intimate organs, vaginal discharge of an uncharacteristic yellowish color rarely appears.

2. Gonorrhea.

Sexual infection, which in women in the early stages is asymptomatic, and then causes adhesions and leads to infertility.

In men, the disease is accompanied by the following symptoms:

- the release of cloudy mucus from the urethra in the morning,

- itching and burning in the groin,

- painful urination,

- the appearance of ulcers and erosion on the penis.

Late treatment leads to both female and male infertility and other complications.

3. Ureaplasmosis.

These small bacteria can normally be detected in healthy people. They live in almost every third female. Men are much less common.

Carriers of ureaplasma are women, in men there are cases of self-healing from this infection.

If the disease develops, then in women it causes:

- itching and pain in the external genital area,

- inflammation of the uterus and appendages,

- atypical vaginal discharge.

In men, in addition to itching in the groin, there is pain and a burning sensation when urinating.

4. Trichomoniasis.

It takes first place among sexually transmitted diseases. The danger of the disease is its possible complications in the absence of treatment.

Symptoms of the disease in women:

- itching in the groin,

- redness and swelling of the genital organs,

- purulent discharge from the vagina with an unpleasant odor,

- pain during sexual contact.

Symptoms in men:

- itching and burning in the groin,

- discharge from the urethra and pain,

- there may be a discharge of blood from the urethra,

- the development of prostatitis and its manifestations.

5. Genital herpes.

The herpes virus is transmitted from a sick patient to a healthy during unprotected sex. The disease causes the herpes simplex virus of the second type, the signs of the disease are similar to those with the appearance of herpes on the lips.

Herpetic bubbles appear on the genitals of men and women and are accompanied by severe itching.

Groin Itch: Diagnosis

Diagnosis and search for the cause of the problem begins with a consultation with a urologist or gynecologist. The doctor collects anamnesis and assigns additional laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods to identify the cause of the problem.

If you suspect a sexually transmitted infection, the patient may be referred to a venereologist. In cases where the cause of itching is an allergic reaction, therapist or allergist deals with the treatment.

If another somatic pathology (diabetes mellitus, HIV infection, etc.) becomes the cause of the unpleasant symptom, then specialized specialists are involved in the treatment.

Cases of itching in the groin with contact or allergic dermatitis may require consultation with a dermatologist.

Key diagnostic aspects:

1. Anamnesis. The doctor clarifies the main complaints and the history of the symptom. Asks about concomitant diseases and lifestyle. Clarifies the presence of additional symptoms, inquires about similar signs of illness in other family members.

2. Inspection. During the initial examination, the state of the genital organs and groin area is clarified. The size of the lesion and the presence of lesions, vesicles or other elements of the rash in this area are evaluated.

Women undergo an initial gynecological examination to clarify the presence and nature of the discharge and the condition of the walls of the vagina and cervix.

3. Laboratory diagnostics.

Blood counts may indicate an inflammatory process in the body. An increase in the number of eosinophils suggests a possible allergic reaction or helminthic invasion.

In the general analysis of urine leukocytes can be determined if the inflammatory process affects the urethra.

In the biochemical analysis of blood draw attention to the level of glucose in the blood (with diabetes mellitus), the indicators of the enzymatic activity of the liver and pancreas.

If necessary, check the level of thyroid hormones.

Bacterial crops for flora and sensitivity can identify the pathogen and determine its sensitivity to antibacterial drugs.

Diagnostic methods used in the detection of genital infections:

• Microscopy of a smear stained with special preparations;

• Immunoassay based on the reaction of "antigen-antibody";

• Polymerase chain reaction - one of the most accurate molecular diagnostic methods;

• Sowing on the flora.

In cases where an allergic reaction becomes the cause of itching, skin tests and determination of the level of immunoglobulin E can be carried out to determine the causative allergen.

4. Instrumental diagnostics.

Instrumental diagnostics (ultrasound, MRI, CT) is performed in case of suspected complications (uterus inflammation, prostatitis, etc.) and tumor processes.

Itching in the groin: treatment

Disease therapy begins with the elimination of the cause, which caused an itch in the groin. The treatment of this symptom depends on various points:

1. In cases where itching is caused mechanical reasons (friction, scratches, etc.) or contact allergen, local therapy is used, which includes the treatment of the inguinal area with antiseptic solutions (miramistin) and the use of healing (solcoseryl), anti-inflammatory (fenistil gel) and anti-allergic (sinaflan) ointments.

2. In situations where itching is caused scabies or lice, prescribe a specific local treatment (sulfuric ointment, benzyl benzoate, Pax spray, etc.) and recommend getting rid of hair in this area.

3. In women with itching bacterial vaginosis, appoint special candles and drugs that restore the normal microflora of the vagina.

4. If the cause of the disease becomes somatic pathology, for example, diabetes mellitus, then first normalize blood sugar, and at the same time eliminate the unpleasant symptom with antipruritic ointments.

5. In cases genital infections prescribe antibiotic therapy, taking into account the sensitivity of the pathogen.

In the process of treating the underlying disease in order to reduce the severity of itching use the following tools:

• Antihistamines (zodak, loratadine, tavegil) and ointments (fenistil);

• Glucocorticosteroid ointment (hydrocortisone ointment);

• Ointments and sprays with local anesthetics (lidocaine, novocaine) and cooling components (camphor, menthol);

• Calceneurin inhibitors (protopic, tacrolimus) have antipruritic and anti-inflammatory effects;

• Traditional medicine: lotions and washing the itchy area with a solution of herbs (chamomile, calendula, oak bark).

In the process of treatment, they limit or exclude alcohol intake and adhere to the principles of healthy eating.

Early treatment will quickly get rid of the painful symptom and save you from unpleasant consequences.

Itching in the groin: prevention

Prevention of itching in the groin is the observance of the rules of intimate hygiene, the selection of high-quality underwear and monitoring your health.

To prevent the occurrence of itching caused by sexual infections, you should use barrier contraceptives and build a trusting relationship with your sexual partner.

An itch in the groin is a signal that there are some changes in the body. Well, if this is a harmless case of a reaction to a new gel or synthetic underwear.

In order to establish the cause and find the right treatment, you should visit a specialist in a timely manner.
