Belly-painting or "pregnant" body art


Pregnancy is the most fabulous and unforgettable period in the life of every woman. How do you want to remember it for life! The future mother has a lot of ideas how to capture herself in an “interesting” position, because in this wonderful period she is beautiful. The easiest way is to take a picture. But how to make it original?

"I'll draw a picture on my tummy, and photograph it." It is from these seemingly insane words that the whole art has arisen - gestational art (Gestation art). This drawing is on a clean, without bends and bulges canvas, the role of which is played by the tummy itself. One has only to turn on the fantasy and the tum will turn into a wonderful picture, which the little wizard enlivens with his pushes.

Psychologists believe that body art for pregnant women establishes the emotional connection between mother and baby. Also, when drawing with a brush, the baby and mummy receive a light massage, which is certainly very useful.

You can draw a beautiful picture yourself, but in most cases, women trust this business to a specialist.

Before you start work, you need to decide on the colors and colors in which the picture will be made, because the color can tell about the inner world of the future mother at this stage.

Color selection

• Violet is the color of joy, peace.

• Red is a color, as a symbol of readiness for the onset of change.

• Black - a signal that a woman feels fear.

• Green - says that a woman lacks the attention of a loved one.

• Blue - the color of readiness to become a mother.

Paint selection

Next, proceed to the selection of colors. To draw on the belly of pregnant women use henna or akvagrim.

Henna, unlike aquagrim, is held on the body for several days after application. Its advantage is in the saturation of colors, but the drawing will need to be washed off immediately after the photo shoot. Working with henna is more than a specialist. If you decide to embellish yourself - choose a face painting, as in the case of blots you can easily wipe them off.

Choosing clothes

The next step will be the selection of clothes.

To get a beautiful photo, it is important to choose clothes in color with a pattern. Naturally, clothes should not cover the picture. To do this, choose a bra or top gang that is very nicely in tune with the airy long skirt. You can also do without clothes, if body art goes beyond the tummy and spread throughout the body.

Picture selection

We proceed to the choice of the picture. The limit of human fantasy has no limits. You can come up with your own drawing. To do this, you can look for inspiration on the Internet, looking at the work of other mummies, if you are confident in your imagination, then the whole plot of the picture will be copyright. The most common themes of the drawings are:

Mehendi - henna painting on the basis of a circle around the navel.

Related to the time of presumptive birth and gender of the child.

Funny pictures.

The theme of our world, the planet.

No matter what color you choose, paint or theme, you and your baby will experience incredible sensations and emotions that will bring you together and will never let you forget these 9 months.


Watch the video: Mandala pregnancy belly painting (July 2024).