Why does an owl dream?


The owl is a predator, which is a generally accepted symbol of wisdom and nobility. Her appearance in a dream, according to the interpretation of dream books, promises diametrically different scenarios.

It all depends on the plot of the dream and the subtle nuances of what is happening in a dream. This article will tell you about the basic meanings of a dream with a gray predator.

Dreamed owl to what it is

A dream in which owls dream is often a good sign. However, there are not so favorable options:

  • Flying owl promises a quick invitation to an interesting place or event.
  • Sitting on a branch - promises resolution of short-term problems.
  • He dreams of a bird wagging loudly and screaming - to prosperity and happiness.
  • A predator confidently sitting on her arm promises a trip, although the journey will be near.
  • Dream Miller claims that if a dead night hunter dreamed, the dreamer would be able to avoid a serious illness.
  • I dreamed of holding her in my arms for a long time - to health problems
  • But the dead owl heralds the deliverance of the sleeper from another unfavorable influence.
  • An unfavorable sign, if the dream dreamer himself dreamed of killing a creature.
  • Dream interpretation recommends that all important events in reality ask advice from loved ones so as not to get into a temper rashly.
  • Wounded gray predator foreshadows a woman conversation with a rival.
  • To see a gray bird on a tree - to get a good place, advantageous position.
  • Dreamed of stroking a bird - for total luck in all undertakings.
  • To catch her is, to great temptation, a temptation that does not go to sleep for good.
  • The black color of the predator is related to events that will make the dreamer rethink the current state of affairs.
  • He dreams to hold a cute little owl in his hands - to move up the career ladder thanks to the successful ideas of the dreamer.
  • To hold in hands a black midnight bird - to major problems, a white one - an unexpected joy.
  • Owls with owls warn the dreamer about the realization of secret desires.
  • To see blood on a bird - by the arrival of distant relatives.
  • I dreamed how a sovushka soars high in the sky, - to make an important decision easy.
  • In a cage, to see her in a dream - to solitude.
  • To dream a owl performing in a circus - to talk about problems.
  • I dreamed that the predator flew into the house or sitting indoors - to trouble.

If you dream again in the hands

Interpretations of dream books are divided on the subject of understanding, which means if an owl dreamed in the hands of a dreamer.

Traditionally, it is understood as a symbol of intelligence and wisdom, but Miller’s Dream Interpretation treats this vision as a sign of future failure. Depending on the behavior of the bird in the dream, you can make the following predictions:

  • a bird slept in her hands - to a quiet life without emotional breakdowns;
  • pulled out of hands - to the excitement and hassle;
  • she warmed herself in her hands and got accustomed to her fingers - to outside help;
  • she grabbed her hand in a vision, was an angry and aggressive bird - to the risk of a hasty decision;
  • owl in hand in a vision to hold - to a wise decision;
  • Tsvetkov's dream book warns that in the hands of keeping a wounded owl in a dream - to a ridiculous situation;
  • dying on the hands of the bug-eyed predator warns of provocations, while if you managed to save her - wait for help from the employee.

What dreams the owl

A vision calls for discretion if a sleeping owl or owl dreams.

  • A gray owl flew into a house in a dream foreshadows the indifference of a loved one.
  • It dreamed that the owl clung to the dreamer's hair - to a long-awaited meeting.
  • Dream Vanga warns that the bird with a yellow beak is a nostalgia and awareness of past mistakes, and a gray owl with a black insert on the head - to the satisfaction of life.
  • See the owl's claws - to scandals and family discord. Long claws warn of jealousy, short - of minor household feuds.
  • On the shoulder of a sitting eagle owl to see - to the tests.
  • On his hand in a dream, an owl sits - to the awakening of the gift of clairvoyance of the dreamer. It is worth paying attention to real-life disclosure of occult abilities.
  • Hunting for rodents in a vision of an eagle owl foreshadows being in an unpleasant place, to be its prey itself - to gossip.

What a dream owl woman

A specific meaning is interpreted by dream vision books, in which owls dream of a woman.

  • To hear the hooting and crying in a dream to a woman - to the bad news about the health of family members.
  • To see a woman owl - to slander.
  • For a woman to see a bird beating in a dream through the window outside - towards pregnancy.
  • To see a dead bird shot to a woman - to romantic love experiences.
  • According to the dream book Hasse, a married woman, a hunting bird in a dream, to see - to the illness of her husband, a young girl - to the matchmaking of a poor, disadvantaged man.

The chicks promise life success woman.

White owls are dreaming of what

  • The dream promises an interesting acquaintance with a handsome man when a big white owl dreams to a woman. A small bird promises dependence on a partner.
  • A white bird in the snow is seen - to receive a serious sum of money.
  • Dead white predator - to conflicts due to interests at work.
  • A white owl flew through the window to an undeserved reward for others' efforts.
  • To see the black feather in the white plumage - to the execution of the conceived, gray - to the imminent return home.
  • It dreams that the white midnight hunter sat on her shoulder - to dissatisfaction with sex.
  • To see how she flies before sleeping in a dream - to the patronage of important people.
  • I dreamed of a white owl in a predatory paws - a merry company.


Watch the video: Dreams about Owl. Dreams Meaning and Interpretation (June 2024).