Elena Malysheva commented on the connection between selfies and lice discovered by the officials


The statement of the Kursk office of Rospotrebnadzor that one of the reasons for the spread of pediculosis among young people are self literally blew up the Internet. According to Kursk specialists, young people in the process of creating group images are closely in contact with their heads, which gives lice the opportunity to migrate from one head to another.

The memo that the agency has circulated on this occasion has caused a real panic among the teenagers and their parents.

TV presenter and doctor of medical sciences Elena Malysheva, upon learning of such a statement, was extremely indignant. Elena called the statement of Rospotrebnadzor incredible nonsense, which is even difficult to comment. The TV presenter said that people in their lives many times touch their heads, for example, during sex or “cake”, so the connection between selfies and lice is not only unsubstantiated, but also stupid.


Watch the video: Как приготовить грибы вешенки Елена Малышева в программе "Жить Здорово!" о пользе вешенок (June 2024).