The details of the quarrel between Elena Vaenga and Viktor Drobysh became known.


The name, until recently, that Elena Vaenga, who hadn’t walked off the screens over the past year, was rarely heard. The singer, who has a tendency not to restrain herself in her statements, dispersed with her producer composer Viktor Drobysh, which resulted in a sharp reduction in the ethers.

According to the head of the Night Taxi Production Center, Alexander Frumkin, it was because of her absurd nature that Elena was on the outskirts of the national showbiz.

As Frumkin told, initially he invested money in Vaengu, located in places not so remote, a Kazakh businessman Zhalgas Khasenov. Leaving him, Elena “ran over” to Drobysh, who, having connections on “Russian Radio”, ensured her a rather comfortable life.

The specific reason for the separation of Vaengi with Drobysh is not mentioned by either side. It is known that after the termination of cooperation with Viktor, the ethers also disappeared and now, in order to remind of herself, Elena needs support, both material and media. Apparently, the one who would be ready to provide it, yet.

The singer’s ex-husband, Ivan Motivienko, claims that there was no scandal between Elena and Viktor Drobysh. They just ended the contract, which was decided not to renew.

It is curious that Drobysh himself is at a loss from the situation. The composer suggested that Waenge just made a better offer.


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