Scientists told how to deal with typos


Probably every person when typing faced the problem of errors and typos. According to experts, this is not related to the intellectual abilities of a person or his inattention. The fact is that when typing on the keyboard, the human brain performs a complex of complex tasks. Essentially, typing is an automatic process. After all, the main thing that we want when typing a text is to convey the meaning, and this is exactly what the work of the brain is aimed at. Therefore, the appearance of typos is a normal thing. Scientists believe that to minimize the number of mistakes made by constant training in typing, reading and writing. Also important is regular rest.

In addition, an important problem of office workers is the ignorance of their own mistakes. Experts recommend changing the size or type of the font, as well as a little distance from work.


Watch the video: A Small Typo That Cost a Company $5 Million (June 2024).