Physical punishment of children irreversibly affect the development of their brain.


According to scientists, whipping children has a negative impact on the development of their brain. Thus, a head slap that a father or mother will weighed out in a similar way or a belt suggestion can cause severe psychological and physical disorders in the child in the future. Just one whipping per month for three years leads to serious deviations.

Studies have shown that children, who are often subjected to corporal punishment, have a significantly lower amount of gray matter in the brain, compared with their more successful partners. They cope worse with tests, they have lower IQ levels. Moreover, it was found that the punishment of children under three years of age already leads to an increase in aggression by five years. The strongest "effect" has a spanking of children 5-9 years.

Psychologists are convinced: the more mature a child is, the more difficult it is to endure corporal punishment. Scientists are convinced that it is always possible to find a common language with the baby.


Watch the video: A "normal" life. When child abuse is normal. Luke Fox. TEDxCalPoly (July 2024).