How to lose weight after cesarean section


Many women after childbirth think about how to quickly get rid of the gained kilograms and tighten the skin of the abdomen. Especially this question is relevant for those whose babies were born through cesarean section. Women who have undergone such an operation need more time to recover than in the case of natural childbirth. In addition, within two months, they must fully refrain from physical exertion.

Caesarean section: losing weight after surgery correctly

One of the obvious drawbacks of cesarean section is that after the operation a fold of skin and fat over the suture remains for a long time. Over time, the scar becomes barely noticeable, but the stomach is very difficult to remove. Weight loss also depends on what kind of incision was made during the operation. Recently, doctors have increasingly resorted to a transverse incision, after which the suture is quickly absorbed. In the process of cesarean section, the physicians also suture the abdominal muscles. Therefore, the future state of the abdomen and the press of the newly-made mother depends on the quality of the work done by the doctors in stitching the skin and abdominal muscles.

After the eight-week postoperative period, you can resort to physical exertion. Some after cesarean section suffer from diastasis - divergence of the direct abdominal muscles. In such cases, all exercises are performed in a bandage. To independently verify the absence or presence of this disease, you need to feel the press, lying on his back and lifting his head. If the abdominal muscles "fail", then there is still a diastasis.

Breastfeeding and weight loss

Many women who are breastfeeding, literally in a few months turn into slender thin. This is not accidental: extra calories go away with mother's milk. If you put the child to the chest every 3 hours, losing weight does not take long. The only condition for such a natural loss of excess weight is a rational approach to nutrition. Do not eat double meals, it does not contribute to lactation. In addition, breastfeeding already implies the restriction of some dishes that can cause allergies in the baby. Therefore, nursing mom needs to eat boiled vegetables, fish and meat, steamed, as well as limit to the maximum (and ideally exclude altogether) spicy, sweet, flour and salty foods. Of the cereals, preference should be given to buckwheat and oatmeal. Meals should be fractional, every 4 hours.

Exercise - a guarantee of harmony

If the woman after the surgery, the suture area has healed and does not hurt, you can start home workouts. When practicing, emphasis should be placed on a set of exercises for "problem" lower abdominal muscles:

Exercise number 1 "Bicycle". Lie on your back and, bending your knees, imitate cycling for 5 minutes.

Exercise number 2. Raise the legs from the floor by about 45 degrees and fix them in that position for a minute or more (as far as strength is sufficient).

Exercise number 3. Raise the legs by 60 degrees and slowly lower them without touching the floor (15 times in 3 sets).

Exercise number 4. It turns out not immediately, for this you need skill. Lying on your back, at the same time lift the legs bent at the knees and the body, make 3 sets 10 times.

Loads should be moderate. A good option would be to work out in the fitness center with a personal trainer who will select a gentle, but at the same time effective exercise program. You can also sign up for aqua aerobics, if there is free time.

How to lose weight "in between times"

After the birth of a child, not all moms have the strength and time to lose weight and play sports. But the home environment itself contributes to weight loss: taking care of an infant 24 hours a day, daily cleaning, ironing, walking with a baby, going to the clinic, cooking and other maternal duties. In addition, before going to bed and during the day, you can use special corrective creams for stretch marks. They do not give stunning effects, but they tone the skin very well. Sleep is best on the stomach - it strengthens the abdominal muscles. The first time after surgery, the bandage is desirable to wear every day.

Trying to return to the previous form, a woman should not reach fanaticism: starve, skip meals, exhaust your body with physical exertion. This will not benefit the mother, who needs a lot of strength to take care of the child, or the baby herself. Weight loss after childbirth is a natural process created by nature itself. A woman can help speed it up with proper nutrition, a mobile lifestyle and positive emotions from the awareness of the happiness of motherhood.


JuliaP 12/27/2016
It seems to me that not everyone has a big belly after cesarean :) Yes, I also had one and also wanted to return quickly to the previous form. In this regard, the linen corrective Sanck helped me a lot. At first, I used it instead of the postpartum corset. And then looking at his own built figure and motivation appeared, that it is not necessary to stand still, you have to deal with yourself.


Watch the video: Improving C-Section Recovery: The ERAS Program Helps You Heal (July 2024).