The 18 Best Relationship Tips for Women You Should Consider


So, dear ladies, how often did you burn yourself, pick up a broken heart in pieces, and cry in a pillow at night? Did you draw any conclusions from this or did you continue to steadfastly step on the same rake?

Perhaps it is still worth learning hard life lessons and changing your thinking and behavior strategy? Let's memorize these 18 tips, which would be more fair to call the rules of healthy female self-esteem.

  1. If someone does not want you, you still remain a beautiful, beautiful, smart woman. Your value is invariably high, even if his choice was not at all in your favor.
  1. No, this man should not at all strengthen your opinion that "all men are goats." The fact that he did not want to stay with you is his loss, not yours, because you will definitely find a partner much better, brighter and more worthy.
  1. You deserve a million times more, and for your sanity and well-being, you simply must not hang your nose, but, on the contrary, raise your head even higher. And you will undoubtedly feel so confident, so wonderful and so unyielding, since no one and nothing can break you.
  1. Do not let anyone dictate the conditions of your supposedly happiness. And do not let anyone gain power over you.
  1. You are the best this person could receive in your life. And if he is not able to discern a priceless treasure in you, then this is only his loss.
  1. The fact that your ex hurt you does not mean that the new person is also capable of similar actions. You need to give him a chance, and if he ruins everything, you will calmly leave.
  1. It’s not your expectations that are too high, it just cannot justify them.
  1. Ask yourself, is your relationship worth clinging to so desperately for them? Love should not be hard, difficult and painful. Love should bring you happiness, and not exhaust and drain you.
  1. Never be shy to consider a few options and open offers.
  1. It is better to spend some amazing years with someone you love and who wears you in your arms than with someone who will make you a deeply miserable and unsatisfied life.
  1. You cannot predict what will happen next month, next year, in ten years. Live in the present, watch everything that is happening around you and enjoy the current moment, and do not torment yourself with thoughts about what may happen in the future.
  1. It makes no sense to make assumptions about what a person thinks or what his behavior means - you just need to ask him about it. This is much simpler than racking one's brains by deciphering other people's words and actions, while winding up oneself because it can be quite far from reality.
  1. If it hurts right now, and it seems to you that you will never be able to fall in love again, remember that the last time you thought the same thing. Of course, you will love again, you are just afraid of the unknown. And who knows, perhaps very soon you will find the love of your life.
  1. Do not look for a fairy-tale prince, but look for a person with whom it will be easy, cozy and right - which means everything will immediately fall into place.
  1. There is nothing wrong with setting boundaries and asking for the best. In other words, if a person cannot respect your boundaries and does not want to make your relationship better, he is not worth your time or your attention.
  1. You must ask yourself if you like your chosen one as a person or do you like the very idea of ​​falling in love with him? The fact is that this makes a huge difference.
  1. If someone truly loves you, he will not make you cry. He will not use your weaknesses and weaknesses to manipulate you.
  1. Maybe right now you need not the love of another person, but a chance to learn to love yourself, to be happy and contented life on your own, and not paired with someone. Find yourself as a person and remind yourself that you are truly worthy, and then never settle for less.


Watch the video: Three Biggest Mistakes Women Make In Relationships - R Spot mail (June 2024).