Diet "16/8": the alternation of fasting and hours for food. How much can I throw off per week


This weight loss program is fundamentally different from most diets. Its essence can be summarized as follows. You can eat almost everything, but - in due time. Its main rule is reflected in the name - 16 hours for fasting and 8 hours for meals. But not everything is so simple, and to achieve the result (and this, we note 4-9 kg per ten days), it is important to know a lot of important details about this slimness event.

 Theoretically, such a regimen is not too difficult in psychoemotional terms, if you select an interval from 7 pm to 11 am for the period without food. Then you can have a snack 4-5 times:

  • 11:00 - breakfast;
  • 13:00 - lunch;
  • 15:00 - lunch;
  • 17:00 - afternoon tea;
  • 19:00 - dinner.

Not bad, especially considering how to eat (more on this later).

And it is important to note that starvation does not equal dehydration - for 16 hours, 2/3 of the daily intake of fluid should be consumed at the rate of 30 ml per 1 kg of body weight.

The effectiveness of cyclic starvation (it is also cascading, interval) is based on the following changes that occur with the body:

  1. After 4 hours, blood sugar drops and complex carbohydrates stored "in reserve" begin to be converted into energy.
  2. After 8 hours, "attention" to the available fat reservesthat also begin to split.

Naturally, if these two processes were so easy to start, losing weight would be easy.

But they are fully activated only in the mode of prolonged fasting, which the body actually learns to "recognize" on the 2-3 day of the "16/8" program. And by day 4 it accelerates to a maximum. That is why it is important not to skip meals, not to shift them in time.

The fact is that the human body is subordinate to certain biorhythms and the gastrointestinal tract, too, can be trained to work in a certain mode.

The choice of night hours for fasting is also based on biorhythms - at this time, the liver, kidneys, spleen work to the maximum ...

And continuing the theme of efficiency, it is worth noting that the 16/8 program also affects as follows:

  1. It removes toxins, waste products and neutralizes absorbed radiation.
  2. Improves intestinal microflora and the production of enzymes in the stomach.
  3. Aligns the acid-base balance.
  4. Promotes the removal of excess fluid and salts.
  5. It configures the body to put into business (energy for movement, regeneration, brain activity) all incoming nutrients, not putting off "in reserve", for example, simple carbohydrates.

Finally, after 12 hours, a massive renewal of body cells occurs. In this process, they identify in their composition unnecessary elements - defective amino acids, molecules affected by free radicals, viruses. And they’re not only destroying them, but also transforming them into specific energy and compounds that turn to cellular nutrition and rejuvenation.

AND it is important to indicate contraindications for weight loss "16/8":

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • recovery period after surgery, fracture, serious illness like hepatitis, flu;
  • the presence of sluggish inflammatory processes in the body;
  • taking drugs that change the hormonal background;
  • gastritis, stomach ulcer or duodenum;
  • type 1 and type 2 diabetes;
  • the presence of stones in the urinary system, gall bladder;
  • mastopathy
  • period of intense physical exertion.

To exit the diet, it’s enough just for a few days to smoothly move breakfast and dinner to the usual time (you can also cancel unnecessary meals, if they are usually less common).

 The daily allowance of the KBZhU should still comply with the norm. In other words, if a person lives well and does not gain weight by 2100 kcal, then the 16/8 program will not allow him to suddenly begin to absorb 3800 kcal without harm to the figure.

What you can and need:

  • skim milk, cottage cheese up to 5%, 1% kefir and other low-fat sour-milk products, including hard cheeses up to 50% fat;
  • poultry (without skin), fish, shellfish, veal, pork, lamb;
  • vegetable oil (little by little);
  • all available vegetables, fruits and greens;
  • any whole-wheat flour products (including pancakes, dumplings, bread, and even biscuits);
  • honey, a little cane sugar, maple syrup;
  • eggs
  • spices and spices, salt, soy sauce.

What can not be categorically:

  • smoked sausages (as well as smoked meat, fish and cheese);
  • Red caviar;
  • white bread and yeast dough products;
  • condensed milk;
  • sour cream, shop yogurts with sweeteners and artificial additives;
  • nuts and dried fruits;
  • chocolate (including bitter), cocoa and coffee;
  • deep fried;
  • potatoes, bananas, white rice and funchose (as the most starch-rich foods);
  • butter (plus cakes and pastries with butter cream).

For 8 hours, not only water, but also green tea is allowed, but for 16 hours - only water, without gas, at room temperature.

First day

  • Breakfast - oatmeal in milk with fruit, poached eggs on toasts with cheese and turkey ham;
  • Lunch - cottage cheese casserole with herbs;
  • Lunch - vegetarian borsch, Greek salad;
  • Afternoon snack - yogurt smoothie with wild berries;
  • Dinner - chicken meatballs with a side dish of bulgur.

Second day

  • Breakfast - fried eggs with stewed tomatoes, sponge cake with orange jam;
  • Lunch - a salad of cucumbers with tomatoes;
  • Lunch - pumpkin soup puree, carrot cutlets;
  • Snack - cherry quiche;
  • Dinner - seafood pasta.

The third day

  • Breakfast - buckwheat porridge with milk, baked apples;
  • Lunch - chicken broth with noodles;
  • Lunch - fish soup;
  • Snack - rye cakes stuffed with vegetables and chicken offal;
  • Dinner - grilled squid, fresh vegetable salad.

Fourth day

  • Breakfast - omelet with vegetables and soft cheese, cottage cheese pancakes with cranberry jam;
  • Lunch - a sandwich with cheese, boiled sausage and braised spinach;
  • Lunch - cabbage soup;
  • Snack - noodles with fruits baked in honey;
  • Dinner - pancakes with liver, berry jelly.

Fifth day

  • Breakfast - millet porridge with pumpkin, toasts with cheese and pear;
  • Lunch - cottage cheese casserole with pumpkin;
  • Lunch - mashed soup of zucchini, a salad of cucumbers and radishes;
  • Snack - mushroom risotto;
  • Dinner - a steak of red fish with a side dish of polenta.


Watch the video: Everything You Need to Know About the Keto Diet (July 2024).