10 myths that prevent women from enjoying motherhood


Each woman has her own path to motherhood. One has been trying to get pregnant for many years, and receives a baby as a reward. Another at seventeen, even unexpectedly for herself, realizes that her free life is over. And the third is just about society. After all, everyone around said that her biological clock was ticking very loudly.

With the advent of a child, a woman's life changes. Unusual feelings, new thoughts and changes in your own body are surprising. There are many previously inaccessible reasons to bliss. Instead, women seek out the negative aspects of motherhood. Yes, it will not be easy. But definitely you should not look only for negativity in some moments of mothers' life.

Myths about pregnancy and childbirth

Thoughts about sad prospects begin from the very moment that the expectant mother learns about her interesting position.

  1. I will be constantly sick

Toxicosis is the first horror story for pregnant women. Experienced mothers say that eating normally will not work. All food will come back, and will have to live near the toilet. But scientists have learned that almost 90% of women experience only short-term nausea and vomiting no more than 1-2 times a day. And it usually lasts no longer than up to 12-14 weeks of pregnancy.

Experts suggest immediately after waking up in the morning not to jump out of bed, and if you feel unwell, first have a little refreshment.

For example, have a bite to eat with apple or cookies, drink tea with lemon. And only if vomiting occurs more often 5 times a day, you should consult a doctor for medical help.

During pregnancy, you will have to eat often, but little by little, to avoid unpleasant odors and refuse some foods.

  1. Hormones will make my character worse

Yes, pregnant women have causeless tears and mood swings. Restructuring of the hormonal background in some takes an unpleasant turn. Scandals out of the blue frighten loved ones, and unexpected actions or unreasonable fears may surprise others. You just need a little patience. And to realize that such behavior is the body's reaction to pregnancy, and not a new character trait.

A surge of hormonal activity usually occurs in the first trimester, then it becomes easier to control yourself.

And experts recommend performing special exercises to stabilize mood.

  1. My body will change forever

Stretch marks, sagging breasts, lost hair, damaged teeth, wrinkles on the abdomen ... The list of changes that will necessarily be in physical appearance after childbirth is endless. But when you see young mothers with strollers on the street, for some reason there are no scary monsters among them. No one will tell by the appearance of a woman whether she gave birth or not.

After pregnancy, the body will no longer be the same.

But proper nutrition, sports and cosmetics will help you look good. But science has proven that the birth of a child has a beneficial effect on the body and helps to prolong youth. After all, nature takes care that mother has enough strength to raise her child.

  1. Something will definitely go wrong during childbirth

The next myth is the story that the birth will begin at the most inopportune moment, there will not be enough time to get to the hospital and it will be unbearably painful. Now there is so much information about the baby’s birth process that you can insure yourself against many surprises. Yes, childbirth is a painful process. But they can be facilitated if you follow all the instructions of an experienced doctor. Massage, proper breathing and modern medicine will also help. It is very important to remember that soon the pain will end. A reward in the form of a baby is a great incentive for a positive attitude.

  1. There will be problems with the baby

The worries about the health of the future baby begin to bother the woman from the first months of pregnancy. And this is normal. But to torment oneself with thoughts about a sick child is harmful. And to panic over the fact that it will not be possible to bear and give birth is unreasonable.

Modern medicine has many ways to find out how a baby feels in the belly of a future mother.

You can draw inspiration by rereading the stories of many mothers who were able to endure and give birth to three, four, and even five healthy children at one time.

First year and all life

The baby was born. And “pregnant” myths are being replaced by inventions about life with him.

  1. I can not love a child

Society recognizes the ideal image of mom. She must, before and after the birth of the baby, constantly experience the joy and pleasure of communicating with him.

During toxicosis, constant going to the toilet for long periods of pregnancy and painful childbirth, euphoria for some reason does not occur.

And the woman is afraid that she will never be able to love a newborn. But maternal feelings for a little screaming lump will definitely arise. Every woman just has her own time. An amazing moment can happen when you can see a small dot on the screen of an ultrasound machine. Or for this you will have to consider on a tiny little face mom's nose and dad's eyes after childbirth. And someone will need several months for a wave of incredible tenderness to suddenly surge. Just do not torment yourself if it did not work from the first days of conception to experience happiness from your future motherhood.

  1. Now money will always be missed

A child is an expensive pleasure. A lot of money goes to pregnancy and childbirth. You also have to buy a dowry for a newborn, diapers, expensive food. With age, more funds are needed. Money will definitely not be enough? In fact, it turns out the opposite. Children are a great incentive to earn more, to find a new source of income.

  1. You will have to forget about personal life

Many are afraid that there will be no time for themselves after the birth of the baby. Experienced mothers say that with a small child, even intimacy with her husband is difficult to implement. Yes, a newborn needs a lot of attention. Will have to change life plans and priorities. But such changes are only beneficial, because thanks to the children the world is filled with new colors. And you will definitely find time for yourself if you plan everything correctly.

  1. Build a career with a child does not work

During pregnancy and childbirth, you will not have to work for some time. At least a couple of months. And later, climb the career ladder to continue with special zeal. Not only for yourself, but also for a prosperous future baby. And to take care of the baby to attract a nanny or loved ones.

  1. But this is for life

What scares women most in motherhood? Thoughts that now until the end of his days he will have to worry about the child. After all, this is not a working draft that will someday end. And not even a pet that you can pass on to someone.

Yes, mothers are constantly thinking about their children. Together with them are going through difficult periods. Do not sleep when the baby is sick. They worry if the child does not succeed. But there is another side to the coin - good in motherhood. The joy of the first timid steps. Pride in success. Thanks for the care. Reckless tenderness and absolute love. Why is it worth becoming a mom? It is for the sake of these unique moments and disinterested feelings.


Watch the video: Pregnancy Myths (May 2024).