Review of purchased and homemade facial masks for edema


Facial edema is one of the most frequent and difficult to resolve beauty problems, the solution of which often consists in the use of special masks, both prepared according to home recipes and store-bought. And a real "pearl" in the knowledge of personal care may be an overview of the most popular, fresh and effective products of this variety.


 First of all, it is worth noting that many self-made products differ in less pronounced efficiency, in comparison with industrial counterparts. Often the result “accumulates” and the swelling becomes less and less expressive, less and less manifest, after some time, for example, after 3 weeks of regular use.

As for the advantages of home masks, here you must definitely emphasize:

  • their naturalness;
  • cheapness - most of the components are easily accessible and in total cost can not be compared with prices for storefronts.

But for a full understanding of the features of home remedies and ease of orientation among their varieties, you should carefully consider some of the most popular of them.

Grated fresh cucumber flesh not only helps with swelling, but also improves the complexion, makes the skin well-groomed, gives it a fresh look.

You can add a drop of benefit by mixing lemon juice (for oily skin) or coconut oil (for dry skin) with cucumber.

But cucumber is more than 90% water and can disappoint with low efficiency if it belongs to vegetables grown using chemicals, so this kind of mask is recommended strictly for the summer, vegetable season, when there is no doubt about the quality of the purchased raw materials.

Mask from bright orange pumpkin pulp (pre-cool and grind raw or puree in a small amount of water, but at least mix with honey) in addition to removing edema, it saturates the epidermis with vitamins and creates a protective barrier for several days from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. However, this mask is not suitable if there are at least some damage to the skin.

Great help masks from grated apples, most importantly - not very sour, but rather sweet varieties. If removing puffiness is not enough, you can add raw egg yolk - to eliminate unsympathetic dark spots. But even if the fetus is not allergic, with sensitive skin, apple fruit acids can cause irritation. Then the mask is either discarded or mixed in half with oatmeal and / or almond milk.

Quickly removes swelling under the eyes kefir mask (or natural yogurt), in which ground coffee is added to the consistency of sour cream. And if you attend to the use of such a remedy closer to the night, then perhaps there will be no need for remedies for edema in the morning. For full effectiveness, the skin should not only be cleansed, but also steamed.

 Achievements of modern science ensure high efficiency of the use of ready-made tools, the best of which are:

  • not only relieve edema at a particular moment, but also treat their cause at the most subtle, literally cellular level;
  • in parallel with solving the problem of edema, provide versatile / narrowly targeted skin care for the face (for example, nourish the epidermis with moisture, vitamins).

Unlike home-made recipes, with in-store recipes you can experience confidence in a quick, noticeable effect to the eye. Only these funds, finally, eliminate edema in severe individual cases, when old folk recipes are simply powerless.

And the high cost of the masks is really high-quality, offset by their effectiveness and low consumption for each application.

Cream mask from New Line Professional It is touted as a care product for sensitive eyelid skin with a lifting effect and the ability to correct wrinkles. That is, the removal of puffiness is only one of the points of its effectiveness, however, due to the high concentration of active substances - green tea and caffeine, not the last. Also included is retinol, olive oil and cornflower extract. You can use the product as a cream mask from the age of 25, and after 35 years it is possible to apply simply as a daytime eye cream with a course of application of 1-2 months.

Decongestant facial mask from Shalin characterized by tea tree oil as the main active ingredient known for skin properties;

  • treat irritations;
  • refresh and tone.

The fabric mask is supplemented with the cream used after it, and for the best result, according to the manufacturer, the product should be used in a course of 14 masks.

The minus is glycerin - in order to avoid drying out of the epidermis, the mask is not recommended for hot summers and winters. And it is worth considering that long-term use of glycerin is fraught with leaching of melanin, that is, lightening the skin.

Mask for traces of fatigue for the area around the eyes from the Greek brand Korres It is positioned as a 99% natural remedy containing time-tested decongestants such as extracts of cucumber and chamomile, and thanks to the presence of the ginkgo biloba plant, the remedy also rejuvenates and helps to prevent the vascular network. According to reviews, the gel mask is pleasantly felt on the face and gives an instant effect, especially for women who are generally not prone to edema and encounter this problem, for example, after tears or several times forgotten overnight not washed off decorative cosmetics.

Chlorophyll-carotene paste for the face from the Russian brand Premium belongs to powerful tools, but the removal of edema is far from its main effect. Mainly paste cares for oily skin affected by acne. The composition includes corn oil and pine needles extract. To combat edema on an ongoing basis, if the skin without problems is not the best option. But even with a difficult condition of the face, it can not be used more often 2-3 times a week and must be combined with day / evening care.

And finally, it is worth noting that in most cases the problems of edema cannot be solved with masks alone. Vitamin deficiency, hormonal disruptions, diseases of the cardiovascular system and kidneys, overweight - this is not a complete list of the factors that cause them, which must be dealt with in the first place so that facial swelling does not really worry anymore. And if they did, then the reasons are not much more serious than, say, an episodic lack of sleep or hot weather.


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