The most economic zodiac wives


Does the wife constantly cook, clean, keep the house clean every second? Perhaps she is by the horoscope Leo? So what are the most economic wives? Let's get it right.

Top 5 most economic wives by zodiac sign


There is simply no equal in their cleanliness and desire to improve everything. From morning to night, they can clean, move, iron, and cook.

At the same time, they do not show everyone what wonderful hostesses they are, because only selected people can get to their home.

Such wives do not complain about the lack of time and nerves, they always strive to keep the house clean, which they succeed without much difficulty with minimal time.


Such wives constantly monitor cleanliness, but, unlike Lionesses, they demand the same from others.

If you had the imprudence to go in shoes beyond the boundaries of what is permitted - you will learn a lot about yourself.

Such a wife can throw a scandal because of an uncleaned cup, and at the same time, she will quickly wash herself. Children are always clean and tidy, guests are met and fed, everything is in perfect order in the house of such a mistress.


Such wives strive to be household only in the house, where peace and harmony reign.

Meeting her husband, such a wife can clean the house for half an hour and prepare a wonderful dinner.

So she seeks to impress her lover with her ability to keep the house in perfect order. The arrival of guests for such wives is an occasion for a general cleaning. Even if guests come every day.

But, if problems start in the house, complaints constantly sound and someone is offended by someone - the wife will simply not do anything until the situation improves. It is worth noting that very often after a long harvest, such wives get very tired and simply fall off their feet - go to bed, or do not communicate with anyone, but temporarily until they accumulate strength.


These wives very easily and quickly distribute responsibilities among all members of their family, and they do it right, because their family is usually large, as is the house in which they live.

Sometimes they are sad because work takes a lot of time and on weekdays there is simply no way to fully clean the house, but after the weekend everything will sparkle in it.


They can get up before everyone else and clean the apartment to shine, while the households will not understand that something has changed, they will think that it was so, because they have it every day: it is clean, comfortable, it smells delicious of breakfast.

Such wives do not take offense at anything, they have something to do with the shelter of grievances, so they happily clean and wait for everyone to visit.

The most NOT household wives by zodiac sign: let's talk about the rest


With such wives is difficult.

They can clean the apartment to shine and find somewhere a stain - just panic and depression.

When they are in a good mood, the refrigerator is packed with tasty and healthy products, new exotic dishes.

When the mood is terrible - in the house everything stops for an indefinite period, then the husband has to clean up on his own.


Such wives are very peculiar.

For them, the key problem in the house is dust, and they are valiantly trying to deal with it.

This is not to say that cleaning brings them great pleasure, but they are busy doing it regularly, while trying to find out all the time where the dirt came from, where yesterday’s borsch had gone.


What they love is washing dishes and floors. Everything connected with water brings them pleasure.

But, in order not to overwork themselves, they will purchase a dishwasher and a washing vacuum cleaner.

Then certainly in their life everything will be clean and beautiful. They like to cook such wives, but more often they dine in restaurants, as they say - to show themselves, to look at others.


Such wives do not like when in their house there is something superfluous, for which it will be necessary to monitor and restore order.

They may even refuse curtains. Because they have to be washed, carpets are not acceptable for them.

Without them, they feel good, as well as without extra towels and utensils that need to be rubbed to a shine, but they will not.


They like to instruct and teach, to force them to cook various unimaginable dishes, and they themselves do not want to have anything to do with household chores, they have no time all the time, they are in a hurry somewhere, they will do it, but then.

So wait for it later until you get bored.

Perhaps it will come.


They very well create the appearance of cleanliness.

In their rooms, visually, there may be an ideal order, but if you decide to open a closet and a lot of clothes fall out of it - do not be surprised, everything is exactly the same with dishes and furniture.

It is better to never ask them unnecessary questions and not try to find out when the floor was last washed and whether the soup was fresh. This will only lead to scandal and a great offense. Nothing good will come of this venture. Humble yourself, and if you really want order and cleanliness in the house, do it yourself.


Such wives are not that once, they will simply clean with such looks that you are afraid to even approach them. And if you give a hint that it’s time to have dinner, you won’t have dinner.

They can calmly scream or cry if they don’t want to do anything in the house, accuse you of not liking and not appreciating, create a drama and just retire to their deep inner world.

What is most interesting - for a long time and with big claims. They can also vacuum up when you have an important conversation, or do laundry, but with tears in your eyes. Such they are, and nothing can be done.

But there are always exceptions to the rules and in a good family, not everything falls on the shoulders of a fragile woman, a man can and should help his wife with the housework. Knowing the specifics of all the signs of the zodiac, you can adjust to your favorite and make cleaning the house not so tragic and terrible. After all, the main thing is peace and love, and not the cleanliness of plates and socks, although they are very important. The main thing - do not take everything to heart, and your sweetheart will not do it either, but simply create comfort and coziness in the house, about which you have long dreamed, about which you asked.


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