“Mom’s Sons”: Which Zodiac Signs Are Most Attached to Their Mothers


Some of you simply cannot live without your mother, and someone is afraid of her or even feels "animal horror" at her sight. And there are those offspring who don’t put their mother in anything and are capable of being rude and rude to her without any problems.

In many ways (in almost everything) the perception of those people who happily gave you life depends on your zodiac affiliation. And you should be extremely careful about this fact. After all, it is possible in the near future, and you, as newly-made parents, will encounter similar problems.

When the children will either idolize you as the most valuable thing in their life, or simply do not pay any attention to you, as if you are an empty place.

Sisses of the Zodiac

Astrologers are one hundred percent sure that it is the child’s belonging to a particular zodiac sign that directly affects his relationship with his mother:


They love and revere their mother very much. They are capable of carrying them in their arms and giving away everything that they have, sometimes even to the detriment of their own well-being. Taurus will protect their mother until old age. And there can be no exceptions, under any circumstances (even in the most critical and difficult situations).

For representatives of Taurus, mother is truly holy and infallible in all her endeavors.

From them it is even impossible to hear at least some hint of censure at the address of your beloved mother. They are ready to easily drop all their accumulated affairs and rush to their mother to help her or just stay close.


These children simply idolize their mother. It is for them that maternal opinion is the ultimate truth. And so that no one speaks against, Crayfish will be one hundred percent sure that their mother is right and cannot be otherwise.

Crayfish try to imitate their mothers in everything in order to earn their approval and feel a “drop” of attention on their humble person.

What is most interesting, Crayfish manage to be friends with their parents.


Mothers are loved and respected. Irrationally and quite ardently, but at a safe distance. Moreover, it is worth noting that the greater the distance, the stronger are warm feelings for the mother.

Lions try to limit the influence of "ancestors" on their own lives.

Which often leads to minor and quickly subsiding conflicts. They are ready with pleasure to do everything for mother that she did not ask. With any, even the most extreme need, they are able to give their mother everything that they have available. It is interesting that Lions, until old age, dream of hearing from their mother only words of praise and approval. Although probably every child dreams of this. But not everyone hears it in their life.


They know how to be friends and be on equal terms with their mother. They constantly share various secrets and secrets with her. Without any problems, they introduce mom to their closest friends. And all this Sagittarius do not by compulsion, but of their own free will and "command of the soul."

With all this, representatives of this zodiac sign do not expect encouragement or praise from their mother.

they don’t want (and even insist) to be perceived as they really are in real life. True, there are (extremely rare) exceptions to the rules: Sagittarius can forever “tear themselves away” from their roots and swim away in free swimming in no way intersecting with their mother.


They are able to love mom as their filial duty tells them. They quite often take help, and moralizing advice from their mothers. They celebrate with them all solemn (mostly traditional) holidays and constantly show their respect to her. That's just sincere confidence and depth of relationship (warmth of feelings), as a rule, this Zodiac is not observed. Aquarians are simply not able to bare their soul in front of their mother. They lack courage and “spirit” for this. They most often try to hide their true feelings and emotional suffering.

No matter how bad and "lousy" Aquarius was, they in no case will not run to cry to their mothers in the hem.

Most often, conversations come down to a discussion of everyday problems or general (accumulated over a long time) cases.

Perhaps astrologers are mistaken and mislead the public. But it is these zodiac signs, according to verified statistics, that are extremely tender with affection for their mothers.

Of course, these people can be called sissies. But which of you does not perceive your mother as the most dear and close "creature" that only exists on our huge planet.

Indeed, almost every person, as soon as something terrible and unpredictable happens in his daily life, tries to turn to his parents for help. And often it’s to my mother.

There may be exceptions to the rules, but parents need to be protected and respected until the very last minute.

After all, sometimes you can lose a loved one in an instant, to whom he did not give due respect in the course of his whole life.


Watch the video: Zodiac Signs as Types of Mothers (July 2024).